• Published 22nd Feb 2012
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Griffin the Griffin - BlackWing

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Magic, *Snort Snort* (25)

Magic, *Snort Snort*

I woke up with a massive headache, bringing my hand to my head to try and dull the pain, I sat up.

'Hand? Dafuq?'

I scrambled to my knees, looking at the floor, I was at the top of the tree house, I couldn't see it clearly though. I reached into my pocket, pulled out my glasses, and put them on my face, my vision clearing up.

'Pocket? Since when do I wear clothes? I haven't done that since I stopped being human...... Forma Versus, True Form, SHIT!'

Looking up, I spotted Gilda, who with me on the ground, looked VERY big, Trixie was about the same size as me sitting, the dogs somewhat larger, and Nadene was a tower. Gilda very carefully picked up her right arm, and poked me.

"Uh, hey guys..... what's up?" They all recoiled when I spoke, as if they were looking at some monster, except for Nadene, who got a strange look in her eye. I stood, and when I did, they all took a step back. Standing, I was about a foot taller than Gilda and Etch, half a foot taller than Growl, three feet taller than Trixie, and a half a foot shorter than Nadene. I'm about 6 foot 3, so that gives you a pretty good idea where their heights are all at. I cracked my neck and back, making them shudder.

"Uh, Grif? Issat you?" Gilda asked, while the dogs looked like their brains had broken, and Trixie's jaw was on the floor.

"Mirror, now."

Gilda pointed behind me, where I saw Hades leaning against the wall. I could easily see my reflection, since it was night and the moonlight shone directly on it's black, shiny surface. I was wearing a red and black Volcom shirt and blue wrangler jeans. I looked like myself, but drawn and animated, so no blemishes. Pale skin, a slight stubble, and....

"Anime eyes and hair? Why the hell do I look like a brunette Cloud Strife? Is that was passes as human around here?" I tried lifting my sword, and while easier to grasp as I had proper hands, it was about twice as heavy as I remember it, meaning that while I could carry it, it would be too difficult to swing. At that point, Nadene brushed up against me, and started purring, then rubbing her face on me like how a cat does to something it likes.

"Oooookaaaay...... awkward....... and what the hell, I'm a weakling now! Change me back!"

"A weakling?" At which point Gilda pounced me and I wasn't able to offer any resistance at all.

"Hey sexy, come here often?" Gilda looked at me with a mix of laughter and disgust. She climbed off and I sprang to my feet.

"You.... really are.... an alien...... I honestly just thought you were just crazy." Trixie admitted.

"And now you know. Because knowledge is power!"

"Yep, it's him.... Nobody else says weird shit like that." Gilda deadpanned.

"Seriously though, turn me back. Like, now."

"I, um, don't know how?" Trixie had a very worried look, and wouldn't look me in the eyes.

"The first words were Forma Versus, and the second set was Reverti. True form, and return. It's a toggle. Say one, and it dispels illusions, transformations and such, say the second, and it releases them. It was in the temple of the hidden so..... it's a weapon against shape shifters and tricksters. It let's you reveal them. That could be useful. Seriously though, turn me back." Trixie said the words, my vision flickered, and I was back to my normal, feathered, self. Nadene pouted and backed off. I guess when I was a human, she liked what she saw?

"Definitely don't want to go without these." I said as I stretched my wings.

"Alright, give it here, it's time for some more tests."

After getting the amulet from Trixie, I didn't put in on quite yet. I examined it, and it glowed with a pale blue light, distinctively faded from before, but it looked as though the light was slowly returning. I took out a book on gems and began reading through.

"I see, it's a gem that automatically charges itself with ambient magic. It has a constant, albeit slow recharge, and it's been altered to do something specific. The metal amulet it's set in offers protection from an area effect trickery dispel, caused by the gem...... I see. So, if I say 'forma versus'...." My vision flickered and I turned human. "While holding but not wearing it, I still change." Then I put the amulet on.

"If I say 'reverti' while wearing it, nothing happens, but if I take it off and 'reverti'." I became a griffin once more.

"So, it only protects from it's spell if worn. This means I could just carry it around for easy transformations. Forma versus." Human again. The first time it happened, I had blacked out, but now, I'd just get a bit of vision flicker as my eyes changed.

"Reverti." Griffin again.

"Stop doing that, it's freaky!" Trixie begged.

"Nope, it's way too much fun. Forma versus....... forma versus! Hey........" The gem had an almost non existent glow.

"Well, it looks like it can only go six times, three either way, before it's out of juice and needs a recharge."

"Well Grif, if you're done screwing around, don't you think we should be getting some shuteye?" Gilda scolded.

"Yes, we need to see if sleep deprivation is what's causing your morning sickness." Geez, she makes it sound like I'm pregnant.

"Yeah, fine, we'll get some sleep, there's got to be more ways to use this, maybe I'll think of em in dream land."

