
Viewing 1 - 20 of 273 results

Take Chances In Life · 3:10am Jul 2nd, 2017

In a semi-rare, real life post, I wanted to let everypony know that I might be putting content out a little quicker than what I have been. Between a mini-stroke at work two weeks ago, this depression and now today a possible mild heart attack, it dawned on me that life's short. Take chances live life to the fullest. Visit nude beaches, if that's something you've always wanted to try. My cat is a complete pest before and after something bad happens to me healthwise and he has not

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Report pabrony · 356 views · #Real life

Very Serious Announcement · 1:37am Sep 30th, 2017

In two weeks the content (new and updated) from me will be slowing considerably. I received (and accepted) a job offer that is not only higher pay but also a different shift from the one I am currently working. I still plan on finishing My Little Voyager next but I'm now on a shortened timeline for writing my Christmas fic. That means that SciTwi Shimmer-Book 8 may not be released until after New Year's.

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Report pabrony · 339 views · #Real life

I haven't writen anything in two months · 4:58am Jun 11th, 2022

I've not managed to put down a single word in the last two months, which might not seem all that bad, that but was after after four and a half years of daily writing. I managed to write something every day even when dealing with illness, loss, and the international dateline. Not that things were doing all the well in the months before, as I've been dealing with being just completely emotionally and psychologically drained. I don't have any good reason for why I've been feeling like this, but it

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Report Winter Quill · 317 views · #Real Life

Had some news at work · 7:54pm Jul 13th, 2015

I had planned to take 2 or 3 weeks off from writing but looks like it'll be more than that now.

My coworker is leaving to pursue another job in about a month's time so I now have six months to finish the project we've been working on--on my own. This essentially means my workload has doubled.

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Report Captain Wuzz · 306 views · #real life

Health, Mental and Physical · 9:31pm Dec 28th, 2022

To start with, this has been the longest pause in my writing since then late 90s, and it’s more frustrating than anything else. I feel like I can’t make any forward progress on any ideas, even though I’ve been starting to get more of them of late. I need to do something to change that, but it’s not as easy as just wanting to do something. Motivation and Action turns out to be quite different things to muster.

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Report Winter Quill · 318 views · #Real Life

Good grief · 8:55pm Aug 25th, 2015

Joints feel really sore, but especially knees.

Also today was one of those days when I seem hypersensitive to sound. Had two researchers in my office and I don't know if they were talking at unreasonable levels of volume or if my brain was just processing it that way, but it was so difficult to cope with. And when people slammed doors it felt like a bomb going off in my head.

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Judges, Unfamiliar · 6:43pm Jun 5th, 2017

Just letting you all know that I’m in the middle of an unavoidable stint of jury duty, hence my inactivity this morning. Imanaged to accidentally volunteer to go back tomorrow*, so I’ll likely be going dark for a fair stretch then as well, and possibly the rest of the week as well. And if I end up actually on a jury... well, I’ll let you know then. Suffice to say, I had no idea how accurate the Azorius Senate was when it came to representing the oh-so-slowly grinding wheels of the

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IMPORTANT POST: FiMFiction Harassment Update · 7:53pm Jul 25th, 2017

I've just received word that the person who's been harassing me for a year or so has plead guilty and will no longer be allowed to use a computer. Again, I'm sorry if any of you happened to be caught in the struggle, and know that all this drama is now officially over.

And on that happy note, I finally got a Discord account! It's quillamore22#0741 , so check it out if you ever feel like chatting with me!


To be a Breezie will update on Monday, honoring the passing of my grandma · 4:54pm Aug 18th, 2019

what it says

Report Obsi · 245 views · #real life #breezies #delay

Uuuuuuuuuuuuugh · 8:41pm Mar 20th, 2020

Right. So- My job decided to close down because of all this. Everything that's going on in America rn. Which makes sense. The place is empty, there are hardly any customers anymore, and there's just nothing to do but clean clean clean. Everything kinda fell apart. We'll be able to open up after all this is over... but I've lost a reliable source of income. And now I have nothing to do but stay at home and do chores all day. I suppose.

