Scootaloo 2,575 members · 3,273 stories
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Here are the options
Scootaloo X Sweetie Belle
Scootaloo X Applebloom
Scootaloo X Rumble

I don't have a favorite Scootaloo ship yet so i don't have an answer

For me?

ScootaBelle is on the top of the shelf.

Scootaloo X Rumble

I think ScootalooxRumble is my favorite, and it's really picking up around here. Most likely because, when SweetieMash became a thing, people no longer wanted to ship Scootaloo with Sweetie Belle. So instead of trying to pair up the two remaining CMC, they decided that Rumble would be a better alternative and started using him.

For reasons
I read a thing
And now
Why am I still typing?
Why are you still here?
But yeah, Scootabelle :heart:

Scootaloo X Rumble

3744056 Ooh, I like your idea.

Personally, I like Scootabloom

3744042 this was hard to figure out and I pick Scootaloo and Rumble it seems to be the best one.

I think Scootabell or Scootaloo X Applebloom. I donĀ“t really prefer one of them or remember a certain fanfiction, but think Sweetibell would be like the mare in the relationship and Scootaloo a bit like the colt .

If anyone knows a good story of them i search for good storys right now.

Rumbleloo. Though I also like Scootabelle.

Scootaloo x Spike. (Spikealoo? ScootaSpike?)

RumbLoo is my second OTP :rainbowkiss:

But I really like ScootaBelle too... :yay:

And I'm gonna be honest, I'm also a sucker for ScooTiara :twilightblush:

Don't hate me...

Sometimes, I aim to please.
But come on, I usually aim to annoy the crap out of everypony.
Have a nice day:trollestia:

I like all of them. Scootaloo is good with everything and everypony!

In order from best to least best:

1) ScootaBelle

2) ScootaBloom

3) ScootRumble

Definitely Rumbleloo.

Scootiara for the win.

3744042 none, Featheloo (FeatherweightXScootaloo )

Group Admin

Scootaloo x Sweetie Belle. They've got a perfect sugar/spice dynamic, and they've also got a (supposed) history, if you assume that they knew each other before they met Apple Bloom, so there's great chemistry between them. They're kind of the good counterpart to the Terrible Twosome.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

This was a pretty good Scootaloo ship, till it sank...

--Sweetie Belle


I don't have a preference, but I'm working on a Scoot/Sweet 'cause I thought it'd be cute. :twilightsmile:

3744042 ScootaBelle.
Like 3744319 stated, the dynamic just works. I do hope that SilentBelle ends up shipping the two together in his current fic.

3744461 I would be interested in reading this.


I'm hoping to have it ready in the next couple of days. :pinkiesmile:

Well, given that the best two romance stories involving Scootaloo are Best Young Flyer and Like Sisters, Probably, clearly the answer is "aged up Scootaloo x Rainbow Dash, set about ten years in the future".

I'm surprised you didn't include Scootaloo x Spike in the list, too.

Anyway... honestly I don't really ship Scootaloo. Like Sisters, Probably has ScootaBelle, but frankly I don't really ship Scootaloo much.

3744676 Speaking of aged up, (10+ years in the future) what you think of TaviBelle?

3744692 I think it could work.

Octavia is basically an OC, so... I mean, it depends on who she is?

I dunno, I don't have a strong opinion on that.

I'm pretty sure the VinylTavia fans would come to set you on fire for your heresy, though. That's almost as bad as shipping Lyra or Bonbon with someone else.

I'm not really loyal to any particular ship, but I've only written shipped Scootaloo with Sweetie Belle so far, so I'll go with that.

3745115 I think she was in the Gala episode
Anyways, one of my friends is working one a MacScratch fic...
That should piss a few off lol

3746013 That explanation helped me understand better. Thank you.

Definitely ScooTiara.

Scootarumble Oh god there is soooooooo much lesbian shipping sure i dont have 1 single problem with gays or lesbians But holy fucking shit theres way toooooooooo many If you have ever read the fic Sisterly bonds (the rewrite) That has a colt called Aero and thats probaly the closest ive seen to good scootaloo shipping rumble shipping meh its k:scootangel:

Rumble -- the CMC are all friends and have shown NO signs that they swing that way.

3747843 Well, some fics involve them falling in love down the road. And sometimes, it is possible for childhood friends to become something more. I'm not saying it's a common thing, but it does happen.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


It's also possible for childhood friends to become walruses!

I'm not saying it happens very often...

--Sweetie Belle

3744042 Rumbaloo or Scootabelle. Can't stand Scootabloom.

Rumble: It's hard to say, because he doesn't really have much of a personality outside of what fans give him. And I haven't really seen the personality fans have given him.

A male version of Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle: That could work. Scootaloo is already close friends with them. And you can't have a good solid romance, without a good solid friendship.

3751844 Yeah, I don't really see that being a possibility. The two butted heads way too often and probably wouldn't have hung out with each other if they weren't mutual friends with Sweetie Belle.

You don't see what being a possibility?

When do Scootaloo and Apple Bloom but heads?

7340030 They did it often early on.

I don't know. I feel Scootaloo doesn't need a shipping with any pony, she is OK by herself.

Considering that she's a child, I don't think she needs romance. Yet. But when she's older...

Not even when she growns up. I rather have her single and focused in her life goals.

Why? Can't someone both have life goals, and be married?

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