The Goodfic Bin 1,255 members · 1,297 stories
Comments ( 442 )
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Group Admin

4340932 Oh? Is my past coming to haunt me? That's fine. I was never afraid of ghosts.

I've often said that unless you can bring the person who said good things about the story here, I wouldn't take their opinions into account. However, since I'm the one who's opinions you're using, I... well, I can't really use that excuse, can I? So, as a one time deal, that excuse flies.

Never again.

Adding to the list.

Thanks. I hope I don't disappoint you.

Group Admin

4340950 Me too. Fair warning, though, I have learned a fair bit since we last crossed paths.

Although, by my recollection, if grammar is fine, I think you should be in pretty good stead. In any case, good luck!

Title: A Brush with Beauty


Paul Matthews is a young man of average height and average weight and fairly average disposition. He is normal, and abnormally so. That rarely seen kind of person who, even in their early years, gives off the impression that they are destined for a moderately successful career in middle management at some cold, gray corporation.

Paul Matthews is about to come very close to something that few people do.

Reason it's worth reading:
This was an attempt to create a (in many ways) stereotypical HiE—as in it uses a lot of themes and tropes that you could call standard to the "genre"—but the difference being that each element was given purpose and mapped to identifiable logic. Essentially, it's not wish fulfillment and there's nothing superfluous. If you tend to like HiEs, this isn't too far off the mark of a normal one at first glance, so you should enjoy it. If you don't tend to like HiEs, this subverts and avoids enough of the standard HiE's problems that you've also got a pretty decent shot at enjoying it.

If accolades influence your decision, it's worth noting that this story made it onto both EQD and The Royal Guard.

Title: Seventh Sense (Tradgedy, Sad, Dark)


Everypony knows about Pinkie's 'Pinkie Sense'. She's saved many a pony from calamity, often with hilarious outcomes, and Pinkie is ok with that. So long as nopony suspects that there's something else happening; something dark that Pinkie is hiding.

Reason it's worth reading:
MLP:FiM doesn't have a lot of advanced character development. Sure, they have back-stories, flaws, strengths and such, but those are mostly addressed in the episodes where they appear and everything is hunky-dory by the time the credits roll, and that's fine, the show is first and foremost made with their primary target audience in mind: Children.

The kind of story's I like to read are ones that have good character development. The more natural a character feels, through their personality, flaws, weaknesses, strengths, the more engaged I feel in the story's worldbuilding, and I try to do that with the story's I write. It's also what I tried to do here too, my first attempt at writing MLP Fic. I tried to give the character's believable, natural motivations, and backstories that would fit nicely if the 'Pony' was removed and replaced with just a regular person.

A good example of this is that I made Pinkie a confectioner, someone who makes candy. Sure, she knows how to bake and such, but while Cake and cookies do bring smiles, through my own personal experience with helping raise my nieces and nephews (of which I have eight), I have found an irrefutable truth: Candy is one of the best ways to make a kid smile.

While playing the DONTNOD Entertainment game Life is Strange (A wonderful game BTW, go play it, it gives the Telltale Walking Dead games a run for their money), I was intrigued by the game's time-travel mechanic and in a bout of insomnia, I thought about Pinkie's 'pinkie sense', and I came up with the premise of this story as an explanation, at least somewhat, for her unusual supernatural ability to predict things.

This isn't just another 'Pinkie is sad on the inside, so you should feel sad too' story. I used tragedy and hardship to give her motivation to bring happiness to others (Since that's what drive's Pinkie as a core character trait) as a way to combat the sadness she has endured.

Group Admin

4341273 Another HiE subversion. It's almost like people have noticed it's become played out and run into the ground.

4342166 Sweet. Pinkie. My favourrrrrrite.

Adding to the list, both of you! Good luck.

Title: How to annoy an apple farmer.

Description (raw story):Rainbow and Scootaloo are closer then ever after Rainbow truly adopted her. She taught Scootaloo everything she knew and helped her persevere until she could fly almost as good as she can. But there is one thing she has not taught Scootaloo yet. One thing she has treasured doing for years, The most sacred and amusing of acts.
How to Annoy an Apple Farmer.
Specifically a Blond haired mare and her Redheaded sister!
All characters aged up a few years.

