Smolder's time at the School of Friendship, and her recent friendship with Spike, gives Twilight a chance to finally get some answers about dragons. Some answers are better received than others.
Starlight Glimmer decides to accompany Sunburst when he goes to start classes at Celestia's School. It's the worst possible day in her entire life... that is, until a chance encounter with a certain plume-maned unicorn...
After Twilight delivers a batch of books to Sweet Apple Acres as a gesture of goodwill, she finds that Big Macintosh is not interested in her offerings. Through her efforts to discover why, she inadvertently discovers his most shameful secret.
Twilight has developed a device that can detect strange signals coming from outer space; signals from aliens! She gathers her friends so that they can all listen in. But they may not like what they hear...
Twilight Sparkle has finally perfected a device allowing ponies to speak to each other over great distances. Unfortunately, the first call she receives is from Pinkie.
When five foals asked Princess Twilight Sparkle to please try and paint the moon purple, she only agreed because she thought she couldn't do it. She wished she had been right.
I liked the sentiment, but the presentation lacked a certain eloquence. Stories with such a focus on complicated emotions should aim for a certain level of poeticalness. I suggest you try to expand your vocabulary a bit before going further.
That said, not bad for a first try. Looking forward to seeing you grow.
Thanks for the input guys, I'm more than confident I can write better than this, and I'm already wishing I spent more time developing and editing this one before I submitted it.
Still, I'm glad if you enjoyed it
Also, I just realized, parts where the characters are thinking are supposed to be italicized. Going to fix that
very nice short and to the point. nice to read with a cup of tea.
That was a fast read, it was so-so to me. Not too great, or anything like that. Was okay, but could have been done better.
>>spikethed thanks! And I know, I apologize for the short length
>>ShadowFax I guess that's about as much as I could ask for. This is my first attempt at creative writing
Aww... That was such a sweet story!
Upon re reading it, it's even shorter than I realized I wrote it
*blushes* that's embarrassing
It is good one ;)
I'd like to see more writing from you, it seems that you have talent for this
Nice idea and the wiritng isn't too bad, but it could've been better. It was sweet and clear.
I liked the sentiment, but the presentation lacked a certain eloquence. Stories with such a focus on complicated emotions should aim for a certain level of poeticalness. I suggest you try to expand your vocabulary a bit before going further.
That said, not bad for a first try. Looking forward to seeing you grow.
Very nice story, although somewhat short. For a first try, it was pretty darned impressive.
Thanks for the input guys, I'm more than confident I can write better than this, and I'm already wishing I spent more time developing and editing this one before I submitted it.
Still, I'm glad if you enjoyed it
Also, I just realized, parts where the characters are thinking are supposed to be italicized. Going to fix that
I enjoyed it.
Had this one shelved away in my favorites for just such an occasion
A nice charming little story. I'm very glad that you shared it with us!
495980 Woah, old-school.
The great themes repeat.