• Member Since 18th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 4th, 2014


Total Brony.


My Little Twilight The Flashes Part 1! Part 2 Coming Soon! First blog post too BTW · 12:42am Aug 24th, 2012

So this is my first blog post and its about my story My Little Twilight. Sorry y'all for not continuing very fast, but my internet has been acting up, and I'm lucky I had time to finish the chapter in one sitting. Part 2 coming soon! This isn't a very BIG blog post, but oh well.

-Zephyr Dash

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Comments ( 14 )
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124602 Your welcome man. It was freaking amazing.

I thank you for the fave of I Will Be Strong.

Hey Zephyr, just wanted to pop by and say a quick thanks for favouriting my first fic, Corrupted, I really appreciate it!

64816 im fine either way i just wanted to know

61788 Sorry I haven't been able to get back to you. I've been out of town for a while. If I get enough requests (8) I will make another chapter, but right now I'm trying to focus on My Little Twilight.

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