
Viewing 481 - 500 of 714 results

Lack of Updates (Rant Warning) · 10:50pm Sep 19th, 2018

It's been a long while since I last posted a blog and there are several good reasons why not only have I been silent the last several months but also why there haven't been any updates on the tagged story among others. I am surprised by the frequent notifications in my feed that it's been faved by readers here as well as the occasional watch I get. Truly, it makes me glad. However, that's where the happiness stops as well as the start of the lack of new chapters.

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Deleting this account possibly likely · 10:23pm Nov 30th, 2015

As of lately I have been thinking of deleting this account and the group along with it (land of Heroes). Due to promises not being fulfilled on my end with my story, and I don't have a editor to help me anymore because I believe he/she just lost interest or other things, struggling to go to school, and getting a decent job that could allow me to do this. (Yes I know you should never me picky with any job offers, but its hard to find someone willing to work with you and not kill you with getting

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About the New Chapter of Guardians of the Aura... · 4:00am Aug 9th, 2016

I'm sorry I couldn't post it this weekend, but something came up.

You see, I spent this weekend on my cousin's house, and I couldn't write the fic there, since I first write on the Microsoft Word and then I copy and paste it here. I had written about five hundred words when I went there and when I got back today, I had to edit it again because one of the scenes was pretty shitty.

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Big Update: New Love Start! · 11:15pm Feb 23rd, 2018

Admittedly, this is something I've been wanting to do for a while, but once the new IYGALL coverart came out, I felt all the more motivated to try it out. Namely, the big surprise of the week is: IYGALL no longer has that weird time skip in the beginning!

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Last two important Characters in " The Legend of Friendship - Harmony" · 1:08am Dec 10th, 2018

And yeah, I know, "where is this stupid story already?"
But at least I am doing some kind of things while not writing, right? :applejackconfused:
Anyway, here are the last two characters that will be important in my next upcoming story:


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If Any of the Guards Are Still Speaking to Me, Can I Get a Glass of Water? · 1:56pm Jan 14th, 2016

Just in case you didn't catch the update to my previous blog, I'm not going to be on much due to college duties and related work. Sorry, but that's life for me at the moment. You can still contact me via messages, but responses will be severely slowed, especially for longer messages. Celestia knows I try to be active.

Works on FimFiction I've Proofread/Edited for (From most recent to first)

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Spiders and Magic: Infinity Cancellation · 9:59pm Mar 10th, 2017

The title says it all guys..............Reasons why I'm cancelling it is because I felt like it wasn't like the other crossovers I've read and I've decided to go a different Route with it. I'm going to try and get in touch with Maximus and have it posted on his page once he's done with Equestrian Avengers: Shattered Dimensions. I'm probably going to go through a major remake of the story since I've been so neglectful of it lately. So sorry for the inconvenience and I hope you'll look forward to

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Very Specific Rambling CDXI · 8:31am Dec 25th, 2020

Merry Christmas (or belated Winter Solstice) to all y'all! May the rest of this year be joyous and bright. :twilightsmile:


Working On A New Story · 7:35pm Aug 7th, 2019

It's a romance about Trixie and an OC. Yeah, it's gonna be about as good as it sounds but I don't care, bite me:ajbemused:. I am writing the outline right now, working on chapter 4 at the moment. I'm excited because I have not seen a story like this around. It'll be an alternate universe story so that I can go into what I think her back story should be and have more freedom to write. It'll take place around season six where she's going on her apology tour. Don't know how long it'll be but I'm

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Questions about "MARS" · 4:55pm Aug 19th, 2020

Heya everypony!

To answer your questions about a new book I'm releasing for writers block I accidentally discovered a loophole while I was writing the "Sudden Appearances" book and I'll bring it up with a moderator eventually (soon!) to avoid future issues (but it's a lot easier having someone access it before even one chapter is released!😂)

Anyway, if you want to see any progress, the link to access it is:

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Random Ramblings CDVII · 7:32am Nov 10th, 2020

As I write this it's 1:30am CST on November 10th, 2020. I've finished my Mayor Mare story. Cleanup & hopefully post later today.


Announcement: New Story Incoming, Story Updates, And More! · 6:56am Oct 24th, 2022

Hey everyone, it's pretty late where I am right now, and as of writing this, it's 2:34am. But I'm crunching for time like Hell because I recently moved and got a new job, so yay me, and my co-author has also been dealing with their IRL schedule too. But I have exciting news! I have spent my limited time off to provide the stories you love. Expect at least one update and a new story. If I can complete the Equestria Chronicles Chapter tonight, that'd be great, but I might have to post it on

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SDR2 Update Delay · 9:44pm Apr 4th, 2023

Hello, my lovely readers. I apologize as I have a slight bit of bad news. Unfortunately, for a number of behind the scenes reasons, we had to delay our posting of this week's update. It will post next week, on April 10th. Without going into detail, among the reasons are my own personal health, which has taken an unfortunate negative turn. Nothing that won't heal or improve, however it has limited my ability to work on projects.

Again my apologies. Be well my readers, and see you soon.


Fallout 4 kills NaNoWriMo · 4:37pm Nov 9th, 2015

A few of you may be aware that November is "National Novel Writing Month", in which aspiring writers practice writing quickly by writing 50,000 words in one month. I won't lie, I tried to do this, and failed miserably. The combination of exams and upcoming Fo4 has dug (and will dig) a lot of time out of writing.

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I'm oficially addicted to Rainbow Quartz · 7:36pm Jun 28th, 2015

Okay so I watched We Need to Talk again and then got on Tumblr to see some Rainbow Quartz fan art. Guess what? She's my new waifu! Bye Opal! Now get a blast of fan arts with this fucking beautiful fusion:

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About "WtW?" · 8:19pm Apr 8th, 2017

A few days ago,I tagged "When's the Wedding?" as complete, despite my intentions to add on to it and update.

I believe I need to explain myself.

While I could say that "life is rough" or "I don't have the time for it," it's not the case. Sure I've had changes to my schedule, but my life still has room for writting stories. And I do, just not for Rumbaloo anymore.

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And life deals me another bad hand... · 10:58pm Dec 20th, 2016

Okay, so my old charger finally died.
And my laptop has little power left.
I ordered another charger, but it won't be here until the 29th.
So, unless I find a spare charger, I won't be online for a few days.
Which means...
Hunters is going to be on hiatus until I get a new charger.

I'm really sorry about this. This story always seems to be own hiatus. I really would like to fix this come 2017.

But, until then. I'll catch you all later.


Christmas Eve.... Who gives a f*ck? · 1:44am Dec 25th, 2016

So since I'm at my grandpa's and he doesn't celebrate and we have no tree and grandma's not here with food and love and my fucking head hurts like hell because I didn't really eat anything today and my boyfriend can't call for awhile and today was my last day at work (by choice) and I'm mad at my cousin for for bullshit he said and there will be no opening of the presents from "Santa" this year and depression has kicked in because of all this shit and I lost my Christmas spirit this year....

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Would ya look at that... · 5:47pm Jun 24th, 2016


I Apologize · 6:35am Jun 18th, 2016

I'm sorry for my absence, I recently had been travelling, and I couldn't use the internet to update very much. (Not to mention when i got to the destination the wifi wasn't working:ajbemused:) I have plans to update soon, but please excuse any inconsistency in the future. I have plans on updating "WtW?" soon, so be ready for it.

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Viewing 481 - 500 of 714 results