• Published 25th Oct 2013
  • 2,280 Views, 6 Comments

Desicions - Starswirls Beard

Pinkie is hesitant to take her relationship with Applejack to the next level even after a year. Does AJ have what it takes to stick with it?

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Chapter 1

The chime above the door to Sugar Cube Corner was drowned out by the moans of two mares as they made their way into the sweet shop. As soon as they entered one broke away, securing the multiple deadbolt locks and ensuring their privacy. Pinkie Pie let out a squeal of delight as she felt teeth nip her tail at her dock, sending a jolt of pleasure racing along her spine. With a giggle she turned to face her marefriend, muzzle fading into a stern look.

“C’mon silly, we have to get to my room. I promised the Cakes there’d be no hanky panky while they’re away on vacation. At least, none in the bakery!”

With bouncing steps Pinkie didn’t wait for a response. She led the way up the stairs to the second floor, making sure the wiggle her rump enticingly all the way. Excited pants followed her every movement. She knew that it would only be a matter of time before she felt strong forehooves envelope her hind quarters, and that thought sent her poofy tail swishing erratically. Barely through the door to her room she felt hooves grip her soft pink rear, bringing her in close and allowing a hot wet tongue to slide across the balloon trio on her flank. She gasped at the contact; there were few things she loved more than the feel of her cutie marks being touched. Shivering, she pulled the both of them over to her bed and lay across it so that she could drink in the sight of her love.

Applejack’s hat had been discarded somewhere along the way. Her red ties were also missing, allowing her blonde tresses to spill free. She crawled along the bed to straddle the baker, her face framed by the gold locks. Blush colored her features making her freckles stand out and to Pinkie Pie, she could not have looked more beautiful if she tried. She reached out and caressed the farm pony, bringing the two chest to chest. Leaning down Applejack nibbled her right ear and Pinkie could feel her lips curling into a smile as cool breath caressed her, causing it to twitch in response. Her mind filled with joy at having this wonderful mare pressed against her in all the right ways. Laughter bubbled up from the depths of her consciousness and exploded outward, her high voice chiming like bells.

Applejack looked down into the ocean blue eyes of her mare below her. Whenever she looked at Pinkie there was a sparkle in her eyes that belonged only to her. The two spent the afternoon in the orchard working amongst the trees harvesting and seeing the baker covered in sweat had done nothing but work her up somethin’ fierce. Very few ponies could keep up with her on a good day, and having the enthusiastic mare bouncing amongst the rows of trees as though playing a game only she knew the rules to had set the farmer’s heart a-flutter. Getting a look at the muscle rippling beneath that bright coat as she bucked each tree had set AJ on edge. Pulling a cart loaded down with fruit back to the bakery had been torturous; Pinkie insisted on bouncing the whole way, setting her ample rump swaying and jiggling. Applejack had caught glimpses of the delicious treasure hidden underneath that fluffy tail, and she wanted nothing more than to taste her mare.

Bringing herself back to the present AJ pressed herself into another passionate kiss, tasting the sweetness of the other mare’s lips and savoring the feeling. She ran her tongue along the soft lips before forcing her way inside. The two battled for dominance before Pinkie gave in with a moan. Applejack explored every inch of the hot passage, swirling and sucking on the other mare’s tongue. Breaking away she trailed kisses along Pinkie’s jaw, nipping and licking at her exposed throat. Each time she was rewarded with a moan Applejack lingered in that area, hoping to draw out more of the delicious sounds. Her hooves wandered down the soft and shapely barrel, settling on the balloon trio and squeezing. Her licks and nips started trailing downward across the soft pink chest, each moan and shudder encouraging her until she felt a hoof on her shoulder, pushing her away.

Pinkie shivered as she felt the cool air on her coat where Applejack had been. As much as she wanted to let things continue she wasn’t quite ready to take this step.

“Jackie, wait...” Pinkie panted.

“Somethin’ wrong sugarcube? I didn’t hurt you did I?” A small frown creased Applejack’s features.

“No, it’s not that. It’s just... if we don’t stop now I don’t think we will and I’m not sure if I’m ready for this yet.”
It felt as if all the air had suddenly been sucked out of the room. Applejack would have taken it as a joke if the other mare didn’t look so serious as she said what was on her mind. Shifting so that she was on Pinkie’s side, AJ ran a hoof through her dishevelled mane.

