Cupcakes 16 stories
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Sugarcube Corner has been closed for a week and the only clue as to what is going on is a letter sent to Rainbow Dash.

This is my entry into The More Most Dangerous Game contest.

It's under the Cupcakes prompt but is NOT a retelling of Cupcakes.

Chapters (1)

What if Rainbow never went to make cupcakes with Pinkie? What if she just blew her off instead of facing the horrors of Pinkies basement? What happens is Pinkie goes on a wild manhunt after Dash through Ponyville. Before you read this read Cupcakes:

Chapters (3)

It has been a week since Rainbow Dash left to join the Wonderbolts and her #1 fan is feeling down. However, when the truth behind Rainbow's disappearance comes to light, Scootaloo will find herself having to find out that the world can be a place filled with more horror than she could have ever imagined.

*Author's Note*

Yes, this is a sequel to Cupcakes but I am trying my hoof at something different. I realize that this is a one-way trip to downvotes, a Cupcakes story, but I am going for something like I went with with my other story, The Secret Life of Rarity I realize the risk I am taking. If you do not like anything to do with Cupcakes, don't read. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy!

Chapters (1)

The sun was as bright as day; the morning having humidity in the air. Seem like a nice day; if you haven't woke up with a future prediction of your best friend torturing you and using your inners for special ingredients to make cupcakes. When the blue Pegasus finds the events that took place in her dreams start to follow up; will she confront her best friend, stop her, or flee?

Chapters (4)

Pinkie Pie invites Rainbow Dash over to help bake some cupcakes. Y'll know what happens next. But not in this story.

Based on the original Cupcakes by Sgt. Sprinkles, with a twist of my own.

The cover art belongs to erika-lancaster85.

A/N- Honestly, I get the wackiest ideas sometimes. But that's a good thing, I think.

Chapters (1)

All the ingredients are there to make a cupcake. There's the friendly visit. There's the crazy friend. There's the demented torture. But add to that a psychological perspective, a look into the true rationale of insanity, and a little twist of lemon, and you have something rather special indeed.

This is cupcakes. Re-imagined. Re-formed. Re-baked.

Important Note:
This story was written for The More Most Dangerous Game with a re-imagining of Cupcakes as the prompt. Yes. That cupcakes. Now, before you all get turned off, please note that the gore is kept to an absolute minimum, with very little blood and no guts whatsoever. This is Cupcakes using my own recipe, and my recipe calls for something a little different. So please enjoy, and remember to come back for seconds.

This story is rated Teen for non-explicit bodily harm. There is -no- gore outside of slight injury and suggestive scenes. The 'alternate universe' tag is to tell you that this absolutely does not happen in any of your personal canons, so don't worry. =3 Tee hee hee.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash unexpectedly opened a bakery together. A lot of ponies wondered how it worked out for them, even though they seem to have different intrests entirely. The dark truth lies in this story.

Chapters (1)