• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


The home of the Shadowbolts Adventures and various other stories, mostly related to Equestria Girls.


The results of my Pokemon SoulSilver Nuzlocke · 6:28pm Nov 26th, 2019

Yes, this attempt was inspired by JaidenAnimation's badass Nuzlocke video.


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The end of an era · 4:36am Jul 28th, 2019

Some may think I'm talking about Friendship is Magic ending later this year. And that is also the end of an era. But while everyone was looking forward to that, another era ended entirely by surprise. It turns out that "Sunset's Backstage Pass" was the final Equestria Girls production produced by DHX. The license has been turned over to Boulder Media, whose plans for the franchise are unclear. Effectively, the Equestria Girls as we know them are already finished, aside from whatever webisodes

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The Mysteries of Maud Pie · 1:52am Jun 14th, 2018

It's been a long time. I have a new story, The Mysteries of Maud Pie. Nothing super fancy or ambitious here, just a short story I belted out pretty quickly based on something very personal to me.

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Forgotten Friendship (spoilers) · 6:58pm Feb 17th, 2018

A new Equestria Girls special! And it's.... ah... aaaauuuugh! AAAAAHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUGH! This special is what I will call a "mixed bag".

On the one hand, it had some fantastic emotional and character-pushing moments.
1: Sunset's confrontation with Celestia.
2: Twilight wigging out in the forbidden section of the library.
3: Sunset bonding with Trixie (though it was almost identical to Starlight's bonding experience with her).

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Report DragonShadow · 1,046 views ·

He's gonna take you back to the past · 6:57am Feb 4th, 2018

I looked up recently and realized that it has actually been YEARS since I've watched any of Season 1. I was curious to see how it would hold up after all of the advancements in storytelling and graphics that have taken place over the years, so I selected a few of my personal favorites for revisiting.

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Legends of Magic · 5:44am Dec 29th, 2017

The "My Little Pony: Legends of Magic" series from IDW is probably my favorite thing to come out of their entire MLP line. For years they've struggled to tell compelling stories with the Mane 6 without breaking character, and while there are a few successes in there, for the most part their best work has come when they've explored secondary characters like Spitfire and Cheerilee in the "Friends Forever" line. So giving them 7 brand new characters to not only characterize all on their own, but

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Report DragonShadow · 480 views ·

I'll be there for you, because you're there for me too. · 7:22am Dec 6th, 2017

So, it's been a while. Where have I been? If you want to know the kind of awkward and embarrassing truth, I've been binge-watching the Hell out of the entire series of "Friends". That's right, all 236 episodes in the span of two months or so. I've done basically nothing but eat, work, and watch Friends. It's shocking how easy it was too. Normally when I try to watch a show I'll have to take it in chunks, and I'm a bit exhausted by the end (and that's after ONE season) but somehow the flow of

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Report DragonShadow · 521 views ·

Happy Nightmare Night everypony! · 7:40pm Oct 30th, 2017

I hope everybody's been doing well lately, it's the season of terror, and in the spirit of things, I have begun a new tale, Corpse Pony (WARNING, RATED M FOR BLOOD AND VIOLENCE), based on the video game "Corpse Party" by Team GrisGris. There are a number of ways in which I've never done anything like this before, so it's certainly been interesting so far. Sorry it's not complete yet, but I didn't come up with a really good premise

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Let's talk about My Little Pony: The Movie! · 3:24am Oct 13th, 2017

This movie was a long time coming, and now that it's out, it's... good. I wish I could say it was worth years of hype, but it's simply good. A fun ride with our favorite characters and some new ones that aren't bad in their own right. I'm not really in the mood to sit here and speak super in-depth and examine everything overall, so here's just a bulleted list of some of my thoughts on it, for the curious. Spoiler warning, of course.

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Report DragonShadow · 620 views ·

This is a perfect example of something wrong with modern culture. · 4:25pm Jul 18th, 2017


"I'm perfectly comfortable singing a song about homicidal anger in which I describe in multiple crystal clear ways how to murder somebody in cold blood... but I had to edit out the words 'fuck' and 'bitch' so my family could see it!"

As Mrs. Broflovski says, "Horrific deplorable violence is okay, as long as nobody says any naughty words!"

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