
Viewing 41 - 60 of 173 results

So You Have Depression... · 3:56am Jun 5th, 2018

The trick to it is suicide. And the trick to suicide is procrastination. It's true. Give yourself a day. Go on. Do it. Set the date and time, then go out and get your affairs in order. Talk to friends and family, watch a movie, look at the news, try a new game or beat an old one, pick a fight or take a flight, just go out and do your bucket list. Just one day, the last day. Have you done it? Lived your last day just the way you wanted? Good. It's that time now. It's fine to say no, I'll take

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HELP HOLY · 12:06am Sep 25th, 2019

A user named Holy has posted a Suicide Note. If anyone has any information as to her wearabouts, please go to Estee's page here and render aid.

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Serious Update: Second Suicide Attempt · 1:56am Nov 3rd, 2023

Good evening,

Some of you might already know this, but on Tuesday, I tried to end my own life, for the second time. The first time I tried was six years ago, when I was 14. I took a bunch of sleeping pills, but thankfully not enough to kill me. I spent a good 40 hours in the emergency psychiatric ward until I was discharged earlier this afternoon.

My suicide attempt on Tuesday was a desperate cry for help, and thankfully it was heard.

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It’s here people · 1:37am Jul 12th, 2021

It’s not easy chapter 2 is out finally and I hope everyone who was anxiously waiting enjoy’s.

Beware most of it I wrote while sitting on the toilet at 2am and then I edited later.


About my absence · 3:26am Dec 25th, 2017

I've been around for a bit. I've seen some things, done some things, and I've got my fair share of regrets.

I have enjoyed writing as an outlet, to get these feelings out of my head and onto a page so that I can inflict share them with you.

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Download Fate/Grand Order it is my reason to live · 7:39am Jun 26th, 2017

Long ago in a distant land, I, Aku, the shape-shifting Master of Darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil! But a foolish Samurai warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time and flung him into the future, where my evil is law! Now the fool seeks to return to the past, and undo the future that is Aku!
乇乂ㄒ尺卂 ㄒ卄丨匚匚


Y'all Deserve This... · 3:01pm Aug 7th, 2019

After some thought, I feel that everyone deserves an explanation behind last week's abrupt and shocking announcement of Love-Making As A Parent being my "final story".

As some of my older followers know, I deal with clinical depression constantly. Occasionally, as most people with depression, I enter into these phases which I've dubbed "dark spirals". These "spirals" are the low points in my depression. Well, last Thursday, I got hit with a large one.

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Let's talk about being suicidal · 4:52pm Mar 3rd, 2020

I wanted to talk about a realization I’ve had about depression, and specifically the suicidal side of depression. I want to start a discussion on this because it’s hard to talk about being suicidal, and that’s a problem. The main thing I’ve come to realize is that we only use one word, “suicidal”, but it means many more than one thing.

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PRlNCESS CADENCE's suicide · 9:28pm Jun 29th, 2021

You disagree with "X" person for "X" reason. So, you try to bully and harass them. So, we have sad news that this user: may have in fact killed themself.

In the blogpost, he talked about killing himself. He also mentioned it in another blogpost before hand.

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Report Bendy · 579 views · #suicide #PRlNCESS CADENCE

John McAffee Did Not Kill Himself · 11:20pm Jun 26th, 2021

Imagine the state we must be in, where something like this could happen right under our noses. Every major news source is saying it's a suicide, he killed himself, that crazy conspiracy theories are being spread that he didn't. But something tells me we can see right through that. But at the same time, what do we do about it?

"Haha, just like Epstein." And then we go on with our lives. Like nothing significant has ever happened. Like the government doesn't

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Help denote to Holy · 3:45am Sep 26th, 2019

I'm sure some of you are aware, but a fellow Fimfictioner has recently become very suicidal, and someone was kind enough to set up a donation blog. Please help out, anything will do, just a dollar, or even just spreading awareness.

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Report SpitFlame · 137 views · #holy #suicide #donation

With benefit of hindsight, this is painful for me to watch · 7:33pm Jul 3rd, 2022

Sure, I don't have that bad of a drinking problem and I've never been to a psych ward, nor have I actually tried to kill myself (though I have certainly thought about it on an infrequent basis). But I can relate to Gary when he says his life never got better after the night he and his mates went on a post-graduation pub crawl.

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Report Leondude · 143 views · #madoka magica #suicide

As a suicide survivor, here's a very important message you should read if you feel the same way and/or are thinking of attempting yourself. · 7:23am Dec 13th, 2020

When you're at your lowest point and you think all is pointless and you decide that you want to opt out, you tell yourself this time is the time that you're going to pull the trigger for real, end it all. But you don't.

You think that because when you don't pull the trigger after convincing yourself you would makes you a coward? It doesn't. It shows that you're still in control.

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DC: Suicide Squad Official Teaser · 8:24pm Jul 13th, 2015

I am legitimately looking forward to this, albeit with a touch of apprehension due to the obviously, ultra dark tone that the film seems to be going for.

But given that this is Suicide Squad, a movie focused on whats basically scads of murderers, it makes sense that it'd be signficently darker.

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Why So Serious? Joker and Pinkie · 7:29pm Sep 7th, 2016


R.I.P. Pastel Candy Candies · 12:07am Feb 1st, 2018

I heard the news of Pastel Candy Candies committed suicide.

My thoughts and prayers are to her friends and family, and let God be you all to be strong for Pastel.

Be able to strong for Pastel, and she still would appreciate everything you guys do for her.


Pastel, this is for you and your loved ones.


Demons · 1:05am Oct 11th, 2018

OK so to put this plainly a few months ago I posted a chapter as a notice and insurance policy.

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For those quarantined alone · 3:42am Mar 26th, 2020

This hit me today: that there are those who may be quarantined in their home and are completely by themselves. I can't imagine and my heart goes out to any of you who are experiencing this! Especially if you suffer from depression, as I have. All I can say is reach out to as many people during the day as you possibly can. Especially if you can call and actually talk to someone. Hearing a human voice makes a world of difference. I should know, as I spent years walling myself off from

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Some More Inactivity (Mass Effect 2 Complete) · 4:55am Jul 16th, 2018

Well, upon getting home from our weekend trip, I went through the last quarter of Mass Effect 2, completing the last three loyalty missions, and the Overlord and Shadow Broker DLCs.

Brady watched, got angry at the end of Overlord like I did years ago, and was on pins and needles during the entirety of the suicide mission.

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This person needs love and support · 12:45am February 2nd

Hello, folks. Mr. J here.

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 173 results