Thorax has been having some chest pain lately. According to his doctor, he needs to limit his love intake.
Somehow, Anon is most affected by this.
Day #3 of Hearts and Hands Week 2025.
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Thorax has been having some chest pain lately. According to his doctor, he needs to limit his love intake.
Somehow, Anon is most affected by this.
Day #3 of Hearts and Hands Week 2025.
Coco's life is far from quiet. Manehattan is a busy place, and what with her juggling her costume designing gig with her salespony job at Rarity For You, it's nothing short of a miracle that she's able to find any time to relax. Unfortunately, her friend and coworker, Anon, is very good at making that time not so relaxing.
He has good intentions, he swears.
Day #4 of Hearts and Hands Week 2025.
Getting transformed into a ponified Midnight Sparkle of all characters isn't something that happens very often in life.
Neither is suddenly appearing in Ponyville right before Nightmare Moon escaped.
Let's follow along a lore nerd as she collects various memorabilia from Equestria and beyond to create the perfect collection!
And totally not because of the fact that she wants to learn all of the lore for herself! Nope! Nuh-uh! No siree!
Alternate title: I'm a Crazy Science Horse
Cover art by Duvivi
After becoming an Alicorn, Twilight was aware that her life was about to take a rather drastic turn. After all, she was now considered a princess by all who saw her, even her closest friends! However, as the days went on past her alicornification (say that three times fast), she began to notice an odd figure lurking in the background everywhere she went, and despite nopony being able to see it Twilight could tell it was watching her every move. Coming to the brink of losing her mind over her impromptu stalker, the newly found princess decides to confront the individual, only to realize how much of her life changed when she became an alicorn would be more apparent than ever.
Set right after Twilights ascension, join the lavender princess as her eyes are opened to the very laws of the world she lives in and her new role in it as a princess. Will she be able to overcome the weight that comes with the title of alicorn?
Death tag is self-explanatory, but it won't be anything gory. Sex tag for the occasional innuendo and implied events between two persons.
2/10/ put in the front page? Wow, wasn't expecting that, thanks to everyone for liking it that much so far!
You'd do anything for your special somekirin. Unfortunately, some of the things she asks you to do are less than safe, or at the very least questionable in their nature.
You should be used to playing with fire by now, though.
Day #1 of Hearts and Hands Week 2025.
Twilight and her friends are sent by the Cutie Map to retrieve a foal in need. He claims to have been formerly a legendary creature known as a human. They don't really believe him. With no home or family, they bring him back to Ponyville.
Twilight tasks her friends to personally teach Anon the magic of friendship but Anon seems more interested in aggravating them. Will Twilight and her friends be able to reach Anon or will he end up in Tartarus?
Big thanks to those who comment! Certain comments really influence how the story will turn out!
Rated T for some mature jokes but nothing extreme. Keep an eye out for the many references of other media!
The Joker didn't remember much from the Mxyzptlk incident, but he distinctly recalled an epiphany he'd reached. One that he'd known for years, but had needed a fifth-dimensional perspective to put into words: Any universe that could create something like him didn't deserve to exist.
Of course, he hardly had the resources to do something about that with his usual day-to-day operations. That's where the highly unusual consultant came in.
Cover by MediumSizeTex, used with permission. Graciously preread by Crack-Fic Casey.
For a human that ended up in an alien world full of talking ponies, you've been living a surprisingly boring life. Sure, you have friends and go on adventures and stuff, but you don't really have a "purpose" per se. At least, you didn't until about a month ago, when a "heinous villain" that had been turned to stone went missing from Canterlot. Now, there's a washed-up queen crashing in your basement and stealing your love.
If only you could get her to admit that she doesn't actually steal it from you.
Do you know how it feels when a character from your favorite TV show lives with you? I think no. You are Anon E. Mouse, a man, who is living with his little batpony, Batie. Batie loves you and tries to make you happy, when you are sad, or worried.