• Published 19th Jul 2013
  • 750 Views, 2 Comments

Checkmate - Moniker

A normal game of chess with the undefeted princess of the sun what can be more relaxing?

  • ...



by Dancing With Discord


Dearest human, I humbly invite you to the castle to play a friendly game of chess with me, the running champion, hope you agree and I'll hope to see you there,

sincerely The Princess of the sun Celestia.

I lowered the letter down onto the table. "She never gets my name right," I groaned, letting out a weak sigh. I looked at Spike who is doing his normal being a slave for Rarity. I laughed at Spike who is putting pins on his back. Sure that might not hurt but still, that seems cruel. I let out a yawn as you looked over the letter again. "Hey, Rarity, I was called upon by the princess, she wants me to play chess with her," I let a smile creep on my face.

Rarity smiled happy for you. "That's amazing, are you going to accept?" Rarity asked still sewing something.

"Well, how often do I get the chance to play against the Equestrian Chess Champ," I added with a smile.

"That's true, you know it odd, after Celestia finished the tournament, it was done, no more champs were chosen, no pony knows why," Rarity explained.

"I'm sure it's nothing," I said.

Rarity nodded in agreement. "Maybe you're right darling," Rarity smiled.

I walked half upstairs stopping to say hi to Sweetie Belle. "Um...Sweetie Belle, what are you doing?" I asked.

Sweetie Belle put on a happy grin. "Oh, this," she leapt in the air shaking a whip. "OW," she yelled from the recoil of the whip. "This is for Berry Punch; she said we can help her in the bedroom,"

'Oh god, Berry Punch has fillies helping her,' I thought to myself. "So, why the whip?" I asked knowing something bad was going to come out.

"She didn't be specific about that," Sweetie Belle said.

'At least she didn't be specific about that,' I thought again.

"I have to go, bye," Sweetie Belle grinned.

"Uh, be careful!" I called out.

I heard Rarity yell. "OH SWEET CELESTIA," I flinched as she yelled. I chuckled; I knew what Sweetie Belle told her.

I proceeded to my bedroom. I tapped my bedside table and grabbed a few things. "I might stay the night, so I might as well bring some clothes, I'll also bring my bass guitar," I said to myself. I picked out clothes that Rarity made me, nothing fancy; she knew I wasn't into the whole gemstones thing. I grabbed my gray shirt with the Equestria's symbol on it, even though I didn't want that, it's a shirt. I grabbed a pair of light blue jeans, and my slip on shoes and quickly put them on. I walked downstairs wearing my usual black shirt with the blue, red, and white Assassin's Creed III symbol on it, my normal darker blue jeans, and of course my slip on shoes. "Oh, you look dashing darling," Rarity stopped sewing to look at me. "You know you didn't make this, right?" I asked her.

"Yes I know dearie, but you look absolutely splendid, and ready to play chess against the princess," Rarity smiled.

I rolled my eyes. "You're embarrassing me," I admitted.

"But I'm being serous, you just look simply divine," Rarity went on.

I looked at the clock. "well, see you Rarity," I told her.

Rarity waved goodbye. "Good luck!" she yelled.

I looked back. "Thanks," I then kept walking to the train station. I walked up to the ticket master. I preceded to hand him a letter Celestia gave me. "Let's see," he looked up close. "Yep, that's real."

I grinned and took a seat next to a particular old mare. "Hello there," I greeted.

"Hi," she seemed worried about something.

"Hey, is something bothering you, Ms...um what's your name?" I asked the shaking mare.

"Well, I'm Aroma Skies," the mare told me. "And I'm just worried, I'm not used to this," she explained.

"Well, I'm not used to doing what I'm doing here, I'm playing chess with the sun princess," I explained.

She tilted her head to me and away from the window. "S...She's at it again," the mare huffed.

"What's wrong?" I asked quickly.

"Don't win," she warned me.

"Why?" I asked wondering that question.

"Just don't win," she repeated. "It's too bad to talk about," she frowned. She muttered something under hr breath. I shrugged and shifted seats next to some other pony. "Hi," I greeted the pony.

"Hello there, I'm WhirlWind," the mare told me.

"Nice to meet you Program, are you new to Canterlot?" I asked trying to pass the time.

"No, I lived there before," she told me.

As the station grew closer I looked at the mare again. "I'm going to play chess with the princess," I heard some screaming at the seat where I moved from.

"You're playing chess with the princess?" she asked.

"Yep, just a friendly game," I smiled.

She smiled back. "Well, that's great," she said. she didn't seem as old as Aroma Skies though. I paid no attention to the screaming old mare. I sighed. "Well I got to go, I might see you later WhirlWind," I told the youthful mare.