Reasons for reading: Most likely my best original idea. It almost went featured but just missed the bar, yet it still got quite a high ratio of likes to dislikes. Other then that what can I say? If you like it, great! If not, thats fine. I'm not really one for self advertising but a few people told me to put this here so... here you go!

Link to story:How to annoy an apple farmer.

Group Admin

4355347 Could you explain more about why you think it got popular, or in what way you think it's original?

4355405 Of course. In terms of originality, I had never seen the idea before, or anything similer. You generally see shipfics or clopfics when dealing with Rainbow and Applejack and I wanted to throw in a bit of story without any such thing. I also wanted to focus more on the everyday life of Rainbow being a sister to Scootaloo. Because you genrally see stories about the beginning of their surrogate sister relationship.

As for how it got popular, I don't really have a definitive answer. But I'd say it was because everyone needs to have a small, relaxing story once in a while and mine looked suitable for that purpose. Thanks for the reply to the comment by the way!

Group Admin

4355439 Awesome. That's just what I wanted. Adding to the list.

4355442 Thanks a lot!

Title: Goldie Delicious and the Three Heads

Description: A classic fairy tale about a young filly and her encounter with a chimera. Is it a true story? Who knows. It makes a great bedtime story for little Apple fillies.

Why it's good: Who doesn't love a good fairy tale? I wrote this one to actually read like a children's bedtime story, so it's very cutesy and childlike and fun. What's not to love?

Group Admin

4357533 Greato-potato. Adding to listy-spaghetti.

The Queen of Hearts

Description: Revenge. It has been the only thing on Chrysalis’s mind during the months of her exile. What should have been her greatest triumph turned out to be her ultimate downfall. After months of waiting, she has at last developed a plot to win back the support of the changelings and take over Equestria: Run a dating service.

Disguised as the lovely unicorn Cherub, she starts up her business, ready to reclaim what she had lost. However, she soon discovers that the dating world is not as simple as it appears. Realizing that she cannot do this alone, she is forced to seek help from the most unlikely of sources.

Why you should read it: Don't expect it to be just a wacky comedic fic as this story contains quite a bit of laughs as well as serious character development. Along with world building, where the changelings live in an actual kingdom without any hive mind, and even unique pairings, this story contains a different take on Chrysalis's views as opposed to her being a two-dimensional villain, being somebody who just wanted to be loved, or her being evil because she does not understand friendship. Pinkie stars in this as well and rather than flanderize her character into being a fourth-wall break gag machine who can't take any moment seriously, she is portrayed as a deeper character that simply wants to help bring happiness to others. If you like comedy, romance, changelings, or emotional depth, this story is for you.

Group Admin

4358569 Added to list.

Well, i have meet a lot of good feedback for this one so:

-Tittle: Actually, I'm dead

-Description: The Accursed Alicorn Amulet. An item of great power, capable of giving any pony wearing it the power reserved only for alicorns. The power of a god among mortals. All of that, only at one price; your sanity.
Not an easy decision, isn't it? Sure, a mind is something precious and all that, but the temptation of having such a power can be too much for certain ponies. It was too much for Trixie, and she fell for it. It's a good thing that Twilight Sparkle managed to save her from a life of insanity.
But, what would happen if Trixie's sanity wasn't the only price to pay? What else could the Amulet take from Trixie?

-Reason you think the story is worth reading: Well, for starters, I think that I finally wrote a fic that overshadows the universally loved Stay and, in my opinion, has better quality.

So far, the reception has been pure love (I even got it featured) and I'm reconstructing my writing style so it should be clean from the clichés that flooded my previous rejected works (not a crossover). Also, this is one of the few times that I'm playing it serious, so every paragraph was made with all the attention I could put in there.

What really makes me think that i have a Goodfic material here is that this is the third time I put heart and soul in a fic, and I hope it helps to make things the right way.

Hope you like it.

Group Admin

4367643 Sounds good to me. Adding to the list.

(seriously, this is like the Oscar, just being considered is AWESOME! enough)

Group Admin

4367726 Not to, uh, rain on your parade, but I consider a whole lot of stories that can string together a valid reason.

Still, I have to admit, it is amazing how many authors can't even manage that, so kudos! You value your own stories, and aren't afraid to say so! Step one complete.

Nah, half of my sense of humor is self deprecation. Nut this one, this one is the good one (besides Stay)

-Title: "So Much Leg . . ."

