
Viewing 561 - 580 of 734 results

Transparent Living Chapter 6 Blog Post · 4:40am Mar 7th, 2019

So, some things I want to move off my chest. First off, I had a funny feeling to post today. Even if I hesitated posting, I feel that right now would be the right time to do so.

So, here's a disclaimer: Since my writing style has changed drastically over the past few months, no matter how hard I try, I can't line it up with the writing style I had back when. But, who knows? This change might be good. I'll never know 'til I try.

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Probably gonna go into another month-long or so hiatus. · 3:52am Apr 23rd, 2019

With four AP tests and the SAT coming up in May, I think it'd be better to spend my spare time studying some more and getting some work done on practice tests. I'm especially concerned about my Calculus AP test after doing my first practice test today, so... yeah.

Small chance that "What If" will continue seeing a couple (short) updates, but don't expect anything much to come until around the end of May.

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I Give Up · 12:31am Nov 26th, 2019

I've decided to stop working on SMILE Agent Aria Blaze. Admittedly, I've been struggling with it for a while, even before I published the first chapter, which was like the third or fourth time I had written the beginning. That in its own isn't the problem though. I also find myself suddenly hating what I have. So, I'm going to leave it.

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Offline · 6:59pm Feb 5th, 2020

I haven't been online for a while. This is mainly due to the fact that I've lost most interest in the show and fandom. Not Our Sunset II and You and I will be put on hiatus for an unknown amount of time. If I do return, it will most likely be for a short period of time, as I have no willingness to return.

Thank you all,



Update(s) On My Stories 5 · 12:33am Jan 7th, 2017

Hey guys I just wanted to say thank you for all the support and likes and faves and now on to the important stuff.

Out of my 39+ stories that I have, only 15 have been submitted so far, and of those two are incomplete and three in Hiatus.

So basically I have only ten complete stories right now.

All the rest are a work in progress.

So don't worry if it takes a long time for the next chapter or whatnot because it will come, eventually.

Anyhow that's all for now, peace out.


A Sunset Across the Galaxy is on Indefinite Hiatus. · 7:44am Jan 10th, 2022

So for those of you that care, I basically haven't updated ASAG in a year. This is a combination of real-life kicking my ass, me losing interest in MLP, and my original storyboard getting fucking nuked from my PC. I've been working overtime at my job thanks to the labor shortage in the US, so I barely have time to even try and salvage my planned plot points for the story, I just broke up with my girlfriend of nearly 3 years and I caught at the start of December.

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Plans for the Future: Part 1 (Why I've Been Inactive) · 12:18am Sep 17th, 2022

I'm sure many of my readers have noticed that I have not updated any of my stories in a while. Though I have no intention of canceling any of them, I am putting them On Hiatus. This is less because of a lack of inspiration and ideas and more because of too much inspiration and ideas for new stories (including an idea for The Lunaverse, a Changeling Reveal story, and 5 Alternate 6 AUs). This is why I often make new stories instead of continuing stories I've already started.

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News · 4:20am Mar 19th, 2016

So... I'm probably not going to be around much for the next two weeks... which is kinda silly to say, as I haven't been very active around here for at least two months.

Never the less, someone very dear and close to my heart is going to visit me then, and I intend to spend as much time with them as possible.

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How did this get popular again, dood? · 5:35am Oct 9th, 2015

So as I struggle to write my stories in between my life and hobbies. I read comments when I get the chance, dood.

A lot of people want House Sparkle to come back, dood.

However, due to me not touching it in FOREVER. Going back will be kind of a problem because I barely take notes and I think I lost the notes that I already had. So I'm probably gonna have to reread it a few times to figure out where I was going with it, dood.

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Time for a Switch · 6:55am Feb 1st, 2017

So, first of all, I've submitted a new story that's currently being reviewed by the moderators. Just a quick little thing, similar to Small Changes, that will once in a while get some attention. Keep an eye out for that.

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Random Blog Entry #2 - Seasonal Hiatuses and Other Things · 10:01pm Nov 14th, 2015

I thought I would make this post in regards to John de Lancie's twitter post from the other day, in which he mentions that the gap between Season 5 and Season 6 could potentially be a year long. This of course put a lot of people up in arms over having to wait that long to have their precious ponies on TV again.

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Snippets’ll be slow the next few weeks while I work on a Contest Fic. · 1:15pm Jun 25th, 2020

As stated in the blog title, my ongoing Snippet Series will be on the back burner through the first half of July as my efforts go towards my ongoing entry for Nitro Indigo’s Swapped Roles contest. I know many of you newcomers are Following for more short stories like Cover to Cover, and I promise they’re coming eventually.

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OC Hunger Games Hiatus · 2:53pm Oct 18th, 2015

It's over y'all! The hiatus is over, and the games are back on! The final two players, JumpingShinyFrogs and Smaug the Golden have received their final opponents and have until Thursday to turn in their work! I apologize for the long wait, but I assure you, everything will be on time from now on.


Journey to Japan, Part 1 · 9:17pm Jan 15th, 2020

The bad news: I'm going to be away for a couple of weeks.

The good news: I'm going to be in Japan for a couple of weeks.

Yes, that Japan.

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Apologies and Update on Snow Crystal · 3:11am Jul 16th, 2016

Ok so I know that it's been an eternity since I've been on here and I'm really really sorry for those who have been waiting for more chapters. I 've been really busy as of late and I was kinda figuring out some changes in my life. But I'll try to be more consistent in doing stories.

Now with that out of the way, there's an update on Snow Crystal's past.

For those of you who've read my Secret of the Snow blog post, then you'll see some tweaks I'll be mentioning here and filling some gaps.

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Brony Hiatus Blues · 7:47am Oct 30th, 2016


This is the story of me waking up on a Saturday morning excited to watch Season 6: Episode 27 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Only to realize there was no such thing! Enjoy!


The Iron Guard will Return · 4:30am Oct 28th, 2021

So, I’m putting part I on hiatus, due to the incredible lack of support I have and the fact that I really messed up while writing it.
I just wanted to get it done with, rather than having fun with writing - as you can imagine, it’s not exactly worth reading.
Also, all the hype is of Gen5, my story isn’t exactly related to it, so it wouldn’t do too well.

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Going Away For a While · 9:11pm Aug 17th, 2015

So, I've made a decision: I'm not abandoning or deactivating this account, BUT, I am just going to leave it for a while. Maybe better ideas for chapters/stories will come, but for right now, I'm actually scared to upload anything. So, if you want to un-follow me, go ahead (I won't blame you). I'll start posting up chapters as soon as I get my confidence back. Until then:


A small hiatus... · 7:44am Jun 15th, 2015

Apologies, but there has been/will be a small hiatus for the next chapter. I have started writing it, so expect it in 3 days time.

I originally started fanfic because of the three week hiatus before episode 100. I mean, I was going to have a SERIOUS lack of ponies if I didn't. With the events of episode 100, and my weekend being taken by schoolwork, it's distracted me from my writing.

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Story pitch · 6:45am Jul 27th, 2018

Wrote out the original thing on my phone, and I don't feel like bothering to edit or revise anything before pushing it up. Anyways, here's a pitch for my next short story. Perhaps I might later on adapt it into a fanfic, even.

Not A Monster

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Viewing 561 - 580 of 734 results