"Good by human," she said joyfully. I didn't bother to introduce myself they'd just call me 'human' anyway.

I walked up to the castle doors. Two guards soon blocked my path. "Stop right there," one guard told me.

"Are you serous how many humans do you know, I'm here to play chess with the princess of the sun," I declared.

The guards looked at the other guard. "Are you sure?" another Pegasus guard asked.

"Yes, I'm here to play chess with her," he saw the guards give meaningful scared looks.

Finally the guard directed his attention to me. "Alright it's your funeral," one guard gulped.

I didn't care however. "Hi princess," I smiled.

"Great you did decide to play chess with me," Celestia smiled.

I nodded. "Yes, I am," I looked behind Celestia to see a chess table. "So is that where we're playing chess?" I asked looking at the table in the middle of a blank room. Celestia simply nodded in response. "I hope the best of luck to you human you'll need it," Celestia told me in a darker voice I however paid no attention as I did in the past. I thought she was being funny. "Yeah, best of luck to you too," I chuckled.

Celestia was not amused. "I won't need it," she bluntly said.

I smiled as I walked to the perfectly set chessboard. "Alright, you go first," Celestia offered.

I shook my head. "No you first, after all you wanted to play," I told her. Celestia shrugged and moved the pawn two spaces. I nodded and did the same. Celestia moved her same pawn a space. I did the same except I took the pawn. "How about that," I smiled.

"G...Good move," Celestia observed the board. She smiled and moved the other pawn two spaces. I shrugged and moved the knight in the "L" shape it goes. I looked at Celestia who was still only moving her pawns. "Princess what are you doing?" I asked.

"It's my strategy, it almost never fails," she smugly said.

"Almost?" I tilted my head.

"Only once," she told me.

Finally Celestia moved her pawn out of the way and in my way, which wasn't too smart, I took out each pawn in different turns. Finally I looked at her. I smiled and looked down at the board. "Checkmate," I announced.

Celestia was stiff she wasn't moving a bit. I tapped her shoulder that only got up. I stared at her as she grabbed something. "Uh, what are you doing?" I asked trying to look at Celestia. She turned around with a hammer to which she hit me with. Soon after I woke up lying on a pile of dead ponies. "What the hell?" I asked myself looking at the pile. I looked around the black room. Suddenly however the room grew a blinding shade of white. "Hello human," Celestia grinned manically.

I screamed. "What is going on?!" I asked screaming at the top of my lungs.

"Well, I can't let any-pony know that I lost to some-pony, they would take away my title," she explained.

"And what are you going to do?" I asked voice unable to scream.

"Well, at first I was going to kill you but, after some thought, I decided to let you rot in here," she explained. My jaw dropped low. "What?!" I yelled.

"You heard me, I can't let you take my title away," she looked over at a set of tools. "Although, I do have fun when killing ponies like you," she admitted.

"Are you saying that your crazy?!" he faintly screamed.

She tapped her chin and for a moment she nodded. "Yes," she grinned slightly.

"No, crazy doesn't cover it, oh no you’re freaking insane!" I yelled to her face.

She shrugged. "I guess that's slightly true, I enjoy killing my loyal subjects, oh well, what are you going to do?" Celestia again glanced at the tools. "You know what, I'm just going to kill you," she shrugged.

My eyes widened. "What, why kill me!?" I asked.

She sighed and put her hoof to her face. "I can't let you go off telling ponies that you beat the champ can I?" she asked maniacally.

"Now you are freaking insane and coco in the loco (I've been spending too much time with Pinkie Pie) at the same time,

you see enjoyment in killing your subjects," I told her.

"True, but what are you going to do about it?" the crazed Celestia asked smiling at her fool proof plan.

I rolled my eyes. "Well, I have one thing that you don't, or at least used to, I have friends," I smiled as I snapped my fingers and appeared outside of the cage. "I got Discord to teach me a few things while I was here last time," I admitted.

"So you can teleport so what?" she asked.

I laughed. "I can do other things too," I snapped my fingers and he teleported the entire main six to his side with the elements of harmony. "Guys, Celestia is crazy!!" I snapped as I pointed at her levitating a blood covered saw.

Twilight's eyes widened. "Ah, get the elements!" she yelled putting on the tiara.

Twenty-four later.

"Thanks Twilight" I thanked.

She smiled. "No problem," she sighed and looked up at Canterlot. "So, how do you think Luna likes her new job as full princess?" Twilight asked.

"Who knows," I said.

Comments ( 2 )

.... :rainbowlaugh:
here I was worried that human would tdo something nasty

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