Yet To Be Discovered 399 members · 625 stories
Comments ( 35 )
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Speedy McSpeed
Group Admin

I have an idea that I would like everybody to weigh in on. Every Friday, I want to randomly select one member of this group. This member will be that week's featured member. Whoever I select, every member of Yet To Be Discovered will have to read at least one of their stories and comment on it. This will help that writer get one step closer to being discovered, which is kind of the point of the group. If the member I select has no stories in their folder, I will choose again. Also, a member cannot be selected twice. What do you think? This is just something I thought of to get people’s stories out there. Let me know if you like this or not.

3714090 That sounds amazing! I do want to be discovered as well, and I think that's an amazing idea! I can't wait to see if it actually comes into effect :) Though, I won't vote for myself :rainbowlaugh:

Seems like a fair request. Sure, I'm game with that

Sounds great! I wholeheartedly agree with this plan. I love nothing more than helping other writers in their quest to be discovered.

Sounds interesting:moustache:

3714090 sounds like a good idea

3714090 Sounds like a good idea. I'm game for that.


Sure, why the fuck not? Should be interesting.

3714090 Sounds awesome! I only got about 14 views on the first few days I had my story up. If I get selected, maybe I might actually have some people that like it! This will also be a great way to see some different story's that other people haven't had many views on either! All around, I think this idea is great. :pinkiehappy:

3714090 This is the hypest shit ever, eh :trollestia:

3714090 I think it will fail rapidly. No one has the time to do what this entails. In fact, the featured member will most likely go unnoticed.

That is really a good idea, but a lot of people with probably ignore it or not have time to do anything about it. But I'm cool with it and everything.

I think it's a good idea, but I can't add stuff to my folder atm (don't have a computer)

3714090 That seems like a fair idea. Go for it

Sounds cool!!

3714169 You could still try, or do it at some point in the future, I suppose. That's what I'd do, at least, though I'm willing to bet not everyone will do it. Eh, your choice, really.


Sounds like a very good idea.

Interesting, I don't mind this idea. :ajsmug:

3714090 How will you force 165 members to do something? :unsuresweetie:

I'm all in for this idea

Speedy McSpeed
Group Admin

I won't force anybody to do anything. I just think that it will be a good way to get people discovered.

Got my vote.

Seems cool, if I can keep up with it :rainbowwild:

My only concern is what you will be basing the person and the story you select. Will it be on the originality, overall writing (i.e. grammar, structure, plot) or something else. Other than that, I support this idea of yours.

If I may make a suggestion, take away the comment thing. If the members wish to check out the story, that is completely up to them. Otherwise, this is definitely a great way to get names out there.

Also, send the selected author a notice, say Monday or Tuesday, and have them select a story and write an ad to try and sell their story to the group. If the author doesn't respond, simply pick their most viewed or best received story on the front page. This gives the exposure they might want, makes it easier for you, because copy and paste what they send to you, and finally gives everyone a chance to notice it.

Also, in addition to posting it to the front page, create a thread for that author and story so it can be noticed from the feed, as well as recorded so you don't have to work to keep track of who you selected.

Done right, this will be a fantastic idea.

My main concern is the requirement to comment. I get why it would be desired. But I can see that not working out well. Road to Hell is paved with good intentions and all that.

I'm down for this, yeah. Even if I wouldn't be able to get to reading the featured member's work right away, it's a nice ideal to live up to and strive for.

Some people have made some good suggestions already. I'd notify whoever you select ahead of time, maybe ask 'em some questions, the answers to which you can post along with the feature of the author. Best of luck getting this set up! :twilightsmile:

It's good in theory. I'm just not sure how you'll decide or how you'll get absolutely everyone to read a story. Some people are all take and no give.

That said, it'll boost that member at least a little bit. With all the people in this group and the general good nature of this fandom, there should be a minimum of a dozen or so people who actually read. I think it's worth a try.

3714090 Sounds like a great idea :pinkiehappy:

3714090 I think it's worth a try, but I'm not sure how well it will work. I personally just started writing a crossover fic so many people won't be too interested. (I've got the first chapter done, but it doesn't have ponies so I can't submit it yet.)

Sounds good to me, as long as everyone participates. : D

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