
Viewing 501 - 520 of 935 results

Progress report · 8:53pm Sep 14th, 2016

The chapter is coming along nicely. I've got a few things going on for the next few days, so it might not be up till next week sometime, but I do plan to go ahead and try to push it out this week.

If you hadn't noticed, I'm terrible at keeping to a schedule, but I'm doing what I can to bring this chapter out as soon as possible, while maintaining my standard quality.

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It's Done · 5:38am Jun 21st, 2019

Just bought my tickets and finished making room arrangements. I'll be seeing you bitches in Baltimore this August.

((But seriously, if you're gonna go, PM me and we can meet up, either at the con or before/after. Jimmy Johnscon is always #worth. Can't wait to see you all.))


Things You Should Use Your Human Eyeballs to Read · 10:43pm Apr 25th, 2020

Are you sick of staying inside all the time? Has your favorite story not updated in a bit? Is Ice Star not producing the adequate amount of updates you requested during the dark ritual you performed to get me to write more? Well, jeez, that's certainly a bummer. It's also not my problem.

But do you want to know something neato?

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I cooked some perfect enchiladas of my own recipe last week, with specific thanks to my dad! (We might have some competition here!) · 11:46pm Jul 15th, 2020

My dad once told me a better way of making enchiladas after I spoke to him at home. I noticed he doesn't use Old El Paso kits, nor does he (or the other thing) season the meat while they're cooking. When I asked him what he uses, he said he uses wraps from the shop. So I tried it and what do you know, I liked it. Not used to how floury and soft they are compared to the tortillas you get in the packs, but not bad.

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Marwile's Spring Break Bucket List · 5:20pm Mar 4th, 2020

Christmas, College, work, other problems caused by our move… phew. The last months were something. Anyways, with the Christmas rush over and my last exam of the semester written I’ve finally reached Spring Break until April (or I have a week ago). I’m not the type of person to go off and party, I just want to relax for the next weeks. And to make sure that I don't spend the time lying around literally doing nothing, I want to set myself some goals. Over the last year or so quite a few things

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something blue is coming and BLUE_CHANNEL: THALASIN · 8:37pm Feb 7th, 2021


The Hardest Thing I Have to Admit - apparently, this was all my fault for being mislead. · 7:09pm Sep 13th, 2020

You ever had one of those days or moments when you feel like the biggest jerk alive? I'm sorry this has been my mindset recently, but some recent conversations and being able to think for myself over a specific subject has made me question literally everything. It's not often I admit this, but I'm going to man up and say it right here:

I was in the wrong. :unsuresweetie:

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Took like 3 months for this pic · 5:22am Sep 11th, 2023

Meet Kat the Pegasus and Eridani the unicorn, Six’s twin fillies

Pics ( from top down ) by tizhonolulu and By sutekinamimi on discord


All Good Things… Pants On Fire. · 6:01pm Jun 1st, 2020

1st June 2020

Hello Chaps and Chapettes.

I don’t know quite how to approach this second entry in any other way than to tell you that I’m a big ol’ liar.

Always have been it seems, from the days I told small fibs (that’s lies to my US pals) about not hitting my brother as a kid to when I said I definitely completed that report for work, while just starting it. It seems that one filthy untruth leads to another and I don’t quite know how to stop it or even if I should at all.

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The Continued Background Ponification of an Ancient Politzanian: Deciphering Discord, Writing Wrongs, and Proofreading in the Pudding · 9:14pm Sep 20th, 2023

Hey, y'all! I continue to exist!

Here we are nine-and-a-half months into 2023, yet this is only my first blog of the danged year. As usual, I have been writing a lot; finishing things has been another story, I'm afraid, and that one's yet to be told. I've been content proofreading fellow users' works-in-progress in the meantime, and past a certain threshold, I got my hands so full with theirs that I couldn't carry mine.

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OWO WHAT DIS? A TEASER? · 7:25am Jul 14th, 2020

A shovel hit the ground, pushing up a small mound of dirt.

"Hurry up, we don't got all day, y'know!"

A grunt. The shovel pierced deeper into the ground. A heave. A hole. Another jab at the soft topsoil. Another heave. A deeper hole.

The figure overseeing the work nodded in approval. This would make for a fine distraction.


Hey guys, remember that upcoming story I hid the announcement about in the tags of my birthday post? · 5:30am Apr 16th, 2019

It's here.

New chapters will be posted as they happen.

Buckle up kids, because no one gets off Ms. Dash's Wild Ride.


Deletion reason: Rulé #6 · 2:48am Jan 9th, 2020

Ha, Derpibooru, just responded to a question to the mods. Wow, what inferior human beings most of them are. They can't even answer simple questions. Well, I've always thought that if one can't behave as a human being, then why should they be treated as one. Apparently, they are what many groups have deemed sub-humans.

I, personally, don't believe in the supposed sub-human. But then again I have no empathy for my fellow human beings.

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ideas list · 4:33pm Dec 13th, 2015

crossover, displaced, human turns into ??? , misunderstood and other story idea

1.the huntress for dead by daylight
2.lord shen
3.toffee heart king
5.Zen Aku
6.Sajin Komamura
7.specimen 8
8.behemoth for evolve
10.Asriel Dreemur
11.Subject 617 AKA The Hidden
12.Donquixote Doflamingo
13.Bartholomew Kuma
14.dota 2 pudge
16.Spinal's for Killer Instinct
18.Ghost Master
19.stubbs the zombie
20.Dead Head Fred

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Behind the Story: All The Small Things (Plus: A Special Announcement) · 4:36pm Feb 1st, 2023

I feel like I’m getting back into the groove of writing. This story was very fun to write, and while it could’ve used a little more editing (I released this 2 hours from February beginning under a time crunch), I’m proud of it.

The Special Announcement will be at the end of this post.

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Hi, I'm alive, and jews can kill snakes on Shabbat. · 10:28am May 21st, 2023


Apologies for my absence.

I've been focusing on my career a lot so I haven't had the drive to write as of late.

IN THE MEANTIME, I will share with you some interesting religious tidbits about Jews and snakes, as I am Jewish.

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Being a Better Writer: Do You Need a Kickstarter? · 6:01pm Jun 9th, 2022

Dipping back into the well of posts you may have missed over the last month, here's May 9ths Being a Better Writer! Kickstarter was all the rage there for a moment. Will it help you publish? Or is it a time trap?

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"Do you do story requests?" (An Answer) · 10:03pm Dec 3rd, 2023

Sometimes fimfic writers receive messages like

Do you do story requests?

If you hope someone might write the story you want, you have a lot of options.
- You can post the story idea in a forum of a relevant, appropriate fimfic group, and hope some writer falls in love with it.
- You can blog the idea.
- You can describe the idea in an appropriate discord server, and invite people to write a story around it.
- You can CREATE a group for the idea.

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Haunting Melodies to help you HUNT THE REPUGNANT THINGS LURKING IN THE NIGHT - H:TP OST Compilation · 8:38pm Jul 24th, 2022

To find every single track in his comp seperately, AND MORE, go here:


Holy CRAP have I been productive lately. · 9:00am May 8th, 2020

Or, "How Tonk ended up writing three 3k word chapters in a row for a story that isn't even published yet".

Also, we've got a lot to set up with the fic, so there's a 5-chapter long prologue arc that'll all be published at once. :raritywink:

Don't forget, the story drops on June 10th! I post little blurbs of the story pretty much daily on my Discord server, too!

Viewing 501 - 520 of 935 results