
Viewing 1 - 20 of 34 results

Half Changeling Rewrite · 10:33pm Aug 18th, 2022


Some more bizarre writing advice: Character Psych · 7:33pm Feb 3rd, 2016

Back in ancient times when dinosaurs roamed the land (last June), I made a blog post meant to be a rant. That post unexpectedly ended up turning into a rather bizarre writing advice blog:
Outside of a formal literary setting, WRITE HOWEVER YOU WANT.

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Which Story Do You Like That Has the Best Character Development? · 2:12am Apr 26th, 2022

If you had to choose a story that you like, which one would do you think has the best character development (either for canon, OC, or both) and why? It can be either at least one of your stories or stories that you've read from other authors and users.


Overdosing on Character Development · 12:26pm Apr 25th, 2019

I finished all of Thundercats (2011)!

Um. It was alright.

Do I recommend it? Eh. :ajsleepy: I do recommend watching episode 4, "The Song of the Petalars" because it's really strong as a stand-alone story.

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wat dis? · 6:00am Dec 10th, 2019


Not gonna go easy on you this time. :raritywink:

Unrelated to Into Equestria... mostly.


One Week Delay · 5:29am Jul 12th, 2018

Sorry bout this folks!

Work picked up over the weekend, which is normally prime writing time and I haven't been able to put pen to paper!

or fingers to keyboard... you get the idea.

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Adventure! · 1:19am Feb 11th, 2016

A few updates for everyone:

Chapter 12: Red Moon just went live. This is the fastest turnaround that I've ever done, but I think it helps that the chapter was not as narratively dense as some of the other ones in Equestrian Horizon. It's mostly straight action and not a lot of layers to peel back.

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Classic BaBW: Character Growth · 6:33pm May 26th, 2017

Trying something new here today. It used to be, back when I was transferring over posts from my old blog to this site, that Thursday or Friday would be home to a Blast from the Past post—essentially an excuse to go back to one of the old Being a Better Writer posts that wasn't on Unusual Things yet and transfer it over (albeit with a little editing). Those posts ran for a little over year, if memory serves, but inevitably had to stop, as I caught up with the present day.

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News Flash: Badass Has Her First Fight. She Wins and Loses. · 4:19am May 6th, 2021

Friday, I post the heaviest chapter in the novel, The Runaway Bodyguard, appropriately numbered 13. Starlight fights. We learn about what makes Twilight tick, and see the first of many ways she is broken. When I stated in the title of this blog that

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News Flash: Badass Starlight Has Her First Fight. She Wins. She Loses. · 11:57pm May 7th, 2021

Today, I posted* the heaviest chapter in the novel, The Runaway Bodyguard, appropriately numbered 13. Starlight fights. We learn about what makes Starlight tick, and see the first of many ways she is broken. When I

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After two whole chapters of talking... · 5:04am Dec 23rd, 2015

... comes another fight.

I know, no one asked for any of that boring, talky plot and character development, just bring on another firefight!

But seriously. I'm beating my head against my desk trying to get these chapters out. It's so incredibly frustrating having all the outlines done but none of the meat ready to string up on the bones. It's even more frustrating already having run these scenes in my head enough to get sick of them and still not having transcriptions of them down.

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Why are names HARD!? · 9:09pm Jan 13th, 2022

I'm bad enough at naming characters as it is, honestly? The only easy one was Scarlet because I based her loosely off the girl from Nukabreak. But when we're bringing different species and races it gets so much harder. Zebra names especially. I honestly am blown away by some writers like Somber who can just name all of the characters so well, it's wild

Anyway if anyone wants to help name a cute lesbian griffon x zebra couple that run a store together let me know? I am stumped.


Being a Better Writer: Giving Characters a Leitmotif · 10:10pm Jul 26th, 2016

Okay, first of all, I need to apologize for this post coming so late in the day. I know that yesterday I said I would have it up this morning, but as some of you likely noticed ... that didn't happen. What did happen was that last night, as I sat down to put together what would have been this morning's post, it ... Well, it wouldn't go together. I was nursing a headache, tired, and after a frustrating time spent slapping together a less-than-subpar BaBW post, I canned the

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Why don't I like character development/growth? · 5:23pm Mar 28th, 2019

It's very simple, and it's the very same reason I write fics in the first place... because the characters did something or acted in a way that I do not approve of and refuse to tolerate, plus, as they CHANGE, they lose more and more insight of who they used to be, and often turn into MORONS like Twilight Sparkle.


She knows that Cranky Doodle is the exception to making friends (at the time) and encourages Pinkie not to bother him anymore

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Uprooted · 6:45pm Dec 24th, 2021

Not really an announcement, but more of a fan'by moment that I would like to share.

Thorax in Uprooted is portrayed as rather... respectable. I mean, we all respect him - even (most of) the characters in the show with whom he has interacted - but he's usually portrayed as spineless, and a li'l' goofy.

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Help! My Heart is Full of Pony! - Humdrum · 5:04am Sep 27th, 2020

Everypony remembers Power Ponies for its fun premise, its campy action, its awesome villain, and its crowd-pleasing comedy.

However it was also the very first Spike episode where the central conflict didn't revolve around him being, well...a jerk.  

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Being a Better Writer: Body Language · 7:43pm Jul 11th, 2016

How do you show that a character is angry? Or nervous? How do you show that two characters are not on the best of terms with one another while they are on decent standing with another member of their group? Or that one of them is nervous? Jumpy?

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Ok, One Last Blog Post About Changeling Mine....For A While Anyway · 8:57am Apr 20th, 2018

Well, with the few reactions I got from my last blog post, and after a bit more deliberation, I decided I need to clear something up in regards to the changes that will be made to Shining Armor in this story, mainly in regards to his redemption.

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Happy Yule! · 8:40am Dec 31st, 2021

Chapter 8 took longer than I'd hoped, but I'm quite happy with how it all turned out. I think I'm going to be slowing my upload time to a more sustainable pace? Plus it gives me time to go back and make edits to the chapters that are already up, which has been really fun to do so far!

I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts on the fic, or just talk about FoE stuff in general honestly. Happy holidays!


Writing can be exhausting · 3:51pm Apr 3rd, 2022

I've mainly noticed this after writing particularly emotional scenes, like a flashback I just wrote for chapter 15. ((I wrote 3 or 4 chapters ahead, and edit the next one to be posted as I go)) It can be emotionally draining to write some scenes, especially thoughts involving traumas that the characters experienced. It can be kinda rough! I can't even imagine how hard it'd be to write a story like Murky Number Seven or Pink Eyes, with how dark those stories can get at times. It's honestly super

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 34 results