• Member Since 17th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 9th, 2021

Darkness 1

If you want to know anything, please, just ask



In a world far away, in the land of Equestria, one pony being treated badly by others in the world he lives in, remains alone, hurt and confused as to why he is getting treated the way he is, as time goes on, he turns evil and will bring an end to Equestria if somepony does not save him from his own nightmare, friends is what he needs, and so far, every time he tries to get some, they end up betraying him and giving him only more pain. The way things look now, Equestria might not exist for much longer, will he be saved or will Equestria get wiped out?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

It was a good read, though I might suggest dividing it into multiple chapters... say around 10k words a piece, maybe 5

Comment posted by beirirangu deleted Oct 9th, 2014

Well, I can't really do anything with this story now, I already submitted it to this website, and got it approved this way. I can't send it twice, however, I do plan on making a second story, so thank you, beirirangu, for your suggestion, I appreciate it I'll keep that in mind when I make the next story.

Hey, Darkness 1
Let me tell you what happened I fell asleep and it was awesome.
let me explain, When I was listening to it I've ..... Like I was in the story it was fucking awesome.
Keep up the good work :rainbowlaugh::heart::heart::heart:
PS. Please make it shorter to 10/5 Thanks
:D :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::heart::heart::heart:

Thank you Hanh17, I am so glad to hear that you enjoyed reading it, and thank you for the suggestion, I plan to make another story eventually, so next time, I'll break it up into a couple of chapters or so. I am so happy to hear you thought this story was awesome too, it took me forever to finish this story. It took me 1 year, 1 month, and 16 days to finish, and it was worth it. I am very pleased with how it turned out. :twilightsmile:

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