• Published 18th Sep 2013
  • 2,117 Views, 25 Comments

Mistress - Gypsy Writefag

Yet another day in your life as Mistress Faust's pet. Another day of obedience and humiliation. Another day with your kind, beloved goddess.

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Comments ( 25 )

I'm guessing it's well done, since this kind of stuff really isn't what I'm into I really have no idea one way or the other, sorry

I have no idea if it's well done or not, since this isn't my type of thing either.

Gypsy Writefag! I know of this person!

You sure write a lot of stories. Can't honestly say i read this one but if you would like i will vote it up for ya. Help bring balance to the votes :)

Thank you, but there's no need. With a concept like this, I am bound to get mostly downvotes.

Aren't we supposed to be her babies? :rainbowhuh:


I've released a bunch of clopfics myself and I've noticed that 60-90% of my downvotes come in the first ten minutes, and I've been trying to figure out why.

Votes without reading seem like the most likely. I think there are a contingent of people who will vote down any clopfic with a simple premise based on the description alone, literally without ever opening it. In fact, within the first ten minutes, I often see the number of votes outstripping the number of reads, which makes me wonder if perhaps, alternatively, there's a delay in the tabulation, but no delay in the votes.

But, yes, Exodus45, I imagine there's also the 'balancing the scales' effect, where someone thinks it's either underrated or overrated and will vote toward the center regardless of whether they actually liked it or hated it.

Also, it's possible that people will just assume something is terrible if it's new. If they see 0 votes, they'll look through it for the first grammar error or hint (false or true) that it will be boring or pretentious or lacking in self-awareness, and just fire a downvote and move on. This seems to be corroborated by the fact that if a comment gets posted quickly enough that says 'Holy crap this is amazing!', then the downvotes slow down considerably.

Also, people with lots of followers get a lot of upvotes. This seems obvious, but I actually think that seeing a large number of upvotes within the first few minutes will actually shock some users into thinking they're reading some sort of masterpiece, and they'll read the story with rose colored glasses, because, hey, not everyone knows how to think for themselves, right? And that causes a 'momentum' of upvotes that starts to snowball. Likewise, if the story is a clopfic that squicks people based on the description alone, like this one, you can get a 'momentum' of downvotes, where people think you're a joke.

I'm thinking of writing a blog post on this once I figure out more.

I think you're right on a lot of points. There is a 20 minute delay in views updating, which is probably why you see more votes than views in the beginning. However, sometimes you get those myriad of up- or downvotes simply based on the premise or your reputation.


If I had a hand in fixing up design problems on the site, the first thing I'd say is to stop being so aggressive about putting new stories into people's faces.

Users don't want that. They don't want to see the freshest of the fresh, regardless of whether or not it matches their interests in any way. There needs to be some investment in an algorithm, and some sort of grouping system, and a careful selection of 'default views' so that people get, by and large, things they're actually interested in, even when they're not requesting something specifically.

Also, if I had my way, I might get rid of downvotes entirely. What good are they? If someone likes a story, that's perfectly clear. They like it. If someone hates a story, there could be a bunch of reasons for that. Some are unforgivable, like being impossible to follow or just a bunch of pretentious childish shit strewn with unparsable grammar. But there's a thousand other reasons, including stuff like 'This just isn't my cup of tea', or 'This made me feel feels!' What use is that to anyone? If you rely on downvotes to help you make a reading decision, you're going to get a bunch of beige mush consisting of the most 'safe' possible narratives and decorated with pandering.

Since I have no knowledge of programming or coding, I don't know if creating such an alghorithm would be possible.

As for the downvotes, I think they should stay. Granted, it's easy to drown a story in downvotes, simply because the content matter might be interesting to a very niche group of people; rape fics, for example. However, I think it's important to have downvotes, because criticism should be available, even if there is a comments section. Also, by removing downvotes, you can't really see the general consensus on a story.

My main problem with the site, as has always been, is the searching and browsing. Finding stories based on their maturity, category, and character tags is nice, but not being able to search for keywords is kind of a hinderance. It'd be cool if they created tags akin to Derpibooru, where you could then filter certain tags you don't like. It'd make it easier for people to avoid content they dislike, and easier for other people to find content they enjoy.


Also, if I had my way, I might get rid of downvotes entirely. What good are they? If someone likes a story, that's perfectly clear. They like it. If someone hates a story, there could be a bunch of reasons for that.

No, I don't want this to turn into EQD.

Disabling the voice of people who are at odds with something and use this system to express their valid distaste for a work of fiction results in a hugbox community where more people are concerned with eachother's feelings rather than how well authors are doing.

Imagine if you took this and applied it to the real world: restaurants, movies, video games and so on. It may not be perfect, but it's a damn good way to tell which stories are shit usually, and which ones are worth the read.

I would rather the feature box be removed, because it's broken as fuck, and employ mods who aren't pants on head retarded.


