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What would you do if you suddenly found Twily like this?

HUG HER!!!!!!!!!

pat her head

not much of a hugger

I'd make her cookies,chocolate chip with the GOOD chocolate chips.Y'know THOSE ones they cost like 40$ a bag

Comment posted by muffinlord4life deleted Oct 27th, 2015

Sing Derpy's Lullaby to her.

then pause the horror movie i was watching and apologise and give her all the sweets


Punt her.

Okay jokes aside I'd cuddle the shit out of her.

Hug her, cuddle her, give her a kiss, and adopt her as my daughter :twilightsmile:

4810721 a little sudden don't you think?


Die of cuteness overload.

I can't stop myself, she's too kawaii!! (for those of you don't know Japanese, kawaii means cute)

4810672 Hug and sing to her!! Don't cry, little Twily! :fluttercry:

Give her a hug and a book, not neccessarily in that order (Hey, the book is important).

4810672 There is no option B, you just pick her up give her a big hug and sing her to sleep and when she wakes up you make food for her because food solves all of life's problems!


The day is only 18 minutes old, and yet you've made me cringe already.

Congrats, that's almost a record.

I thought the whole point of this thread was to say what we would do, well excuse me for being honest! :twilightangry2:

Honesty is fine.

Being the embodiment of a weeb/brony stereotype is not. That previous post is practically modeled off of some cringe compilation or thread.

Please, please gather some self-awareness and reassess the words you put forth.

:ajbemused: You're kidding right?

You do realize I have a tendency for writing fics where I kill off most of the cast? I am not your typical Brony. Just because I write something like I did earlier doesn't mean I fall into a stereotype. That being said, I was not intending that to read like a stereotypical statement, I was being absolutely honest, while trying to reference an old Bugs Bunny cartoon, which now that I think about it, I didn't quote right in the first place.

I know. I saw the "Displaced" fic in your squalor.

You are in fact a very stereotypical brony, m8. You fall into the edgy teen subset quite well.

Thus far I've gathered much amusement from you entire profile. It's kinda beautiful to see something like it in the wild.

4810672 MUST... GIVE... HUGS... STAT!!!!

run up and hug her

4810672 I would mentally call for Help.

Because I just had a Heart-attack from the Cuteness.....................................................................................................................................HELP.........................................................................................................HELP................................................................................................HELP.........................................................................HELP......................................................HELP.....................................WILL SOMEPONY CALL FOR HELP ALREADY



<3 DarqFox

Hug her, adopt her, read to her, love her. Not necessarily in that order.

Pick her up and wrap her in a warm blankie and give her hot chocolate and cookies, snuggle with her on the couch

4810672 pick her up and hug her. Then die from cuteness overload.

The only appropriate response is immediate and unconditional hugs.

4810672 Give her a hug and make her feel better.

4810709 That was beautiful thanks for sharing.:fluttercry:

Is that even a question? Immediate hugs are the only rational response. After that... well it depends on why she's just showed up at my house out of nowhere. If she doesn't have a way home, then take her in. Who could say no to that face? If she does, then find a way to stay in contact. Even if it's just a teddy bear or something to remember me by, and something to prove that she was real so I don't forget her.

That some people never read the BSP, the Brony Safety Protocols...

In case of pony hug emergency, go down to one knee, lay arms around teared up pony or ponies, gently squeeze.
In some cases, words of comfort will aid as well. After a while, pony/ponies will commence nuzzling human, signalizing recovery status is in process. Do NOT break the process, let the procedure finalize. Pony/Ponies will end the procedure from itself/themselves.

4810672 Give her a hug and say everything will be alright and do everything in my power to make sure that it is!

4810672 kick her

4810672 quit drinking

4813795 I like you,your swell.

Lift her gently up....


4810672 I'd cuddle her softly and do what 4810709 did! Because that is just so heartwarming! :fluttercry:

4811207 I got something even better! MEDIC!!!

Medic: Time for the next procedure of a life-saving process! Laughs maniacally

4821240 Oh god that picture of Coco, I can't! Faints from cuteness

4821314 I'm alive!!!. Thank you Medic you save my life.

4821240 Aww Coco look so cute........Oh no,......... here....go.....again.........Cuteness Heart Attack.............................................Help............................Help.........................Help.....................................I really need to stop looking at these cute pics

4821601 :facehoof: Medic...

Medic: Unbelievable... proceeds to save your life... again

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