
Viewing 1 - 20 of 395 results

Milk Bag · 6:48pm Nov 13th, 2019

I got a whole plot diagram written for a fucking milk bag.

Report Lunatic God · 160 views · #Plot

Plot musing · 1:53am Feb 6th, 2019

I know this one's been visited by someone in some form or another by I thought I would toss it out there since it's on my mind anyway: Highlander via ponies, IE: Immortals who gain power from defeating other Immortals.

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Report CortlandRhubarb · 241 views · #plot

Being a Better Writer: Tying Subplots and Plot Together · 9:25pm Jun 8th, 2020


I HAVE FOUND A PLOT HOLE IN COLD.... AND IT BUGS ME!!!!! · 6:04am Jan 15th, 2020

So, I'm doing an MLPFiM marathon, and I watched the season 4 premiere. Now, for some odd reason, My brain didn't realize that the Everfree would invade once Queen Chrysalis took the elements from the tree. I mean, we don't see it happen again until the tree is destroyed. THIS NOW BOTHERS ME. We don't really have a solid time period for how long the tree was gone without the elements, and I don't really have a solid time period of when Cold takes place, so therefore; I can't tell how much magic

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Report Script Singer · 251 views · #Plot holes

Plot Bunny Theater: "Mid-Life Crisis" · 4:17am Mar 19th, 2023

Celestia: "I miss the good old days. Remember when we fought Cthulhu, Luna?"

Luna: "Oh yes. Now that was a battle!"

Celestia: "Just you, me, him, thousands of miles of open ocean... Except for that island."

Luna: "What island?"

Celestia: "Exactly. Oh that was a real fight! He broke my legs and my neck and nearly broke my mind!"

Luna: "I still remember how I had to multi cast those psychic reinforcement spells every microsecond or he'd have gotten us!"

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Being a Better Writer: Time(line) Management · 9:39pm Jan 30th, 2017

I bet a lot of you are going to be surprised by the actual gist of this post. Yes, I am talking about time management, but not in the way you think. Also, I'm fairly certain I've done posts on making good use of writing time before, so those still exist.

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Godrej Sector 83 Faridabad: Design Your Dream Home At Haryana For Peaceful Living · 8:24am Jul 10th, 2020

Do you think your home is big enough to welcome your greatest dreams? Do you feel a longing for a home where each and every nook is designed as per your wishes and tastes? Don't worry Godrej Plots Faridabad introduces the gated community of plots of distinct configuration in Haryana to make your dreams possible.

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Flow from within. · 1:36pm Sep 5th, 2019


Plot Armor does what now? · 1:30am Sep 9th, 2017

I know it's kind of a trope, and people are using it less now, but I still see Plot Armor come up every now and then so I thought I'd put my two cents in on the subject.

When a character has Plot Armor it's generally taken that they are invaluable to the story and thus we can feel safe in the assumption that they will be around until the end. I would argue that that is largely true-- with one caveat: Plot Armor makes one invaluable to the story but beatings still apply.

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Report Mr Extra · 476 views · #Plot Armor

About Twilight's fear of Quesadillas from Party Pooped... · 5:38pm Jun 27th, 2015

You would think that such a fear is ridiculous, but I thought up a valid reason for it.

She seemed more focused not on the quesadilla itself, but on the fact that there was too much cheese. Meaning, it's the cheese that she feared, not the quesadilla itself.

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Report Regreme · 693 views · #plot theories

Plot l hate · 5:58pm Jul 8th, 2017

Kidnapping plots. Also the books my sister has been listening to on tape have been dry women focused fare.

I so want to listen about old ladies talk about how quilting saved their marriages and connected them more fully to Jesus.

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Report Peridork · 253 views · #Bad plot

Big Plot Point for KotV · 6:28am Jun 8th, 2018

Massive plot-twist for KotV... tomorrow; the original idea for the next chapter was slightly veered to the side for a reason. My original idea has changed, just... I need to explain something about this story I am writing but all of it will be answered in the future (tomorrow... or somewhere in the afternoon).

For now I'll give you these two clues:

Comic + Canon (Clue One)

After S2 + Before S3 (Clue Two)

Good luck guessing; have a grand day!

Report Animatorsnake · 275 views · #Plot-twist

Animators, Actors, and the Episodic Quantum Leap · 10:21pm Nov 23rd, 2015

[Most of this post was originally in my previous post, “Pop Ideology and Why it's Easy to Write for MLP”. hazeyhooves pointed out that this part was distinct, and seemed incomplete. I added some material in response to that, and more in response to ForSpite, then pulled it out into this separate post. The part that was originally in the previous post is in a

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Being a Better Writer: The Meandering Story · 9:55pm Feb 29th, 2016

This post can also be found at Unusual Things

Today we're tackling a topic directly. Head on. We'll be discussing a problem I often see throughout literature, especially work from new writers or in the area of fanfiction (and both are probably bolstered by the fact that most television deliberately commits this act in order to pad out run-time).

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Plot Bunny Theater: Twilight Express · 7:26pm Nov 7th, 2019

Twilight Sparkle attempts to help organize the businesses of Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie. Getting this experience and feeling the thrill of wheeling and dealing, she decides to start her own business! Pony Express: A delivery company using an airship she designs and builds herself to go all over Equestria and deliver goods and services!

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10 Unresolved Lingering Plot Threads/Plot Holes from FiM · 12:27am Dec 18th, 2019

As much as MLP’s finale wrapped very well. Plus considering the series finale we got this year, a show about pastel color pone did why did better then Game of Thrones and Star vs. the Forces Evil did with their finale, in my opinion of course. Considering how many plots thread it had to wrap up here throughout the series, it huge kudos turn out the way it did and not feel rushed. However, there were a few plot threads that manage to slip through the cracks, sadly. From threads that were meant

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Report LoneWolf · 302 views · #list #plot holes #overview

Top Ten Forgotten Plot Points · 3:59pm Oct 11th, 2019

Continuity has been something we've praised the show for from day one and we've lauded them for not always resetting everything or clinging to their status quo. That being said, considering this show is and has been a twenty two minute, slice of life based cartoon, it's natural that some plot elements that existed at one point or another will get dumped or forgotten about. Some of them aren't too bad, but others are pretty glaring and leave us scratching our head. And today we're going to look

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Plot Bunny Theater: Fluttermatch · 1:58am Nov 19th, 2019

I confess that while Fluttershy x Discord is cute, I was always more fond of Discord x Celestia. I liked to think that for the longest time, they were the only constant in eachother's long, long lives.

Celestia: "We were in love. Then fell out of love. Then he hooked up with some crazy bitch. Then he became a total douche, I stoned him, he came back... Now we have booty calls every now and then where we have the most twisted sex you can and can't imagine."

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Newsies #3 · 12:46pm Sep 20th, 2018

Okay, so, it’s my weekend again and I have some plans for it. I’m wanting to get some more writing done on Pony Plots, of course. I have one more chapter I need to get finished and that will finish off arc III. I have over a week before that chapter should be published, so I should be able to get it finished, by then. I hope. It’s gonna be rather lengthy, all things considered, as it’s the confrontation between Fyren and the gang and Titan, along with his dream constructs. I

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Report True Edge · 273 views · #News #Pony Plots #Other

Being a Better Writer: Building the Right Subplot · 8:08pm Oct 30th, 2023

Welcome writers! Another Monday is upon us, and so it is time once more discuss writing in all its various forms and shapes. Or rather, a specific form and shape, as we don’t have time to discuss everything in a single installment of Being a Better Writer.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 395 results