This story is a sequel to When Two Worlds Meet
40 years have passed since the death of Darkness, Equestria has enjoyed peace since then, however, evil never rests long, and a new evil arises, one that Twilight and the others may not be able to defeat. To top it all off, Darkness's and Princess Luna's children, must figure out what path they want to take in life. Will they take on the path of great evil? Or will they choose a path that leads them to follow the ways of light? Without their help, all will be lost. Without Darkness to guide the main six and protect them until they figure out a solution, what they all do now? Will they regain their former self-confidence in themselves? Or shall the world fall to ruin, and perhaps, even the whole galaxy? The fate of the galaxy, and the world rests in the hooves, of Twilight and her friends, but also of Darkness's and Luna's children, The Legacy Of Darkness. Find out in the third and last installment in this epic trilogy!