Okay, so, Forma Versus and Reverti, those are Latin right? Latin was always considered the language of magic. This gem has been made specially to deal with shape shifters and illusionists, tricksters basically. The gem was probably changed so that's all it can do, but it can do it more frequently, with the amulet being a safeguard for whoever is wearing it....... What about other gems? Whenever I saw magic in the show, it was always a kind of build up and release around the horn, well, except telekinesis, but that's supposed to be a low level spell. The gem from before would shimmer slightly when I focused on it, like a lesser version of the amulet..... So, if we can charge gems and have them hold magic like a battery, rather than forming a spell that requires a unicorn, we can use Latin for the release? I'll have to test it in the morning. Trixie casts a low level light spell on them, which holds for about an hour...... If she just filled them with neutral magic instead, we could activate them whenever we wanted, and they could probably do more than just light things up...... Gotta remember my Latin... um.... ah crap, not this again.

I found myself in a familiar darkness, I tried to fly, and succeeded to do so before the red river came. Much to my dismay, the torrent followed me. In a void where up and down have no meaning, the black blood simply chased until it caught me, pulling me into it. Trying to gasp for air, it fills my mouth with a sour taste.

"Ahh!" I awake panting for breath. Everyone else was already up, and looking worried.

"What.... time is it?"

"It's about 2 in the afternoon." Nadene told me, looking at our sun dial, yet another thing I had made using my knowledge.

"You let me sleep for sixteen hours?"

"You look like you need it. Dream again?" Gilda asked.

"Yeah, the blood river followed me into the sky and grabbed me."

"Here." Nadene threw me a vial of the blue stuff, which I drank with haste. As it turns out, the stuff actually tastes horrid, but she mixes blueberries with it to make it so you don't throw up, and that's what makes it blue. Healing ones are black, made with blackberry. She flavour and scent coded her potions. After all, when you're colour blind, you have to think creatively. Trixie was practicing with throwing a bright yellow ball around. She made an explosion and held in in place, then whipped it around. She was chasing Etch with it and Growl with it, who were using that as a way to practice dodging. It slammed into the shorter dog, popping the bubble and knocking him over.

After I drank the potion, my head stopped hurting, and I finally had some semblance of wit, so began to explain what I had thought of.

"Guess what everyone! It's time for science! And not just any science! Magic science! With my wonderful assistant Trixie! Collect the gem lamps from around camp will you?" She did as I asked while Gilda, Nadene, Etch, and Growl all sat, waiting to hear me speak.

"In human myth and legend, wizards and sorcerers would focus magic, then with words, most commonly Latin, form spells to release the magic in a usable form. They would often times carry a staff or wand made of a material that channels magic easily. Unicorn horns are specifically tuned to the pony they belong to, but gemstones are neutral, meaning that anyone can use them. While unicorns don't say magic words, because the horn is a part of them and operates based on their thoughts, given the way this amulet works....." I held up the necklace embedded gemstone, which was now glowing with full luminosity once again, having recharged over night.

"It is reasonable to assume that in this world, where magic actually exists, by focusing on a gemstone, one can charge it with magic, and then release it by speaking the magic words for what you want to occur. Given that it has been proven to work here, at least in the case of this thing, I believe that this world is also where humans got their legends on magic."

Trixie had gathered the eight gem lamps from around camp and brought them before me.

"Now, as we all know, unicorns are much more adept at magic than the other species of this world, but that doesn't mean we are lacking. Pegasi and griffins are skilled with weather control, meaning wind and water, while earth ponies are adept with healing and growth, diamond dogs with the earth, and dragons with fire. Watch this gem carefully." I held one of the gem lamps, focusing on it till I was sweating greatly, it began to glow very faintly.

"Success! I have just given this lamp a neutral magic charge. Trixie, would you mind? Focus on these lamps and pour your magic into them, but don't give it form, just blank."

"So wait, you want me to cast a spell, without actually forming a spell? Just throw my magic at them so they absorb it?" She clarified.

"Yeah, basically."

"Alright....." Trixie's horn began to glow, and with it, the gems did as well. They shimmered brightly. Now, the gems were... small... to say the least, as they were only meant to contain a basic light spell for about an hour.

"Now that they're filled, they are ready to be used. I hope that this works." I pointed the wand at Gilda. "Aqua!"

Gilda was slightly wet, as though she had been in a heavy downpour for about three seconds. She wasn't dripping, it was like when you get out of the shower and let yourself drip dry. Just.... moist. She scowled.

"Very funny Grif." The rest of the camp, including me, struggled to stifle our giggles. I took another of the charged lamps in my hand and pointed it at her again.

"So, proof of theory. With these charged up, we can perform extremely weak, basic level spells. My amulet is a higher level of gem, and has been altered to have a specific purpose, while these have not, and can be used for a variety of purposes. Ventus." A slight gust of wind dried Gilda off, making her feathers puff out. She looked like a fuzz ball. Everyone stopped trying to holding their giggles and entered full laughter, with the dogs whimpering from the pain in their sides between laughs. She glared at me, annoyed.

