• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012


The home of the Shadowbolts Adventures and various other stories, mostly related to Equestria Girls.

The Lovely Stories 6 stories
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Traveling country roads through areas where the weather has not yet been domesticated, Trixie is forced to seek shelter at a way station. There, she meets an old stallion and shares with him her tale in exchange for a drink.

Chapters (1)

On a chilly winter day when all of her friends are busy in one form or another, Fluttershy decides to pay a visit to Sugarcube Corner to pass the time. On the way, she comes across a distraught Sour Sweet, annoyed that she has lost her keys somewhere in Ponyville, a place that she only recently moved to. Being the bearer of the Element of Kindness, Fluttershy offers to help the mare find her missing keys. The question is how long will it take? Or will they even find them in the snow covered streets of Ponyville? And will this act of Kindness earn Fluttershy a new friend?

This story is a two-shot that takes place around in the same universe as "Cracks In Our Reflections," specifically between the events of Chapters 1-3. If you want to see where this goes beyond this two parter, than I suggest you follow the main story.

The "Romance" tag is for Implied FlutterSweet (Fluttershy x Sour Sweet). The rating is mostly because of Sour Sweet's language. Cover art done by Zanies!

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle, the newest princess of Equestria, is immortal.
Pinkie Pie, Equestria's best party pony, isn't going to let a little thing like death get in the way of her friendship.

Chapters (1)

The first time it happened, Sunset didn’t pay it any mind due to the circumstances. The second time it happened, she noticed it and brushed it off as the action of a concerned friend. The third time it happened, she finally figured out that Rarity was flirting with her.

6/20/2016: Now with cover art designed by the very generous Novel-Idea! Thank you so much!

Chapters (1)

In the aftermath of the Friendship Games ordeal, Sunset has to figure out her feelings for this new Twilight while dealing with her feelings for Princess Twilight. Thankfully she has a very familiar face to help her out.

This is the fourth in my Equestria Girls "series" and contains spoilers for "Friendship Games" and it follows my story "Equestria Girls: Wrong Book". It also has a reference to my regular pony story "It All Started With A Nap".

Chapters (1)

Weeks after defeat, the sirens known to many as the Dazzlings lost their magical voice. Adagio became depressed, Aria shut herself from the world, and Sonata just did what she could.

Adagio used to pay for everything, but ever since that fateful encounter, she was simply too depressed. Sonata thought she could do it, but suddenly, Aria was paying for everything.

Sonata wondered; where is she getting all the money?

Now has a sequel! “Whoa Adagio, Why are You So Small?”

Wonderfully edited by Level Dasher.

Want more shorts on EQG? Check out my the other Equestria Girls one shots!

Chapters (1)