
Viewing 121 - 140 of 393 results

Sneak Peak of Service Mares! · 7:12am Sep 20th, 2017

Here it is! The aforementioned sneak peak that my patreons have been able to see for awhile. Although calling it a sneak peak sounds silly as its over 20 pages, regardless I hope you enjoy it.

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Quiet Boy and Moon Horse: Soon in print! · 9:13pm Apr 24th, 2019

FIMFiction won't let me tag multiple stories in the same blog, so this is purely here to point QB&MH fans at my previous post about Tales of the Moon.

Carry on :twilightsmile:


Thou Goddess: Soon in print! · 9:14pm Apr 24th, 2019

Fimfiction won't let me tag multiple stories in the same blog, so this is purely here to point Thou Goddess fans at my previous post about Tales of the Moon.

Carry on :twilightsmile:


Voyage of the Equinox: Resource Page · 11:33am Nov 14th, 2018

Those readying one of my more recent stories, Voyage of the Equinox, may have noticed that I don't control it the way most authors have total control over their own works. Some of you may have noticed I have a discord server where the results of various actions and plot developments are decided by algorithm.

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First five Feathered Heart edited chapters ready · 1:15am Feb 18th, 2021

They're heavily edited and expanded as promised, but unfortunately, I am denied permission to post them to Fimfiction since they're not total rewrites. They're 60-80% different in terms of text, depending on the chapter, but that's not enough according to the mods.

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To Writing Spirit regarding Panatrophia, you're gonna tag me but not unblock me? · 5:53pm Apr 23rd, 2020

I don't know if you'll notice this, but I'm getting this off my chest. Here's the comment I wrote before seeing I was still blocked

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An update with remembrance. · 6:18pm Dec 4th, 2020

I have decided to clear one more story from my published library.

WIth great reluctance, I'm parting ways with COD: AW - One Among Us. I lost motivation to write for it a while ago, and it just seemed...old. My writing has improved ever since I started writing it, and lastly...well, it may seem petty, but I need to focus more on stories I can write for.

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Discord server for "I Just Want A Comment" launched! · 10:45pm May 1st, 2019

Click the icon to join!


Belated Reader Request Poll Results!! · 8:11am Nov 5th, 2021

Well, I guess I'm a bit late for my own Poll's results. Hehe, um, sorry for the delay everypony, I got a bit hung up with other things and time just slipped away.

Oh don't give me that!! I just forgot alright!! *Ducks behind desk as tomatoes and other squishy fruits sail overhead* Alright! Alright! Ceasefire!

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I need an opinion · 12:48am Dec 20th, 2020

So, it's obvious that the story's viewership has been falling for a while now and I honestly have no idea how to improve it. I've been trying to advertise it on social media, in servers, in groups, etc, and it never really seems to get any kind of improvement. The story's close to hitting 100,000 words, and still has a long way to go. For reference, based on my rough outline it's maybe a third of the way through, nearing the beginnings of the half way marker. I feel like at this point I'm just

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Own story or adaptations? · 8:53pm April 19th

For awhile now I've been trying to decide whether to focus on new stories or adapting the ones from the show with PonderBright in it.

I guess it all depends on my skill level of writing, and what everyone wants to read.
I have little opinion on the direction the story goes as far as this is concerned, so I'm putting it up to a vote.

What do you want to read?

Want to read about how Ponder would respond to situations in the show? <- this one will seem to ' fit ' better.

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Taking time · 7:50pm Oct 18th, 2015

Sorry to say guys but the next chapter is going to be a while, I feel like I rushed that last upload I did and the new one, though half done already, also feels rushed. I'm going to fix this best I can so keep an eye out to read through chapter 12 again, nothing new will be added I just feel I owe you guys some better descriptions on the sphinx and some more emotion on the coming chapter.

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11.3k+ words, and Growing · 7:06am Oct 7th, 2016

Y'all know the deal.

Blah, blah, blah, school's kicking my ass...Blah, blah, blah....FAFSA....Blah! Same old, same old, nothing's really changed, but life moves on.

Tide Over:

They’d moved from the field to the back of the Golden Oaks Library. The event going on between three of them, getting the others roped up into watching in curiosity.

“Come on Rainbow, you can do better than that!”

“Ah reckon she could, but Ah don’t think she’s going to beat us anytime.”

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Reviewing for PCaRG · 5:28am Dec 5th, 2015

Hey everyone, so some of you guys might already know and have been following my reviews already, but I wanted to take the time to tell you all about the reviews I've been doing for the Pleasant Commentator and Review Group here on fimfiction!

So I've been with the group for a while now and joined a few months back and am now a commentator on the group. I've already released a few stories. Some of these are really good stories that you should check out.

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So where do we go from here? (A favor to ask.) · 2:15am Sep 4th, 2015

Just Like Old Times managed to land on a Ponyfic Roundup post by Louder Yay yesterday. I'm kinda glad that it gave the story some exposure, and they even gave it a two-star rating out of, what I believe, five. Before this, the story was sitting at a 24/1 ratio with about 350 reads, and now it stands at around 660-ish views with a 60/1 ratio. These are good things, honestly. It means people

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Some Questions For My Fans · 8:25am Oct 2nd, 2017

So, a few things to establish out of the gate:

1) I love this fandom and this website
2) I love talking about ponyfic and have a lot I want to say on the art of writing
3) My friends generally find what I have to say interesting/funny
4) I am running out money

All of those things together suggest an idea that I have been kicking around for a few months with varying levels of enthusiasm, which is starting a podcast for discussing MLP fanfiction.

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Possessed comment section? O.O · 1:56am Oct 13th, 2016

Go to the comment section... you'll see what I mean... O.O
I'm actually kinda creeped out...
By the way, Happy Person is me.


Opinion, Objectiveness and Constructive Criticism · 9:04pm Apr 10th, 2016

There have been a few blog reactions and more than a few private fights that have found their way back to me for my blog on "The Law of Equivalent Exchange - Comments Version", which kinda promotes a defensive, non-ideal philosophy of—yes—Equivalent Exchange: You act like an asshole, you get treated as such. So here's a bit more in-depth look at what I was trying to angrily get at back then.

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Cover for an upcoming fic · 7:19am Mar 18th, 2022


Is it April already?! (Plus update on The Nameless Queen Reboot) · 11:19pm Apr 6th, 2023

Hello everybody,

Damn, seems like time really flew by, who knew that moving to another country would be so time consuming and stressful? :rainbowhuh:

Jokes aside, I've been thinking about, well, everything here, really. I still feel like I'd like to try return to writing even if on a much smaller scale.

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Viewing 121 - 140 of 393 results