“You sure sugar? I don’t want you getting the wrong idea or anything, I ain’t trying to rush ya’, but it’s already been close to a year and every time we get this far we stop. Don’t ya’ll trust me?”

Pinkie couldn’t stand to see the pain in those brilliant green eyes, and cast her glance away. “It’s not that Jackie, you know it’s not that. I trust you with my life! I’m just not sure that I’m ready to go all the way just yet. Please don’t be mad...”

All thoughts of lust fled from Applejack’s mind as the shimmer of tears clouded her lover's eyes. Looking at that expression dispelled any lingering doubts she had.

“Oh sugar,” she pulled the candy coated mare into her embrace, wiping away tears with a hoof. “I’m here for you no matter what, and I can wait as long as it takes for ya’ to be ready. I love you, Pinkie Pie.”

Pinkie sniffled but for a moment her smile rivaled Celestia’s sun. “I love you too Applejack. Whaddya say we make popcorn and watch a movie?”

“I’d say that sounds mighty fine.”

The walk back to Sweet Apple Acres was a long one and that was just fine with Applejack. It gave her time to clear her head and get her thoughts in order. Once the popcorn had been eaten and the movie finished the two had decided to call it a night. The farmer had really tried to devote herself fully to the offered entertainment but being that worked up with no outlet left her flustered and upset. Not wanting to show her marefriend her true feelings, she let her mind be consumed with the antics of the drawn characters on the screen. Out in the night however, with the squeaking of the apple cart’s wheels as her only company, she was unable to hide from her frustrations.

She cast her thoughts back to the fateful day that she had confessed her true feelings for the pink pony. The two had been enjoying an afternoon baking date and Pinkie stood beside her at the counter, her flank occasionally brushing against AJ’s. She blushed as the other mare kept finding reasons to get close. Turning to face her friend she was surprised to find that a bit of the savory sweet pie filling had taken up residence on the side of her mouth.

“You got a little somethin’ on the side of your mouth sugarcube.”

Her fellow baker giggled and wiggled her tongue side to side. “Ish id gon’ ye’?”

“Nah, let me help.” Before she could stop herself she leaned in close, licking the sweet treat away and pulling back with a rapidly deepening blush. Before she could even come up with a proper way to apologize soft hooves wrapped around her neck bringing her in for a chaste kiss.

“Thank you Jackie.”

That first kiss had led to the most wonderful and fulfilling relationship Applejack had ever been in. Not only was Pinkie kind and generous, she was fiercely loyal to boot. She was always willing to take the time to help Apple Bloom with her homework so that she could spend more time playing with her friends. Whenever they needed an extra set of hooves on the farm Pinkie was there, bucking and sorting or trading recipes with Granny Smith. She had even stood up and defended her when the Cakes had begun to worry that a relationship would interfere with her duties. If she felt down her mare was there with a way to make her smile, including bringing a basket of her favorite apple cinnamon muffins after the close call with Flim and Flam. One thing the two earth ponies held in common was their inability to lie. Despite being the second most notorious prankster in Ponyville Pinkie Pie had never told her any half truths or outright lies.

Applejack paused briefly to kick a loose rock on the path. Her journey home was almost at an end and as she continued on, her mind travelled further into the past. A party in the family barn had drawn to a close and the two sat in the hayloft, spinning tales for one another's enjoyment about all manner of things. They had announced their relationship to the four mares that made up their group and the news had been well received, alleviating stress that the farm mare hadn’t realized existed. Holding hooves, she looked into those blue depths and felt complete.

Everything was so wonderful, so right, that she had to give herself to Pinkie completely. Working up her courage they kissed, quickly turning from sweet to passionate. She pushed the other mare down into the soft hay, drinking in that wonderful soft smile until she felt she might burst. Both sets of hooves roamed over their partner’s coats, relishing the soft feel and memorizing each spot that produced a favorable response. When Applejack set her hooves to rub those joyful balloons for the first time, it had been truly magical. That was, until she felt a light touch stop her.

“Jackie, I have something to tell you.”

“You know you can tell me anythin’ sugar cube. What’s eatin’ ya’?”

Pinkie cast her glance away from the shining green eyes in front of her. “I can’t keep going like this.”

Applejack tried to swallow and found she couldn’t. Her pupils shrank and she felt as though the other mare was speaking another language. She had only seen such a determined expression a hoofful of times, usually when an ancient evil was due to be defeated.“Whaddya mean sugar?” she forced out. She was surprised at how even her voice came out.