"I am so glad I went through the whole Harry Potter phase and learned some Latin, this is fucking hilarious!"

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up. Gimme that." Gilda grabbed one of her own. "So, a word? Um...... Little help?"

"Yeah, give me a sec....... umbra. it means 'dark'. or 'shadow'."

"Hey Grif, what's Harry Potter?" Trixie asked me.

"Umbra." Gilda said, pointing the makeshift wand at me.

"Well Trixie, it's a .............................................................................................................. that he's a wizard. Wait.... what the hell?"

"Um yeah, I was kind of expecting it to, you know.... get dark?" Gilda asked.

"Hold on..... oh! Umbra can also mean silence, although it's not normally used like that. Since the word has multiple meanings, I figure it went by your intent. Let me guess, you were wishing we'd all just shut up, right?" She nodded, still fluffy, as she used her claws to comb her feathers down.

"This is brilliant! Okay, officially new favorite spell! Etch, Growl, each of you take one." I tossed on of each to the dogs, who grabbed them and looked at them. Etch was excited, while Growl was confused.

"So, what do we say?" Etch asked.

"Well, what do you want?" I replied.

"What about blind?" Growl returned.

"Hmm... no.. I don't know that one. I'm not a master of it, I only know some nouns, blind is an adjective...."

"What about cold?"

"Hmm, cold, I'm not positive..... Refrigerator, frigid.... frigo? No, frigus? Yeah, I think it's frigus." He pointed the wand at me and said it. I felt a chill up my spine, but not much more.

"Well, it worked, just not very effective. It would be useful in certain situation, like trapped in........" I shuddered. "Spider webs, we could use 'ignus' to light them up. I don't see it being that useful, only somewhat more so than clacking flint together, but it means that every one of these gems that you dug up suddenly became a moderately useful multi tool. Instead of Trixie casting the light spell, which then lasts only an hour before she has to recharge it, she can just fill it with magic and, 'lumen', we can turn it on whenever we want." One of the lamps I held lit up the way they normally do.

"Also, things that need more energy will be less powerful. For example, fire and lightning need a lot of energy to work, because of the high energy state, while simple light, wind, or gathering vapor droplets together to make water don't need as much. The spells will also vary based on where we are. We're in a rain forest, so when I used 'aqua' or Gilda, there was a lot of water just hanging in the air, so she got pretty soaked. If we were in a desert, it wouldn't do anything at all, while fire would be a lot easier. Trying earth spells while up here would be pointless, while under ground it could cause cave ins, and since we're up high and there's naturally wind, ventus is more effective as well. We pretty much need to think about where we are when we use them to get the greatest effect."

"So, if we are in a desert and need water, we won't be able to get any, but in the jungle where it's everywhere we can call on it whenever we want?" Gilda scoffed.

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Well, that's worthless." She tossed her expended torch into the pile with the rest of them.

"It's not worthless, just mildly useful. For example, if we had a REALLY big gem and there was a flood, we could use aqua to direct it away. It's more like if you see something but can't get it, or you need to diminish something. And pranks. Very useful for pranks."

"Pranks you say?" Gilda suddenly became re-interested.

"For example, mocking Princess Luna. When speaking to our subjects, it is tradition to use the royal we, and 'sonor' USE THIS MUCH VOLUME!" Etch and growl covered their ears, while Gilda and Trixie had a laugh riot. Nadene didn't get the joke.

"I guess it acts as an amplifier. I had to yell, but it came out much louder than normal. Oh, I can see having lots of fun with this one." I picked up another one.

"Sonor. ..................................... What happened?" I looked to see Etch, pointing his wand at me.

"You used umbra, didn't you?" He nodded.

"Too loud?" He nodded again, and everyone broke out in laughter once more. Nadene used ignis and set the treehouse on fire, and that was the last charged lamp so we set about trying to put contain it while Trixie recharged them. She then used 'aqua' with all of them, not only dousing the fire, but the lot of us, and we all agreed to not to use fire spells around flammable things anymore.

Dear Princess Celestia,

If a blue house has blue bricks, a red house has red bricks, and a yellow house has yellow bricks,
What colour bricks does a greenhouse have?

Sincerely, Griffin.

Now I know what you're thinking, Gary Stu time. No. A gem about half the size of what you'd find on one of Rarity's outfits had the same amount of juice as a BIC lighter with the nozzle opened all the way. For Gary Stu level, they'd need something the size of Tom, and have twenty unicorns charge it for an hour. Back in chapter 22, Here Kitty Kitty, I mentioned Gem Torches, or Gem Lamps, Basically, they're just a gem on a stick, with a spell cast on them so they give off light. Since gems store magic well, it means that they have a heatless source of light that they can use in place of a torch, and it doesn't get consumed. Trixie just uses her magic to light them up again once they go out. So, Grif got creative and made them into one shot, rechargeable wands for spells that Ditzy Do as a unicorn could cast without error. It's simpler, but it's also more limited.

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