
Viewing 121 - 140 of 208 results

New updates · 5:05am Oct 11th, 2015

Well, that's one story off the list. The Immortal Question is officially finished.

Now comes more news about Thine Own Self. Yes, the Crusaders got their Cutie Marks, and Diamond has been reformed. However, I still need them in their old ways for the purpose of the story, and I can't have them suddenly have cutie marks or for Diamond to be reformed. Think of it as an alternative universe. What if things played out differently?

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Finished Undertale... again... · 10:21am Jan 11th, 2016


What fulfillment? Wish what? · 1:55am Mar 12th, 2017

So I was messing around in General Zoi's Pony Creator and grumbling at the lack of options available for customizing myself when I remembered something important.

"Derp, I forgot. I'm an artist! I can draw whatever I want!" :derpytongue2:

So, after about an hour of relearning Photoshop...

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Gadget's many nicknames · 3:55am Jan 18th, 2017

Nicknames so far:

Lab Horse
Smurf Horse
Pink Smurf Horse
NEW> Magical Subway Girl

And here's a nickname I wanna use but have no idea how to use it:


IT'S HERE! IT'S HERE! · 9:21pm Dec 3rd, 2018

Hey, you! Yeah, you!

Do you like Twilight Sparkle? Do you want to go through a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Romance story staring you, where falling in love with Twilight is the goal? Then why don't you check out SMOOCH-YOUR-OWN-SPARKLE, out now!?


Dreams on "Star Trek: TOS" and "Ponyfinder" · 5:33pm Mar 6th, 2018

I'm back, batches. (Let your cookies come. They will all fall before me.) And boy do I have a doozie for you today.

So recently I've been marathoning Star Trek: the Original Series. I've also been playing in a campaign of Ponyfinder (ponified Dungeons & Dragons) for almost two years now. I've been meaning to do a blog post on that, in fact, but I've never gotten around to it. Anyway, both those things came to a head last night in another extended and detailed dream sequence.

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Non-pony story preview: My Own Reality · 7:23am Sep 21st, 2019

What's this? The first chapter of the original fiction adaptation of Pony-Me? By golly, I have been doing something all this time! In all seriousness though this is by far the shortest chapter and I just started on the 8th one today... er... yesterday. :twilightsheepish:

1 | Wake up.

“Rebecca! C’mon, sis, wake up!

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Oh shit.... · 6:11pm Oct 30th, 2019

.....I missed my own anniversary. I have now been on FIMfiction for a year and I've grown a lot as an author in such a short time. Hot damn.

Also, this is Marcbot2004. I just went through a small name change in spirit of Halloween and a new show I started watching.


January's Upcoming Story! · 11:51pm Dec 28th, 2019

Hi y'all! I'm just dropping this blog since next month and 2020 is approaching fast. I still have plenty of time off from university to write more horsewords, but I figured it would be worth it to let you all know that My Stars and Garters may be the last story of this year, but that there is still more to come, uh, next week? Next year? I don't know, both work. Anyway, that multi-chapter story that was mentioned in the last blog is completely edited and stars Princess Celestia, young

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You into CYOA Steampunk Ponies? · 12:21am Jul 30th, 2015

My friend just started up a new Tumblr called

and it'll be great if you guys could get on board with that. If you're into what I just titled above, you'll most likely enjoy this. Like most CYOA, the Followers get the opportunity to make a protagonist's choice for them. Like a video game, except there are even less restrictions. Anything could happen, so why not hop aboard for the ride? Click here to begin!


Don't mind me while I wallow in radio silence on Fimfic. · 7:06am Sep 1st, 2019

(Don't mind me tagging Pony-Me with this blog, 'cause it's most relevant to that.)
...Yeah, haven't really been updating much at all here, have I? Lemme just blab about some stuff:

Yes, my interest in MLP has only been getting smaller for quite a while now. I'm mainly still here because I like reading fan works more than watching the show, and also because I just like the community in general.

Though the stories aren't tagged as such, everything is currently under unofficial hiatus.

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Oh Dear God please help me · 2:43pm Jul 25th, 2016

So remember that bitch who has a crush on me and treats me like her girlfriend? Someone from Jesus told me that she's been posting pictures of me on Instagram with flirty descriptions and calling me bae. I told her to take them down because I'm not her girlfriend but then she was like chill some of those pictures were really old but all the pics Jesus kid sent me were from this fucking year I'm considering asking her mom to check her instagram


New Story on AO3 · 5:25pm Apr 13th, 2021

Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that I have started my next semi-longform project, and its posted over on Archive of Our Own. It's going to be a novella-length fic set in the She-Ra universe called "Claw Marks."

Claw Marks

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Heyyyyy, so y'know how Pony-Me has an original fiction adaptation in the works? · 7:05am Aug 23rd, 2020

So, while I've started work on the second draft (not to mention a major rewrite of character relations), I've also went ahead and posted up the first draft in all its awkward glory over at Offprint! Though, it's missing an ending chapter or two thanks to the fact that I ultimately decided to scrap that ending and just start on the next draft with a new ending in mind. :V

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Just Samantha being smug. Don't mind her. [MILD SPOILERS FOR PONY-ME'S REBOOT] · 8:20am Nov 20th, 2020

For those who aren't familiar with Pony-Me, or are familiar but are curious on how the reboot's dealing with character reveals, check it out below the break.

NOTE: The following snippet is from the original fiction adaptation of Pony-Me that I'm writing at the same time as the reboot. Julie Ashton is functionally the same character as Pinkie Pie for the purpose of this excerpt.

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Epilogue. Post Conflict: A Whole New World. · 5:04pm Nov 20th, 2021

Alright. So, with the battle over, an epilogue is to be expected, given how much had happened and all the new developments. As of now, the epilogue is written... but Holy Shit did I ever have a lot to epilogue about. (Did I use that word right?) Given that, it will be published in two parts, back to back, the same day. I'm doing it this way because what I have written is over 31,000 words to... umm... do what I do best, I guess.

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Thursday Afternoon special: Three posts commented all at once · 8:09pm Dec 22nd, 2021

So for some reason Mykan seems to have a real urge to whine about some random users tearing apart his criticism to varying degrees of succees and quality, which ironically just makes whatever point they want to make pretty much on its own. Cause to paraphrase one of my favorite stage shows of all time…

Mykan: You made a fool out of me!
Critics: You didn’t need our help.

Cause these last three entries… off. Let me just give my two cents to them if you are okay with that

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I like pink horse · 11:01pm Aug 17th, 2020


New Chapter Coming Next Week! · 6:13am Sep 16th, 2016


help stop reposts by reposting this post donut break the rules · 6:22am Dec 19th, 2015

Hello everyone please like and share and repost this post to alert people not to like and share and repost this post thank you.

Viewing 121 - 140 of 208 results