
Viewing 281 - 300 of 663 results

The Slender Games - HISHE · 8:23pm Aug 13th, 2018


"Reaping Rainbow" - Thanks, and sorry about the wait! · 12:31am Mar 14th, 2019

Hey everyone! First, I wanted to say thank you to all the new followers I got following the release of "Reaping Rainbow" as well as to the huge number of you who faved the story. Its success was quite unexpected, but I'm so glad people are enjoying it. Anyway, the next chapter is being worked on and will hopefully update soon. I just got a bit caught up with things in real life, but I'll get back to work. I'd hate to disappoint my readers, after all. :twilightsmile:


New Story! · 3:16pm Apr 27th, 2018

My followers I have written a mew fic, "The Lost" a more dark and comedic take on meh usual HiEs. (Seeing I'm a sad and pathetic man that is all I can write...I joke, I'm perfect). Anyhow please, if you could, take a gander at the first chapters and let me know what you all think.

Meanwhile, I'll sit here and twiddle my thumbs while kicking this wall of writer's block in order to progress in my other works.


Tales From the Trash Bin 21. NOT A GARY SUE DISPLACED STORY! · 10:36pm Jul 11th, 2021

It's Not "Gary-Stu," It's Combo-Man!

An unfinished story that anyone can take if they PM me.

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Furbies Cannot Live on Fuzz Alone · 9:46pm Jan 25th, 2020


Horse Doovers · 2:02pm Mar 9th, 2021

I heard this as 'Canterlot Cannibals' the first time and I was both relieved and disappointed to find out I'd misheard.

[Edit: No, listening to it several times I'm CERTAIN she said cannibals. And it IS in the restricted wing...]


Pharynx’s characterisation · 7:45pm Dec 12th, 2021

So, as of late I’ve been watching The Regular Show (wow, an MLP fan watching TRS, I wonder why that would ever happen), and as I write for Pharynx now - a character who’s rather iffy to write for, as he’s only had one episode of speaking, with fleeting and silent cameos in the finale and The Best Gift Ever aside - I find it a little easier than before.

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Review Roundup: September 28-October 9th · 2:28am Oct 12th, 2015

Have you been doing something with your life other than obsessively refreshing my blog, desperate to know whether or not I'd put up a new post, nevermind the fact that it updates punctually at 12:00AM Central on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays? Shame on you! However, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you had something truly important that was distracting you from your vital task of keeping up to date on the latest Chris ramblings. Maybe you were saving orphans

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Review Roundup: October 12-23 · 2:03am Oct 26th, 2015

Hey, look! Over here! It's me, the guy from One Man's Pony Ramblings! And if you don't visit my blog on a regular basis, then have I got a treat for you: two weeks worth of reviews, commentary, and... well, ramblings.

Unless you don't like those things, in which case I guess I have nothing for you. My bad! The rest of you, however, can enjoy checking out what I've been up to for the last fortnight:

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Resurgam has risen... · 4:32am Jul 10th, 2015

My Heinlein tribute story is complete. If you have any interest in Golden Age science fiction, or you'd like to see what might happen if Nightmare Moon were to confront a wily business tycoon, I invite you to give it a read.


Review Roundup: November 23rd - December 4th · 3:00am Dec 8th, 2015

A day late, and a review short! Still, here's the six five posts you missed if you don't check out my fanfic review blog every Monday-Wednesday-Friday, lovingly assembled and artistically hand-arranged for your enjoyment:

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Review Roundup: October 17th - November 11th · 5:49pm Nov 13th, 2016

For your (future) consideration, I recently figured out what I need to do to improve a Hearth's Warming story I wrote last year enough to post it (or rather, how to accomplish the thing I already knew I needed to improve), so I'm going to start in on that soon. But not too soon, because pre-Thanksgiving is too early to be writing Christmas(-expy) fiction. Expect a new short, seasonal story from me sometime around the start of December!

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Lazarus Chapter FINSHED! · 3:55am Jul 31st, 2016

I JUST NEED MY OLD EDITORS BACK!!! :raritydespair::raritycry:

I bet like all of them fallen in the Abyss and have lost their way to Valhalla and shall forever walk the Fury Road.


Review Roundup: April 4-15 · 3:12am Apr 18th, 2016

It's still Sunday, so I'm not late!

In Chris fic news, I saw that sometime over the past week, Going Up passed 5,000 unique views. I'm edging up on 1% of My Little Dashie, guys! Seriously though, 5,000 people is a mind-boggling number to me, in the context of "people who are reading something you wrote." Exciting!

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Review Roundup: May 9th-20th · 8:11pm May 22nd, 2016

So I finally got around to watching last week's episode on Saturday, right before the new one came out, and OH MY GOD WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME IT WAS SO GOOD!? Best songs since season two, a play on a literary classic that takes inspiration from the original without feeling the need to hew to it scene-for-scene, a timeless moral about making the world a better place by being the change you desire... A Hearth's Warming Tail had everything I wanted and more. Heck, it even showed me how,

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EL Chapter 14 + One year anniversary · 1:50am Feb 8th, 2016

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the huge wait for chapter 14. I had a lot of horrible stuff to deal with in a very short span of time, and since it's still going on, I'm finding it very hard to find time to write. As such, I'm reluctantly jumping back to monthly schedules, since the alternative would be a six month hiatus and no one wants that.

Also, Enchanted Library is one year old this month!

Isn't that terrifying?

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Clarification of last blog, and a cool thing · 9:54am Jul 5th, 2017

July 3 was indeed my 30 birthday, as some of you guessed from the in hindsight rather disjointed blog I found funny after 8 hours of hard labor in glaring sunlight followed by a cake induced sugar-high. :applejackconfused:

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The Faceless Ones Displaced Token · 7:20pm Apr 4th, 2018

The Token looks like this:

with the word 'ALL' etched in the middle of it, with a design in each of the four quarters of a circle surrounding the middle circle, and the designs are etched versions of these pictures:

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I, FireRain, challenge you to admit to this! Also, I've done something I never would have done because I had no reason to until as of recently, and if this is you, I'd like to know! · 10:30am Apr 11th, 2018

Ah, here's a question for all of you guys out there -

I want a show of hands how many of you gentlemen out there own and use a comb or a hairbrush, or if you know another man that does.

I doubt any of you will own up to it, but I'm afraid I must confess.

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Injustice 2: Black Manta · 3:56am Aug 28th, 2017

This is without a doubt the best DLC trailer they've done so far. I seriously hope they do something this hype for Raiden and Hellboy when their trailers are released.

But so far Black Manta looks like such a fun, mobile character with grapples, missles and being able to get close up with his gauntlets and harpoons. And his outro is the best.

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Viewing 281 - 300 of 663 results