-Description: new kid in school finds that 97% of the female student body wear skimpy skirts. He tries to keep calm, but he's a teenage boy. It goes about the way you'd expect.

-Reason you think the story is worth reading: In case the title doesn't speak for itself, it must be said that there is plenty of leg in this story. Comedy, strong hints at naughty humor, and legs. Did I mention the legs?


-Title: Legionnaire

-Description: Legionnaire is a steampunk humanized war story set during the twilight of the nineteenth century, in which Equestria is having a rather tense political border dispute with one of its neighbors, a theocratic dictatorship known as the Khanate. The situation is not improved when an angry mob torches Equestria's embassy in the Khanate, almost killing Princess Luna in the process. Now, with the continent on the brink of war, Twilight Sparkle must travel to the Khanate and try and salvage something from this mess.

However on the way to the Khanate, she runs into an old flame that she'd thought had vanished, and the sparks of passion and romance leap into the night... however there's a very real risk that those sparks will set the continent ablaze.

-Reason you think the story is worth reading:
This is a compelling political/military story with fairly thick romantic overtones. Though the idea of "Equestria under threat from invasion by foreign power" has been done before, I'd like to think that this is a unique take on the scenario. Certainly, the particular period of history is one that has recieved fairly limited attention from the writing community, which makes it fertile ground for writers like me. The grammar is a little ropey and there are some sequences that could still do with some touching up, however in spite of that I think this is worthy of submission.
(Linking story list due to mature rating: Legionnaire)

Group Admin

4381522 Good enough reason for me. Adding to the list.

Group Admin

4378286 Oh, hey! I missed one.

Adding to the list, I guess. Sorry for the delay.

4382720 No big deal. Take as much time as you need. :twilightsmile:

Title: How Equestria Was Made

Description: The base and the glass are no different from any other snow globe, but it holds an endless void inside it. When two young sisters jokingly request for it to show them its magic, it gives them the power to fill it as they please. Within that dimension, they might as well be goddesses--but to the world at large, they're still confused, frightened children.

The younger sister, bitter and lonely, thinks it's a chance to make a better world than our own. The elder sister just feels responsible for protecting the innocent pastel quadrupeds they've created. But can two children really be the goddesses the pony race needs? And when monsters begin to threaten the ponies, what must the sisters sacrifice to create the Equestria they dream of?

Reason: It's a grand tale of the rise and fall of goddesses, intertwined with a personal tragedy about an angry little girl pushing away everyone who might help her. Neither is the "true" story, and each is inseparable from the other, which is something I don't see very often. I'm also proud of how the tension builds as the younger sister isolates herself and obsesses more and more over Equestria.

Group Admin

4398804 Sounds cool. Adding to the list-o.

Soap Box
Group Contributor

A while back, I made a thing. I was wondering if maybe I could add it to the Goodfic bin? Or maybe stick it on a fridge next to the Goodfic bin. Or something?

-Title: Symphonies Rock
-Description: After Vinyl goes a little too far with her antics, Octavia makes a shocking claim about her music. Vinyl should really just ignore it and let it go.
Vinyl can't let anything go.
-Reason you think the story is worth reading: Because I think it's funny; though of course I would, since I'm the one who wrote it. But I've gotten generally positive feedback on it, so there's that. Besides that though, I think it has a good take on Vinyl and Octavia's friendship without invoking romance. And I'm pretty proud of the ending, which is one of the few times where I actually managed to translate exactly what I saw in my mind onto the page.

Group Admin

4400190 Greato Potato. Adding to list.

I think it has a good take on Vinyl and Octavia's friendship without invoking romance.

a good take on Vinyl and Octavia's friendship without invoking romance.

Vinyl and Octavia's friendship without invoking romance.

without invoking romance.

without romance

Also, why is it that when I leave someone else in charge of submissions while I go suck at exams, nobody submits, but the moment I'm back stuff starts pouring in?

4400200 Because we love you so very very much! :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

4400227 Sounds about right.

Title: Stony Hearts

Description: Pinkie Pie has a new boyfriend, and she brings him to meet her family. However, her parents don't approve of him.

Reason: Because this idea had to be done.

Group Admin

4406322 I'm gonna' take that to mean it's an original idea. Adding to the list.

Sorry for my wording, but you'll know what I mean once you read it.

