• Member Since 4th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen April 19th


You're gonna carry that weight


Among loss, young Jack Woodshift laments the loss of both his parents and hope for life. One, bitter night, he reminisces the various joys he's lost in life, only to compare it to a recent fanfiction. Jaded, dazed and losing purpose in daily existence, he takes a walk. Snow beneath his feet, he recollects the various ways he used to smile, only to find it near-impossible. Jack observes a tragic keepsake from someone long ago, wishing sarcastically for an impossible 'pony-meets-human' scenario. Little does he know that maybe, just maybe, life isn't all cynicism and grey.

[Takes place in the Bubblegum Universe.]

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

Two questions before reading this, is that one like yours, and why are you ripping off of My Little Dashie?


Inspiration sure gets mixed with rip off too often.

That is like saying every fallout equestrian rip off the original one. Do you see the majority complain about it? No.

4962600 Thats a very interesting statement.


Actually, I wrote it differently because I thought RobCakeran's was somewhat rigid and awkward, though inspiring for a lonely fucker like me.

4964731 I guess thats a good enough excuse. I can't say how many time's I've read something from someone else and thought, "This is really a piece of shit... but the idea of it is fantastic! I would love to rewrite it... but then I'll look like a cunt."

4964835 What are you from Pricksville. There isn't a legitimate criticism in your entire series of responses and you're runnin' your mouth about rippin' people off. XD

4965096 Oh you silly! I haven't made any critiques. What's the matter with just talking? Though, you did seem to have a MASSIVE mood swing there. Might wanna get that checked out. :unsuresweetie:

4965096 Oh and one little thing, insulting your readers really isn't smart.

4965184 It's just kinda weird when the writing comes off as... passive aggressive? Even though you technically don't say anything overtly negative, it feels like bein' in a room with this chainsaw massacre lady who just lost a lottery ticket for the tenth time that week.

4965515 Chainsaw Massacre? Isn't that a video game? If it is, I never played it. Anyway, it's kinda hard to see passive aggressiveness in writing cuz theres no... tone? You can't see my own expression and hear the annunciation patterns in my voice to determine if I'm trying to piss you off. This really leads to a lot of misunderstandings on the internet.

4965541 Actually, it's a series of movies. When you're high or tired or buzzed... you should really check out the first few. I tried to find it scary, but, my parents really let me down on the whole cinema classic tone. Glad you're bein' sensible, though. I often see a lot of people kind of... unconsciously employ passive aggressive tactics without knowing, or doing so on purpose. You weren't, but, I thought the terminology fell alongside 'iffy attacks'.

Comment posted by DecadantHandshake deleted Nov 14th, 2021

So sad... Much cry... Very feels...


5313144 Very g00d, n0w y0u've pr0ven that celestia can mind-c0ntr0l pe0ple int0 all-capsing messages 0n bad st0ries! The w0rld is ending, I'm s0rry f0lks.

Why must the endings of these be so dam sad

7299143 Sometimes, you have to remember rain to enjoy the sunlight. And at times, when all it does is rain, you learn how to appreciate that too.

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