Collected Narrative Poems by De Writer · 1:19am Sep 17th, 2016
I have just submitted a collection of narrative poems that I have written about my and friend's OCs
I hope that you enjoy them.
I have just submitted a collection of narrative poems that I have written about my and friend's OCs
I hope that you enjoy them.
An obstacle is something that comes between a character and something they want.
Disempowerment is the removal of agency from a character.
At first blush, these two things might not seem all that dissimilar at times - when you throw a character in prison, you're taking away their agency, right?
Well, not quite.
This post can also be found at Unusual Things
Today we're tackling a topic directly. Head on. We'll be discussing a problem I often see throughout literature, especially work from new writers or in the area of fanfiction (and both are probably bolstered by the fact that most television deliberately commits this act in order to pad out run-time).
Hey hey! I'm almost back to full health, and it's been far too long since a Classic Being a Better Writer post went up on the site!
New? Unsure what those words meant? Let me clarify! Being a Better Writer is a writing feature that's been running for almost four years now, posting every Monday. These posts cover a wide, vast assortment of topics, from subplots to mystery to dialogue, all with the goal of helping writers young and old improve their craft.
Greetings fellow bronies and nerds.
I just wanted to give a quick update. First of all, sorry to those who has been waiting for Rising Storm for a while, I needed to plan out the path ahead for a bit. I know the overall story and the details, but there were some narrative choices I have not settled on yet.
It's been a while since I've written one of these, but I've been hanging around in FimFiction's Discord's Writing Help chats, and one of the most common things I've been seeing is difficulty with character voicing. Character voicing is hard. It's what's important to making characters stand out from each other. So I thought I'd write a little blog about some of my thoughts on Word Choice in relation to a character's voice.
Here’s a question for all you clever writers who have studied literature, read books on how to write fiction, and enjoy correcting the rest of us about points of style:
Can you change the narrative point of view in the middle of a story?
Ladies and gentlemen, the Equestria Girls franchise antagonists, ranked from best to worst, with supporting factual evidence.
(Spoilers for Forgotten Friendship, obvs. Also please pretend that every instance of the phrase "Giant Woman" contains a YouTube link to the appropriate Steven Universe song, thank you.)
Welcome back, writers! Sorry for the delay with today’s Being a Better Writer post. I got a late start today. That’s on me.
Once again it's time to opine in relative obscurity, but it can't be helped. For a new Mortal Kombat game is upon us - to be the first since Mortal Kombat 11, which was released in 2019. Beyond the enjoyment that a new installment is sure to bring, there is an even more compelling reason to blog, and that is the premise of the story.
Often, it's no issue for expressive punctuation create a soft full-stop (period), like in dialogue:
"Oh, wow! A present."
But, especially when the exclamation comes as part of a clause sequence, it can get irritating.
Obviously, there are [Dark] & [Horror] tags too, but people seeking those will not necessarily expect them from the start, but rather to appear after they are drawn in — and, oh boy! does the creepy factor ramp up.