
Viewing 1 - 20 of 23 results

Chapter 10 half done · 11:33pm Nov 11th, 2017

Okay everyone, I'm about half done with writing chapter 10, and this one will most likely yank at your heart towards the end of what I have so far. Here it is:

Chapter 10 - An Unexpected Thu'um Part 2

               "It's nice to meet you, Puppysmiles." I said. I stuck out a hoof, hoping she would shake it. Luckily, she did. "I'm Happy Moon."

               "Hello, Mister Moon." she said. I shivered at the name.

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Chapter 10 is UP! · 11:37am Jul 16th, 2020

It is

Report LSTS Connor · 233 views · #Chapter 10 #Update

Fallout: Equestria - The Happy Moon Chronicles still going · 1:23pm Oct 16th, 2017

Before anyone worries, yes. Fallout: Equestria - The Happy Moon Chronicles is still going. I'm making good progress on chapter 10, and I'll try to get it out before the season finale. I'm just trying out a different way of editing. I hope you all like it when it comes out! Also, what do you all think of my new profile pic?


The Moment When... · 3:25pm Jan 7th, 2016

For those who are fans of Past Sins, from a long time ago or just recently, I have to call your attention once more to the comic being done by SaturnStar14. For over two years now she has dedicated a wondrous amount of time and energy to bring Past Sins into a visual medium. She's made more progress on a comic version of Past Sins than anyone else before, and now, today, she

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Chapter 10 - Root Memory and the Trip: Cutting Room Floor · 4:06am Dec 22nd, 2019

A friend of mine thought that this was good content, but my proofreader thought I should cut it because it repeats some things. So I decided I'll leave it here for all of you to make of it what you will.


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Should I leave it alone or keep it? · 9:39am Aug 28th, 2021

In the story The Experiments I started reformatting the chapters from chapter 10 onward to fit 1st person point of view instead of flipping from 1st person to 3rd person point of view. I wanted the story from chapter 10 onward to have a more personal feel from the different points of view. It's still having an adventure dark theme to the story. I was thinking about maybe going back to the earlier chapters and reformat them so they match the rest of the story or should I just keep what I have

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The Slash Of Truth - Chapter 10 out soon! · 2:50am Feb 4th, 2023

Chapter 10 of The Slash Of Truth will be out at 8 pm UK time tomorrow.

In my previous blog post, I noted how much I enjoyed writing this chapter. there is a reason for that...

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Chapter 10 - Update! · 10:26pm Feb 3rd, 2023

I've really enjoyed writing this chapter as just can't stop writing. Yesterday, I did 3.3k words and stayed up till 3:40 am in the morning, writing away like a maniac. The calmness at the start which turns into an unexpected fight scene... I enjoyed it, a lot!

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Question · 8:26am Apr 1st, 2016

I figured I ought to ask this before I make assumptions.

Now, I made it abundantly clear that the Reincarnation-Verse's Equestria, compared to most other universes out there, is a Luna-be-damned paradise. In fact, I'm making it clear now that the Hero Souls that came before Twilight actually considered it just that, a paradise after a life of torment and struggle.

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Hello Stranger! · 4:47pm Jun 26th, 2021

Been awhile since I made an update, partly due to my job.

With the 4th of July approaching here in the US I’ve been busier than ever at work trying to get things sorted. Sadly this has had the additional effect of draining me week after week, so sadly progress on Chapter 10 has been slow going.

Hopefully once all this holiday madness is done with I’ll be back to my old self! It’ll just take some more time is all.

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Rewrites in full swing! :D · 9:04am Aug 15th, 2018

I'm already about halfway through writing the first chapter from the ground up, so that should be up... soonish.
I'm thinking that I'll finish the first chapter, work on the tenth a bit, finish the second, then finish and post the tenth. After that, I'll probably do a one-for-one, or two-for-one depending on my muse.

It's really annoying, then I was writing nine, I felt like rewriting, and now that I'm working on rewriting, I want to do some bloody combat. xD


Chapter 10 is here! · 4:01am Aug 11th, 2021

If you haven't seen it already, then what are you waiting for?! Go on and read that and come back afterwards. I can wait.



You back? Cool, lets get to it then.

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D&D 5e: Tales of the Fairy Queen - Chapter 10: Captain's Intuition · 1:03am Jan 22nd, 2023


I love Aella ;-; · 3:56am Mar 2nd, 2022

As I go on writing and fleshing out her character she just makes me so happy! Cute and quirky and soft just wdagjsv;asg. Is it normal to like your characters this much? I have so much fun writing her, seeing her learn about and interact with the world. How she grows, it just makes me so happy. Joyful even. It's been such a fun project so far, and I'm so excited to keep pushing forward! There's so much more to come, and I've hardly even gotten into the thick of it yet. I appreciate everyone

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There won't be a new chapter for "Aunt Millie" this week anymore (Post contains SPOILERS!) · 7:55pm Feb 12th, 2017

I'm making this quick. Unfortunately, worst has come to worst and there won't be a new chapter for "Aunt Millie" this week anymore. Well, not everything that causes that is bad, but it partially is.
There are several reasons for this. One is finding back the drive to write and the discipline for daily writing after the stressful weeks that are behind me is hard. Another one is a spontaneous outbreak of depressions I suffer from currently.
And a third one, well, is this (SPOILERS):

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Back from Movie Land, but still in need of a bit of relaxation before I return to "Aunt Millie" · 5:43pm Feb 25th, 2017

Basically what the title says. Just a quick heads up about my writing progress.
The first initial hype about the movie infos has died down now after two weeks and I slowly get back to writing.

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"Aunt Millie" delay: The Explanation I owe Everyone · 1:17pm Feb 7th, 2017

So, here I am, with a huge delay for "Aunt Millie", an unannounced even, despite me promising I would never do that again..... At least, I should give everyone who waited for the fic to update in the last three weeks an explanation of what happened:

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A Storm is Coming..... "Aunt Millie" returns from its unwanted hiatus! · 1:10am Mar 13th, 2017

You read that right. "Aunt Millie" is finally back on track! Chapter 10 is out now:

While the last chapter was calm, this chapter will be rough.....
Cold front Millie heads towards us, bringing us a storm and very low degrees this night. Make sure to take shelter from Hurricane Dinky when it hits the coast of Chapter 10 later tonight.


"The Strange Case of Dinky Hooves' Cutie Mark Curiosity": Chapter 10 is out! · 5:19am Jul 23rd, 2017


"Dreamwalker Dash" reaches 10 Chapters! "Death from the Sky" is here! · 3:00am Jan 28th, 2021

"Dreamwalker Dash" reaches a big milestone this week. For the first time since I wrote "'Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!'" and "Aunt Millie", I have reached ten chapters with a long and extensive multi-chapter story!

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 23 results