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Report dicerollball · 192 views · #Serious #Real Life

Voice of All · 12:13pm Nov 8th, 2022

It's that time again here in the US. Election Day's here, and depending on where you live, midterms may have a big impact on the course of the country. In the interest of not throwing a hand grenade into a garbage fire, I'm saying nothing more, aside from "Please go vote if you haven't already."


Broke my collar bone · 9:09am Nov 23rd, 2016

Bicycle keeps trying to kill me! Pain isn't too bad. Currently typing at about 2 letters per second, one handed. May be slow to update for a while. :ajsleepy:

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Report ferret · 496 views · #real life #injury

Death... · 11:19am Mar 27th, 2016

So.....Death is horrible....
my Mums Ex-Husband who still lived with is just died after a few weeks in hospital....
...she basically grew up with him....
...we're not really taking it that sister wanted to die as well...we talked her down...
...any idea what to do?

Report Krazyfan1 · 458 views · #Death #Real Life

Arena Athletes · 3:19pm Jun 10th, 2016

Well, I'm keeping busy. Right now, I have half a dozen story ideas in various states of production (working titles include He Come to Town, How Lyra Met Bonbon, and What Shy Did on Her Summer Vacation) and I'm about to start teaching myself JavaScript.

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Busy! · 4:29am May 28th, 2016

Real life is becoming a bit too surreal for my tastes! I finished one book and now that it's live I've been getting asked by several different publishing companies that I should jump ship and switch to them!

It's only been a week people! Leave me alone!

I really wish I could scream into the monitor sometimes, for no other reason than all of the foolishness that goes on, on the interweb.

And for those interested... or not... I'll put in the link where you can see my book.

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Report Poetic Brony · 253 views · #Real life #update #book

How I make money... · 6:03am Jan 15th, 2018

If you've been following me for a while then you'll know I live a fairly good life. One big thing in my life is money, I'm sure it is in most people's life. I suppose you could say I'm a investor, I invest into cars, what I do is get a wrecked car and rebuild it. All of my personal vehicles were wrecked but I rebuilt them into good shape. Here, let me show you.


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Report Freakxander · 313 views · #Job #work #real life

I witnessed a car accident today · 8:40pm Oct 1st, 2018

This happened right in front of me this morning. I drove to work, and suddenly I look up and it looks like the cars explode. It looked like a new years rocket, just infinitely more startling. heck, the front light of one car landed behind mine, and I was about 20 metres away. And that piece was three times the size of my head.

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Report Obsi · 277 views · #car accident #real life

I'll Be Damned... · 11:36pm Aug 15th, 2018

Not really pony related or even fimfiction related but just something random i figured I'd share. About six weeks ago I had a mysterious plant sprout up from nowhere in the middle of my lawn. At first I thought it was a watermelon but as it grew, I thought it could've been a zucchini plant. No such luck there either. A little while ago I went outside to take a look at it and somehow I grew a pumpkin plant without any seeds. :rainbowhuh: It's the craziest thing I've seen because I didn't buy

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Report pabrony · 242 views · #Random #real life #crazy

I Smell Like a Campfire · 10:39pm Sep 5th, 2017

It's another one of those times when I gear up to try and finish a chapter, but then nature strikes.

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Highs And Lows – Addendum · 5:24pm Nov 7th, 2015

I almost feel I should apologize for this one.

My previous Sunset story gave us a look into her inner monologue. Here we see what can happen if it's interrupted.

This story was something of an experiment to see if I could take advantage of a sudden burst of energy to pop out a work satisfying FF's guidelines before crashing back into my uninspired doldrums. It was written in a single go, and editing has been kept to a bare minimum.

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Report Soufriere · 1,269 views · #author notes #real life
Viewing 1 - 20 of 273 results