“Okay...you know how I grew up on the rock farm? Well, my family are really strict and religious.”

Applejack tried to hide her surprise. She had known that Pinkie had come from farm stock but had no idea about the rest.

“Daddy Pie used to preach on the weekends even! I’m only supposed to give myself to the pony I’m gonna marry...I don’t know if I’m ready to take that step yet, y’know?”

AJ nodded, motioning for the other mare to continue. Silence stretched between the two as Pinkie figured out what she wanted to say next. Just as Applejack decided to break the moment the pink mare spoke again.

“I know it’s old fashioned but I really don’t want to mess this up.”

“I know how ya’ feel sugar. My granny would tan my hide like I was a foal and lock me in the cellar for the rest’a my days if she knew what was going on in my head. Whatever happens when we’re alone is just ‘tween us; nopony else has to know. It’s our personal business.” she chuckled at the thought of being balanced acrossed her granny’s legs as if she were a foal.
“I know Jackie, I just can’t help worrying about this. I feel like a bad marefriend for not being able to give you all of me. I just don’t want you to leave me if it turns out I’m not ready even though you are.”

The orange mare took a moment to let her lover’s words sink in. “Don’t you start that stinkin’ thinkin’ Pinks. If’n yer not ready you’re just not ready, I understand that. It don’t make you a bad marefriend just cause your family raised ya’ right. I’ll wait as long as it takes, I promise. You know I love ya’, don’t you?”

Pinkie leaned in and pressed a kiss to Applejack’s lips. Pulling apart, she graced her mare with a soft smile meant for her alone. ”I love you too.”

That had been just short of a year ago. Every invitation to bed had been rebuffed, and even trying to talk about the act left Pinkie blushing and stuttering. She would never pressure her love into something she didn’t want to do but each time the other mare initiated makeouts and riled AJ up to the point of almost no return it was torture. She loved Pinkie Pie, but she wasn’t sure how much longer she could take the heavy petting that led to nothing. She had always felt that Granny Smith’s rules about dating were strict for a mare her age, but not being able to express her love in the ultimate way was maddening and she couldn’t understand why.

Back on the road Applejack passed the fencing leading to the Apple family homestead. She paused at the side of the barn to unhitch her cart and with a heavy sigh she made her way to the house. Passing over the creaky third step of the porch in an attempt not to wake the rest of the house, she was startled to find Big Macintosh sitting in one of the rocking chairs. Their father’s intricately carved pipe took the place of the wheat stalk he normally could be seen with.

“Howdy Mac.”

He nodded in way of response as she plopped down heavily in the opposite chair, weary from the days events. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the way the gentle rocking soothed her aching heart. “Have a good time with Pinkie today sis?”


“Goin’ ta’ bed now?”


Macintosh could tell that something was bothering his sister, but he knew from her one word answers that he wouldn’t get anything until she was ready.

“Want me to pack ya’ a pipe AJ?”

Another drawn out sigh. “Eeyup.”

Brother and sister sat rocking on the porch, both sending fragrant clouds of smoke swirling into the dark.

“Pinkie doesn’t want to go through with things. In the bedroom, I mean.”

If Mac was surprised he didn’t let it show. After a moment he nodded for her to continue.

“She doesn’t want to do it unless she’s with the pony she’ll marry. I respect that, but at the same time it’s been a whole year! I don’t know how much longer I can go on like this.”

“Seems to me like yer’ trying to solve the wrong problem first.”


“You say you respect her choice? Then you need to decide if she’s the marryin’ type. Like you said, it’s been a year. Y’all knew each other a long time a’fore that.” Tapping out his pipe he stood up, turning toward the door.

Applejack continued rocking, already occupied with her brothers words. She knew she’d get no sleep tonight.

Author's Note:

Sorry in advance for the abrupt "end", and the errors of this fic. I wrote it a very long time ago and was struggling with if it should see the light of day or not.

Comments ( 6 )

I truely did not know descriptions could be sexy...

Well, AJ, you got to make a choice. What do you want?

It has seen the light of day now and it is intriguing. :trixieshiftright: I would ask for more but I don't want to press it and be a jerk.

One would think Applejack of all the ponies would be able to put two and two sooner. It`s pretty bloody obvious that extending a proposal to Pinkie Pie is the only logical recourse in this.

mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooore you cant just have it stop like that it was toooooooo good to stop there. im so curious of how this will end please make more soon!

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