H-hi. My name is... Lily Pad. I've, um... I've read a lot of stories about people who get stuck on desert islands. I really like the one about the pirate girls who make friends with all the animals on the island, and then the animals help them rebuild their boat and escape. I guess I thought, if I were ever stuck on a desert island (o-or, I guess, a deserted island, since ours has a, erm, jungle) it would be something like that. This uh, this really isn't at all like the stories I'm used to.

Sunset Shimmer and me, we... we're not really sailors, and we certainly aren't pirates. We haven't made friends with any of the animals on the island, either. Also, in most stories about islands, the heroes get shipwrecked or stranded, but we have a good boat, and I guess, technically, we could leave whenever we wanted.

It's just that there's nowhere else to go.

Written for the 2024 Tropical Post-Apocalyptic Story Contest in the Island Group. For which, by my estimation, it was submitted about an hour too late. Oh well.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer failed as a pupil of Celestia– The shadows took advantage of her ambitions and the darkness within, and twisted her into a demon.

…And then Twilight Sparkle, saved her. If only she had known Twilight was the newest pupil of Celestia, her replacement, the living proof of all her failures, before she made a paladin pledge to serve and protect her as a life debt.

A conflict of interest, there. Her guilt, her shame, and her regrets, direct her to be as far away from her past as possible. And her debt to Twilight, her desire to repay her for being saved by her, and even her admiration to her replacement keep her close from all of the things that make her feel weak.

…And now that Twilight became an Alicorn, she realizes she needs a fucking break.

This is an illegitimate prequel to the Princess and the Peasant, due to it being set on the same universe, but at an earlier time frame to that fic! Though it's only a prequel, it's fully related to that story, as you might expect. There will be few references, but it's very much a stepping stone to more being done on that universe!

Chapters (2)

The Blueblood dynasty have been ruling for centuries, now Emperor Blueblood XV has sent Twilight Sparkle to retrieve the crown of Empress Celestia, a mare of ancient myth who's crown is rumored to hold immense power and grant the wearer unstoppable strength.

Twilight Sparkle, with the help of her five friends and a trusted professor from Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns believe to have located a cave which Empress Celestia's crown rests deep inside. Unfortunately for them, the crown is not the only thing that rests within the cave and what was supposed to be a simple artifact recovery turns into something much more perilous as they awaken something they likely shouldn't have.

Tags and warnings may change as story progresses.

Chapters (1)

Although corny, no words can describe you and what you have done for our your friends. And to me. Especially to me.
But I only need a few words to describe myself.

Destructive, manipulative and useless.

This is a letter-style, first person fic. It is a suicide letter with self-degrading paragraphs, to be clear. Do not read if you are not in the right headspace or comfortable with the topic.

Chapters (1)

Human from our world gets sent into the MLP EG world and decides to team up with Sunset and help her with her plans

Not sure what tags to add, I'll probably add more as I keep writing

Chapters (2)

Sunset was... Having an ok time, after the battle of the bands.
Her friends are better now, and not... Alluding to HER all the time anymore. She's gotten better in a lot of ways, and is being treated better.
But, now she's got some mysteries, and having to deal with her ambient magic slowly fading away, rendering her vulnerable to the needs of a human.
And who the heck is Dead Heart, and why does she feel so weird around them?

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to An Empathetic Heart

Misty, with her newly discovered element of harmony, messes up wildly during a battle with Opaline, leaving Zipp badly hurt and the rest of the Guardians of Harmony in disarray.

Luckily, she has a very special pen pal who is more than willing to travel through the portal to mentor her! But why is she so keen to leave her home?

Misty and Sunset Shimmer team up as the combined element of Empathy to show the world what it means to have heart!

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Twilight's New Moon

It's been a few weeks since Trixie's accidental ascension to an Alicorn and the passion between the new princess and her long suffering girlfriend Twilight has reached a new high. However, when they are interrupted by an unexpected (and very good looking) guest, an accident leaves Twilight and new arrival Sunset Shimmer stuck with eachother far closer than the easily flustered Twilight was ever expected to get.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to This Is Not How I Expected My Week To Go

In Luna's absence, Equestria has advanced significantly, enough to leave Luna unsure of where she stands now as co ruler of Equestria. Don't even get her started on there being a third alicorn in the form of Princess Cadence. Celestia attempts to get her sister settled after being Nightmare Moon while Twilight, Sunset and the rest of the elements work to keep up with each other.

Cover art is done by my friend on discord.

Chapters (4)

Anon-A-Miss: A online user made out of the blue that has been sending other secrets and made her suspect to the account. Being accused and framed for exposing the secrets of her friends, how will sunset deal with it..?

Find out here...

Chapters (2)