My problem is not that people are able to say what they don't like, my problem is that it's not granular enough. There's two kinds of dislike. Either they don't like it personally, or they don't like it objectively, and it keeps getting blended together.

Imagine if you read a restaurant review that said 'I don't like this place because tacos are shit.' If you share the opinion of the reviewer, then that's an awesome review, and if you don't then it couldn't be more useless. That's why good reviews split their opinions up into different categories and give rationales. The dowvnote button crams together all kinds of different types of downvotes into one completely scrambled number, and now what use is it?

I've made good on my threat, and written a blog post on this.

I've said before to some people that this site should have a 5-star system, but in its current state it really has no problem.

Regardless of the rating system, people will abuse it to their will, but you can't simply have no rating at all.


That's a really defeatist attitude. I'm sure there are ways to manipulate things so that the rating system will be more effective. I like the way youtube does it. They kept downvotes, but what they did was create a 'filter bubble' where, so long as they have an account, people won't accidentally be shown a video that they have absolutely no interest in, and they also make it so you have to—get this—actually watch the video before you vote. Fancy that.

Also youtube doesn't seem to ever rely on the votes to decide what gets featured and linked to. Their primary criteria is similarity to what you've already been checking out. Fimfiction could learn a lot from them.

If people had a way to filter content based on the preferences, I think "I don't like X" downvotes would drop drastically. If people who don't like foalcon were able to simply hide every single story featuring foalcon, they would have to actively look for things they don't enjoy, which I doubt a lot of people would.


That's a really defeatist attitude.

You're proposing a censorship and abolition of a valuable method of expression.

and they also make it so you have to—get this—actually watch the video before you vote. Fancy that.

That would hardly change someone's opinion if they were set on downvoting the video for whatever reason, and story if you were to apply the same guidelines here. Also, forcing somebody to read something before expressing their opinion is entirely fair to a degree, but it also leads to having someone who, say, has an aversion to rape fics, read through it before being able to leave their true, honest opinion on the basis and concept via comment and rating, and that is horrifying.

people won't accidentally be shown a video that they have absolutely no interest in

That's what the tags and description is for on fimfic. If I don't like human fics, I won't read fics with the human tag, or mention of it in the description. you're making a comparison and basically stating that people can't read what is in front of them. The problem isn't with the content or how it is regulated/ displayed, it's how people react to it and the decisions they make despite warnings.

If I don't like something, it doesn't mean I can't read it and still bitch about it. You remind me of those who go on fics and say "If you don't like it, don't read it", creating an insular community wherein those with popular opinions pertaining to one genre are within their own segregated bubble and do not share their other preferences.

For example: If only people who liked clop commented on clop stories, and so on, it would lead to a number of people looking past flaws and glaring errors because of their love of the genre. That coupled with your proposed removal of dislikes would create a hugboxing community. My point still stands.

I've seen terribly-written clop get voted up higher than most well-written stories.


Actually, you might be interested to know I was discussing with a programmer how to create a something using greasemonky so that you manipulate the site towards your own interests.

It was to customize the feature box. Unfortunately, couldn't put it out there because Knighty warned it would put undue strain on the servers.


That would hardly change someone's opinion if they were set on downvoting the video for whatever reason

I'm not worried about changing people's opinions. I'm worried about subjective and objective opinions being mixed together into one metric. If someone already hates it the moment they read the description, they're the worst possible voter. Also, what's wrong with just making them read it? For one, yes it will prevent 95% of people from downvoting without reading, because it'd be a hassle to open the story, wait for the 'I actually read this' timer to run out, and then click the downvote button. But, more importantly, I want them to be inconvenienced. They're putting corrupt data into the vote totals. If they're willing to actually go completely out of their way to behave like that, then an inconvenience would be a fitting punishment.

This is ultimately a statistics thing. Imagine if there was a rating system that asked if a stick is taller, or shorter than you, and I looked around for all sticks that are 5'10" That rating system would be completely useless to me, because it mixed in subjective information with objective information. However, if you just tweak the system, and ask something like 'Is this shorter or taller than you, and why?' and they had the ability to put stuff like 'But I'm really tall!', then it could make the system radically more useful.

That's what the tags and description is for on fimfic.

Just like the downvote issue, they need to tweak this. It's not working to prevent useless voting, so it needs some fixing up.


Just like the downvote issue, they need to tweak this. It's not working to prevent useless voting, so it needs some fixing up.

Yeah, no, i'm done here.

You do realize it works both ways?

I could show you a myriad of examples of people upvoting mindlessly for no other reason besides that they like the author and his other fics, or that something in the description intrigues them.

For you to continue with your goal you would need to eliminate upvotes as well.

Personally, I think that this is getting down voted for including Faust and porn. There is a reason you don't see too many of these. One does not simply make porn of the almighty creator.

Hmmm, I find this oddly arousing.
Nice work.:moustache:

Continue please! 0.0

"Nothing is sacred."

The motto of the internet

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