Five months into her existence as a human, Sunset confides her anxieties and frustrations about the turns in her life and what the future holds for her to her new adoptive sibling - Rarity.
A year after the Memory Stone, Wallflower and Sunset are estranged and uncomfortable around each other. But as graduation looms, they decide to try to find a new path forward, however difficult it may be.
One year after the destruction of the Memory Stone, Rarity sits Sunset down for an earnest discussion after she realizes her friend is dealing with some intense nightmares.
Moving to another world means you get to leave whatever you want behind. For Sunset Shimmer, that will always be more of a blessing than a curse. Now, one conversation over tea will set in motion the future of two worlds.
After a nasty breakup with Sunset Shimmer, a Twilight Sparkle discovers a way to travel to parallel universes. Millions of Sunset Shimmers who've never met her. It was a perfect plan...until it wasn't.
Sunset returns through the portal when it opens again, wanting to make amends for the past. However, things get complicatred when she discovers a familiar dark artifact. Lured by a promise of power, can Twilight save her from herself a second time?