
Viewing 1 - 20 of 53 results

The truth about Blueblood · 5:30am Jul 9th, 2021

I've long been on the side of the 'Blueblood' argument in favor of giving him the benefit of the doubt; venturing the guess that he just has a keen instinct for picking out the fops and then acts like a boor to scare them off. Rarity was being a fop at the Gala. This was before I rewatched the season one finale the other day. Having done so, I can now confidently say I was right; his behavior toward Rarity was an act.

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Orcs Must Die! 2 soundtrack · 9:45am Jan 7th, 2018


Speaking of BTD... · 3:34am Dec 30th, 2018

I've got an Android emulator going with BTD 6. I can certainly say that I'm liking it so far, though since it's running on an emulator on my tablet, it's a bit... laggy.


Editorial: In Defense of "Putting Your Hoof Down." · 9:46pm Aug 19th, 2020

Stands up to adjust my tie before clearing my throat.

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A short treatise on mental defense, by Luna · 9:30pm Jul 8th, 2018

A/N: This is from an earlier time in my alternate history when Equestria was at war with other nations. 'Person' was a word widely used, and Luna was never happy with it having fallen out of favor.

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Fic Idea: Moon Cleaners · 7:47pm May 27th, 2016

(Inspired by a blog comment elsewhere pointing out the number of fics in which various invaders are dealt with by hitting them with the moon, and how much debris must have accumulated there...)

Wanted: Moon Cleaners

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I’m Trying Out Video Shorts Now! · 6:33am Mar 14th, 2023

Hey, everypony! So it looks like you guys saw what just happened. I’m starting to post video shorts now on the channel. Since the G5 defense video will likely not be coming out for a bit, I thought I’d give this channel some life regardless in the meantime. You all deserve some consistent interaction from me while I work on the video and The Fall of Opaline. Plus I was genuinely surprised to see myself on Google Images. Certainly didn’t expect that. It was originally supposed to show off

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Welp. BTD Battles is broken. · 10:46pm Dec 29th, 2018

I was hosting a tournament. Things were heating up, and we both had temples going up all across the screen. I was the first to get a temple, and I had enough income to build several more within a minute of each other.

And then my wallpaper changed.

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I Have Returned (Apologies and Explanations For My Absence) · 3:26am Feb 10th, 2023

Hello everypony, this is Admiral Producer again. I know most of you haven’t heard from me in a while and I would like to address that here. Sorry if what I say comes off as rambling or a little melodramatic, but I really need to get this off my chest and explain myself here. So…where to begin? As you all know, I haven’t posted any of the last three entries to the Misty Saga in over two months despite claiming to have two of them finished. Well, that’s because I lied. None of them are finished

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Behold………THE INTRO (Literally)!!!!!!!! · 6:36am Mar 12th, 2023

Yeah, it’s literally just the intro. I was just looking at my channel and saw that I had reached 11 subscribers! Wow, thank you all so much!! You all must be really excited about this project. What can I do to build up anticipation for whenever it releases and celebrate the channel’s early growth? Why reveal the intro, of course!! Behold the official channel intro sequence I will be using for the defense videos!!


The real reason why I'm temporarily leaving. · 6:59pm Jul 8th, 2021

Because all I do is hurt people. I just realized that a long while ago, but I didn't want to say anything, until now, because I didn't want to instigate the previous incident or come off as manipulative again, but I need to get it off my chest.

I used to think that there was at least some good or chances in me despite that, but now I know that I'm beyond saving at this point. No matter what.

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Orcs Must Die: Reveal Trailer · 12:15pm June 1st

you guys should play this game, it's fun


Guys…PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO, IT’S SO GOOD!!!!!!!! · 1:09am Mar 31st, 2023

Well…what a surprising thing to wake up to, hm? A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one nonetheless.

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Survey: What Do You Enjoy About G5? · 2:04am Jan 19th, 2023

Hellooooooo!! Me again. I’m currently at work on the next chapter of my newly-resurrected crossover story Star Wars: Trials of the Force at long last!! Both The Fall of Opaline and the first chapter of Redeemed have been completed and I promise you guys, to all of you who have stuck with me through the entirety of the Misty Saga so far, the latter will be a real tear jerker, especially with its ending. However, I am also hard at work on my 5-part defense videos of

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This is your Civil Defense announcer speaking (er, typing) with a VERY important message. · 9:31pm Oct 31st, 2016


An Overdue Apology · 4:14am Apr 14th, 2023

Hello, everypony. Judging by the title of this blog post, your gut reaction is probably thinking I got myself into a controversy or I’ve been lying about something, but don’t worry. It’s not. I just wanted to clear the air and say sorry for not being that active as of late. For the past few weeks, fans like ponydog127, littleman001, and spiders123 have been PM’ing me about stuff and I haven’t been responding. Normally I’m very quick to respond, the latest being a couple days after, but you

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Just Finished Rewatching A New Generation For The Billionth Time (Ending Analysis) · 7:28am Apr 25th, 2023

Hey, everypony!! So I know my recent blogs have been me complaining about real life Math issues, but considering that doesn’t look like it’s going to get any better (Seriously, Professor Cotter said that Exam 3 is the hardest one, I’M DOOMED!!!!!!!!!!), I’m switching gears back to what I normally talk about in the meantime to avoid clinical depression. In this case, while I was getting some English homework done, I turned on My Little Pony: A New Generation for about the ninth

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Isa law | Deportation Defense · 3:37am May 23rd, 2023

With the help of an experienced immigration attorney, you can increase the likelihood of success in defending against deportation. Isa Law provides an overview of deportation defense and how to work with an immigration attorney to defend against deportation.

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Justice Preveals · 1:16am Nov 20th, 2021

The Rittenhouse case was one step forward, but the Chauvin case was still five steps backward. Absolutely no progress has been made to restore law, order and common sense.

We need to fight harder.

IF anyone plans to cause trouble, behave. Don't act like dumb animals and don't associate with those who do.

The Ponytariat House

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Techie's SPICY Smokin' Toasted Self-Roasted Reviews #45: [Bloons Tower Defense: Equestria]! · 4:37am Oct 15th, 2020

AKA the story in which the game I used to play constantly ever since elementary school says hi and is subsequently murdered. Yup, we're doin' these again. It's ya boi, Tonkus, back at it again with the SPICY Smokin' Toasted Self-Roasted Reviews! Someone remind me that I'm doing these again if I forget that these reviews exist.

So anyway.

EBloons Tower Defense: Equestria
Look guys, it's the crossover that nobody ever needed!
TheMajorTechie · 3.8k words  ·  20  1 · 915 views

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 53 results