
Viewing 141 - 160 of 262 results

Applejack the Workaholic? · 5:33am Aug 3rd, 2018

Applejack is a farm girl... I mean farm mare that works long hours. Does she show signs of workaholism? So what is the difference between a work addiction and a healthy work ethic?

This video was made due to popular demand... 2 years after the fact. Hallelujah!


The funk continues · 5:04pm Jul 8th, 2018

I have a lot of diagnosis. Bipolar type two. High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder. Gender Dysphoria. Attention Deficit Disorder. Executive Dysfunction Disorder. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. These are fun as they all mix together in just the most fun ways. Can't pay attention because of the ADD, can't force through it because of the EDD, Don't have people in part thanks to ASD, in a depressive swing downwards thanks to the Bipolar, and fucking stressed because of all of that and the

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reflection 🪞 · 3:11am Dec 12th, 2023

2023 is almost over.

Quite a few things have happened.

I got a new job and my mental health has improved since then.

I've been creating again after over a year of nothing. I'm hoping to sell at a con just to say I tried.

I also got engaged.

I've felt like a failure, merely existing. I hated it. Feeling the way I did absolutely sucked. Now I'm slowly finding myself again. I'm doing a little better now.

I'm thankful I'm still alive.


I.I.t.M.T.A.Y./A Health of Information reviews · 12:46am Sep 27th, 2017

(I had to make an acronym for the title since it's so long)

It Isn't the Mane Thing About You
While not the most necessary of episodes (not to mention having a rather confusing time paradox), it was still pretty entertaining all the way through. I liked the message, the humor was good, Rarity's mane looks fricking awesome. Look at it!

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State of the Author, Tomb Raider free till Monday, and Comic Recommendations · 8:34am Mar 21st, 2020

Let's start with the link to Tomb Rider first, shall we? Very generous of them in these stay-at-home times.

Had that damned infected tooth filled for the last time last week. Been going well so far, and I'm feeling much better already. Cost me a pretty penny from my savings, but worth it, just to be able to THINK again.

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General Update · 1:37pm Nov 12th, 2020

Hey all!

I've been abscent for a while so I should probably give you an update on things. Firstly, I'm still planning to continue both Family and Tomb Kings of Equestria, I really do want to write that battle scene.

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My vacation time has been approved! · 7:07pm Jun 1st, 2022

I'll be taking two weeks off from work toward the end of the month. This is great because I've been experiencing burnout from work, and I'll finally be able to focus on the commissions that need to get done. Yes, I'm still open for those. If you would like to request a commission, please DM me. I'll likely binge write during this time.

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My first therapy session starts tomorrow · 2:32pm Mar 24th, 2021

I'm a bit nervous, but I know that I got this. I wholeheartedly hope that there will be no interruption or cutoff of internet connection. 🙏🏻


The fanfic that's taken me almost 10 years to write · 10:27am Dec 29th, 2020

I don't know if it's depressing or not that I've been working on the same story since 2011 and because it's been re-written so many times I've only made it 9 chapters in.

EOur Day in Disdain
Rainbow Dash is forced to confront the ghosts of her past and the life she left behind. Lest the one she built for herself crumbles in her hooves.
Rainb0w Dashie · 30k words  ·  43  7 · 1.4k views

Next June will mark 10 years since it's inception.

I'm not even joking

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Life updates · 7:06am Nov 5th, 2023

Hey fimfiction. It’s been a hot minute since I’ve been on here. Not since June. It’s wild how much things can actually change in five months. I decided to post on here because when it comes to spilling my non-story thoughts, this is definitely my safe place (thank you MLP fandom for that).

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Nightmare Night and Mouth Hygiene. · 12:24am Nov 1st, 2015

So, I'm a bit late with the 'Nightmare Night, what a fright, give us something sweet to bite!' thing. But it's mainly because I've had a lot of catching up to do, and the fact that I went to the dentist the same day.

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Happy Hearth's Warming! (Party and Story Details) · 2:14am Dec 26th, 2015

It's that time of year again. The time of year where, at least here in the US, you cannot escape the horrible shitty music they play every buy some apples year in pretty much any store ever.

Also it's the time of year when we talk about how much we love gifts and friendship and family and being nice and unhygienically giving birth in disturbingly close proximity to livestock and...

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The grass is always sour grapes on the other side · 7:49pm Aug 23rd, 2019

So the RCL did its Bronycon thing, and we somehow ended up with a consensus that Monochromatic wrote the best story in the fandom, that my husband (we can all dream) Aragon placed, and I got an honourable mention. I also did very well in the online polling for submissions.

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Possibly dying (?) · 7:15pm May 14th, 2018

Over the last month, my health has gone worse. It started with the usual dizzyness I’ve had all my life reoccurringly. And now I can barely leave my bed without having to hold onto something to keep from fainting.
I still visit school though. The past weeks I’ve had one test after the other, so I didn’t have time to visit a doctor. Now my doc is on holidays, and the one representing doc (not sure if this is correctly translated) has deported me via call.

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News, News, and More News! · 8:26pm Jul 31st, 2020


A thing I learned in the past almost six weeks is that not being active in the way I want to be active is extremely bad for my mental health. · 10:54pm Apr 6th, 2021

Just what the title says. This is what I learned in the past almost six weeks since February 25th. The CGI announcement for Generation 5 wrecked me in a dimension that I thought isn't possible. The 2D animation of Generation 4 holds a big, personal meaning to me that is as specific as it is private. I approached more analyses of Generation 5 only in very small steps since

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Wither Reading Corner? · 7:20am Jul 2nd, 2022

Apologies for the lack of updates lately in the reading corner series - with my full time new job and my health I haven't had the time nor the energy. so today's work is hijacked written with love by my long suffering much adored editor.

Hidden gem.

The phrase conjures up all kinds of things, doesn't it? Does it make you think of a story in particular? Link it down below as your recommendation!

Write on,


An update on my therapy journey · 2:21am Mar 3rd, 2021

The psychiatric service sent me 4 intake forms via email. I filled out all of it and sent those to them. I scheduled my intake interview to take place next week. Wish me luck!


Being a Better Writer: The Importance of a Support Group · 9:40pm Feb 15th, 2021


Why I’ve been absent from my stories & blogs: · 4:44am Nov 1st, 2021

Long story short as you may have noticed my stories and blogs have been few and far between this month compared to the few months prior.

So I wanted to let you know why:

I have been having some personal issues in the mental health department and other issues IRL. (And no I won’t elaborate.)

And when I have been online my focus has been on The Sunset x Sunset competition that was going on in my Sunset x EG villains competition group.

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Viewing 141 - 160 of 262 results