Group Admin

4406902 Title: Stony Heart. Previous episode had Pinkie fondling a statue. Rock farmer family. Romance tag.

I have a bit of an idea what's in there.

Title - A queens regret

Description - The queen had hoped the changelings could win... they failed, but was it their fault they had lost or the Queen's?

Reason - I wanted to create a story of what exactly happened to the changelings and Chrysalis after Canterlot with it taking a different turn the the overused "happily ever after" thing and end it with a less then happy ending that I feel may appeal to some people looking for a story that doesn't end in a happy place with all damage undone as if nothing ever happened.

Group Admin


I wanted to create a story of what exactly happened to the changelings and Chrysalis after Canterlot with it taking a different turn the the overused "happily ever after" thing and end it with a less then happy ending that I feel may appeal to some people looking for a story that doesn't end in a happy place with all damage undone as if nothing ever happened.

Damn that's a long run-on sentence. Did the full stop bully you at school or something?

Adding to the list. You might want to make sure you have more than three sentences in the story before we get to reviewing it. Good luck.

4411692 Don't worry. The story is already complete.

4195380 Story: Arcane Shadow, Re-Written (third story down, no direct link since it's mature)


Two worlds that are alike in many ways, yet drastically different in others, are separated by a barrier which no force can hope to breach. When that barrier falls, and an ancient, dark legend threatens the very existence of every living thing in these dual worlds and creation as a whole, a band of adventurers set out to stop it before it comes to pass. However, they have no way of knowing how much time they have, how fast the clock is ticking, nor what forces are moving to oppose them. And should they fail, a fated tragedy will strike, plunging all into its darkest hour.

Reasons for consideration: I heavily fixed up this story since the first time I had it rejected from the Goodfic Bin, and it's much crisper than last time. I am still fixing it up some more, though. If you want a dark-adventure-crossover fic, then gather round here. :D

One last letter from a loyal companion

Opalescence consider Rarity her oldest, most loyal friend and misstres.

Therefore, when she find out her time with her misstres and friend is soon to be over, she feel there is somethings she need to do before it's too late, and somethings she need say.

Being unable to writte all of this herself, she ask Fluttershy to help her write one last letter to Rarity form her loyal companion.

-Reason you think the story is worth reading
weel, have been really well recived so far, and it won a competition and if any of my stories wil get in here it will probably be this one?

Group Admin

4415269 I'm afraid it being popular isn't a valid reason for me to put it to the list. I'd like your opinion, as an author, regarding what you think you did well and why it's a story worth reading.

Okay, sorry

I'm good a writing one shots, and I got a good prompt. I've always liked the idea of things being more than meet the eye, and as such, I was convinced this was the case with Opal as well. So I thought I'd do a little thing, a look into her mind.

I think it's worth reading because it explore an unexplored and very flat character and it simply give a bit more food for thought about a character you never really think about normaly.

Group Admin

4415350 Perfect. Adding to the list.

Title: Return Home

Description: The fic starts at the end of "Friendship Is Magic, Part 2", and tells of the first few hours of Luna in Equestria, after the defeat of Nightmare Moon.

Reason you think the story is worth reading: It's the history of the beginning of Luna's "truce", in the sense that Primo Levi (that I hope will forgive me for having used his work in a comparison with a fanfiction of mine) intended. What's in between the end of the unspeakable, the time of fear, hatred and fight for survival, and the readapting to the everyday life. For Luna, this passes for her firs trip by train, knowing her new home, being cruelly punished for her past misdeeds, swearing vengeance upon her sister, being pranked, and not fully understanding what a "nightmare" is. Not yet, at least.

Group Admin

4430334 Coolash Goulash. Adding to the list.

Title: Gallopagos

Description: During a rainstorm, Discord tells Fluttershy about the time he found some rather boring looking islands. At least they were boring looking until he decided to make them a tad more interesting.

Reason you think the story is worth reading: It's a window into part of Discord's past through the eyes of an unreliable narrator- himself. It also contains some fun natural history references. Though it's not my most popular story, it seems to have been well received by people who have read it and some of the comments I've gotten have said it's "poignant" and "funny."

Group Admin

4430404 Poignant? Ooh la la. Quand les commentateurs commencent a parler francais, ca veut dire qu'il y a un putain d'histoire.

Adding to list. Although, for the record, popularity and reception are not reasons we actually consider valid, since they are not here to tell me why.

4430544 Anytime.

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