
Viewing 781 - 800 of 1,422 results

Informational. Characters. Seth · 6:06pm Mar 31st, 2019

The persona of Seth was born from the idea of writing fanfic about a girl who turned out to be a witch, and her witty cat from the point of view of a cat. This idea came to my mind when reviewing the old TV series 'Sabrina the Teenage Witch', and I always liked the way the Salem cat was portrayed in the series. So I thought - why would I not write Worm fanfic with a 15 year old Panacea, who had just discovered that she was a witch, because she was told about this by a talking cat that belonged

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Marwile and BBTAG Character Pack #7 · 6:33pm May 21st, 2019

Me: Hey BBTAG, today you released the newest character pack and everything seems to be going well.
BBTAG: Eeyup.
Me: You added some highly requested characters and one from a completely new franchise and Teddie.
BBTAG: Eeyup.
Me: Three of these characters are receiving an english dub for the first time, not to mention big balancing changes to the existing cast.
BBTAG: Eeyup.

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A New Villain: Dark Lord of Chaos Corbel Chimera the Draconequus · 2:06am Feb 21st, 2020

Hey guys! This is Friendship Agent 27 back with an all-new blog. Sorry if I haven't been around lately; I've been meaning to pick up where I last left off on updates, especially the previous one since I was asking if anyone had ideas on what new villains to make for my fan story. Not a lot responded to my last blog except one who believes that another Draconequus would work, so I chose that to work with. So what now? Do you guys want a description of what the new character looks like? Well from

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Music Correlation (Updated) · 2:07pm Nov 6th, 2021

This is a case of how I associate the tracks in my MLP playlist with the episodes and characters of the series. The eps and characters will be listed in Bold while the artists who wrote the corresponding songs will be in Italics. Some cases are influenced by PMVs and song parodies others have done; these will be marked with an asterisk(*). The artist's details may be vague in some cases due to how the file's been listed; these will be marked by a question mark(?).

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Character Bios 4: Twilight Sparkle and Spike · 3:54am Jan 22nd, 2020

Hey guys! Friendship Agent 27 here with a new character bio blog. I am doing two at a time just to rush things before I go back to work on Friday. This time I will be doing both Princess Twilight Sparkle and Spike since I think they are easy to do. They are both older and from what I've seen in The Last Problem, they could do well in my story. After I describe them in the best detail, I'll give them roles for the future of the story that I want to write in the story.

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Studying and Rating Raven · 3:50pm Jun 23rd, 2019

Before I do... For people who have a chance to learn a lesson; this is how I rate and study characters. (How they behave, what they're like, what I will or will not approve of, and most important, how I wish to TREAT THEM and how I need to ALTER THEM for my own stories)

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An Introduction to Iota Force · 8:49pm Jul 6th, 2019

So, since I started publishing the Iota Force series, I've been worrying about the prospect of continuity lockout. After all, I'm hoping to make this a very long series (key word: hoping) and all the stories so far have been relatively long, something I don't see changing that much. I mean, they won't ever be Diaries of a Madman or The Chase length, but still long enough that expecting readers to be able to read through the entire series before starting on the latest story

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It's my parent's anniversary!!! · 3:31am Aug 7th, 2023

I'm so proud of them! They enjoyed the cake, milkshakes, poems and decorations made, as well as the picture/amulet necklaces and folders I bought! ❤️

My poems:

Haiku - "Puppy Love" (me to my parents)

(Me to my parents)

1. Love your hugs and kisses!
2. Spring love blooms, snuggles, cuddles
3. Bound with puppy love 💕

Three poems based on their relationship:

Limerick - "School kids" (dad to mom)

A. I thought my life was already fun and happy

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NEW OC DO NOT STEAL · 1:47am Mar 27th, 2023

Oh hey, I still have a blog thing here.

In any case, my tabletop gaming crew ran a one-shot of the Tales of Equestria RPG over the weekend. Was fun! The intro kit adventure was ... kind of oddly designed, almost like a Choose Your Own Adventure thing instead of a 'traditional' RPG supplement. Though at the same time, the adventure is also basically a dungeon crawl, just without the typical murderhobo violence. Just goofy good times all around.

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Music Correlation (Updated) · 11:46am Feb 16th, 2023

This is a case of how I associate the tracks in my MLP playlist with the episodes and characters of the series. The eps and characters will be listed in Bold while the artists who wrote the corresponding songs will be in Italics. Some cases are influenced by PMVs and song parodies others have done; these will be marked with an asterisk(*). The artist's details may be vague in some cases due to how the file's been listed; these will be marked by a question mark(?).

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Snowy Night (Spoilers/Summary) · 3:34pm May 8th

Originally written on April 2nd, 2024.

It is likely that what I write here will have a very small viewership. An even smaller number of those interested enough to comment. What I read tonight was enough to make me cry, because it's something so unbelievably wholesome yet very deep.

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The Unequal (Spoilers/Summary) · 4:28am May 11th


OC Hunger Games, Round Two Results (Pt 2/ New Challenge) · 3:18am Sep 14th, 2015

Welcome all to the second part of the OC Hunger Games! Now not only will this blog reveal the last winners of round two, but it will also detail the next challenge that was actually inspired by one of the contestants' stories and an idea that a contestant shared with me. But right now, let's focus on the winners of Round 2

Last time it was revealed that JumpingShinyFrogs, Crescent Blade, and Smaug the Golden were the winners of the round. Joining them is... Wait, breaking news folks!

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250 FOLLOWERS!!! · 2:01am Feb 4th, 2017

Thank you guys so much for all the follows and like to my stories and I want thank you by posting two new stories hopefully I'll have the second one up by tonight, but here's the Rebooted version one of my stories.

Tales of the Sun

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OPWA: Episode Eleven · 4:56pm Aug 19th, 2016

Overpriced Writing Advice
Where you can learn the stuff I paid thousands of dollars to have taught to me, for free.

Characterization Via Environmental Symbolism
(AKA "How to clue your readers into who your characters are by their stuff and locations.")

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Plot Holes and EQG part 1 · 6:21pm Aug 12th, 2017

Hi kids, while we await for my editors to finish the latest chapter

That's right, work Slaves! Work, Muhahahaha!!!!!!!!

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Your OC Here!...... Maybe? · 4:19pm Aug 19th, 2017

I received an odd comment on chapter 27 of Hero Souls: Awakening. It consisted of nothing more than a Character Sheet for what I can only assume is an OC that this person wanted in my story. I'm not against adding the OCs of other authors, but there has to be an orderly process to this, or I'll get swamped in requests. I have little enough motivation to write as it is. So, here's the deal!

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Being a Better Writer: Characters with Handicaps · 1:22pm Oct 10th, 2017

Welcome back readers, to Being a Better Writer! Tuesday edition, because … reasons. It happens.

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A New Game is starting up soon · 8:14pm Jan 19th, 2017

Which is great for me, since I've been jonesing for a new D&D game. So far, I only have a premise down for my wizard.

A mix of Trixie and Starlight Glimmer. I have to bump them up my pony list after the end of Season six. Quite the team they make, rescuing the Mane Six, the Royalty, and more or less anypony important without the use of magic.

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What /about/ Discord? · 1:42pm Nov 9th, 2015

So I finally stumbled across a YouTube upload of Saturday's episode (at least I think it was Saturday's. I still haven't seen the Nightmare Night one, so I'm a little mixed up). I love it. I love it so much that I'm blogging about it immediately after watching it at 5 in the morning (don't judge). But not quite enough to take screencaps.

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Viewing 781 - 800 of 1,422 results