• Member Since 19th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Saturday



The story of the Changelings and how they're meeting with a Mad Colt with A Blue Box came to change it forever. This si the small story of how they arrived and how they ended up when they had gone too far

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 26 )

Aw I thought he'd use a modified version of the Pandorica speech.:duck:

2888664 Sorry. But i don't like to steal or use something too epic and used over and over by others

Short sweet and simple, very nice read. This reminds me a lot about the Family of Blood episodes where the doctor became human and ran from them out of kindness, but in the eng gave them what they wanted, immortality, forever alive and imprisoned till the end of time.

2888877 Thats actually inspired me to make this. Since i loved the Doctor I wanted to do a story about him ponified and the changelings seemed to be the best one to make it happen.

I really like this! I'm a big fan of Doctor Who and the whole "Whooves" thing has become a new addiction of mine. Fantastic job on this one shot! Allons-y! :rainbowdetermined2:

Genius Idea! :pinkiehappy: And very well written. :twilightsmile:

:fluttershysad: The Doctor is sociopathic. Why does he always choose the most adorable species? As a biped, it's a human, as a quadruped, it's a pony! Not hate, but really! He just picks sides in a war that's not his!

But if he didnt get involved millions o innocents would be lost

2889699 And when he does, he commits genocide. He's not a good guy. He's just someone who goes around protecting the species he likes and wiping out those he doesn't. The species he protects think he is a good guy, yes, because they aren't the ones being wiped out.

But neither side is truly good. And by innocents i mean those having nothing to do with the conflict

2889736 Fair enough, but wouldn't you agree there are some innocent changelings whom the Doctor turned into parasprites?

2889769 I rest my case. He's not the good guy in the show, he's more like an anti-hero.

.... Do you wish for me to tear that apart?

2889778 Nah, I've never seen the show, I'm just going off of analyzing a few blurbs on it. My opinion, sorry if it upset you. :applejackunsure:

2889779 No its fine i just merely wished to express my side of it. And I would reccomend the show. Sorry for making it seem like it upset me. I just could give a few statements that would, in my opinion, show the opposite of that statement

Hi, um... I'm a little confused. The parasprite invasion happened before the wedding so did the doctor send them back in time? Sorry, I'm not that big of a Whovian but I always love a good Whooves x Derpy story. Could you explain?

Of course. When he loaded them into the container he traveled back to start the para-sprite invasion. Any other questions i could help with?

2893250 Nah, that pretty much explains it! Thanks! /)

Diction is trash, Expression is flawed and a literal bare pass, you have absolutely NO wordflow whatsoever and despite the sheer lack of length, I still wanted to stop reading midway due to how terrible the writing was.

Also, you have no intensity, not can you properly express not create build up. Additionally, your payoff was absolute garbage and the climax and ending irony made all the sense of a Vine compilation.

If you didn't get the hint, it sucked and made no blinking sense whatsoever. So unless you're running a moonpuzzle, off with it.

It's readable. Congrats. You made something that is legible to the eye. Doesn't mean it's any good though. Honestly I'd rather read another piece of garbage than read this due to the sheer lack of flow and the inability of it to generate even the slightest amount of interest within me.

Congrats it's readable but is Trash regardless.

Fair enough. Thank you for your honesty and criticism as I appreciate it and will try and use it to improve. I'd like to think I have but then again I can be an idiot so either way again thank you and have a good day 👍

You too, here is one tip to make life 2x more readable

Use Shorter paragraphs. Halving the current ones are a good start. Add that to single separate lines for dialogue and it flows slightly better.

It's been two years and I am often surprised at how angry I used to be. My apologies for the absolute ball of vitriol I could be at times.

I should've worded all of it with much less spite.


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