• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
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Wanderer D

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More Blog Posts1381

  • 1 week
    Summary that never was

    Hey guys, so a single update today, still struggling with getting to work on writing.

    I hate it when things like this happen, but all I can do atm is keep trying to jumpstart the creativity.

    10 comments · 302 views
  • 3 weeks
    Author Life Update

    Hello everyone! This is your friendly-but-sometimes-a-hard-ass neighborhood Latias: Wanderer D!

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    8 comments · 284 views
  • 4 weeks
    Sorry guys

    I apologize for the lack of updates. Although I am writing a bit, I've found myself in a bit of a semi-writer's block. I'll get out of it, but it is delaying the stories.

    11 comments · 219 views
  • 7 weeks
    Author update!

    I'm editing stuff! But also incredibly dried out of writing power atm. I'll get going again soon, but just bear with me for a bit. I'm publishing a chapter of XCOM today, then start on the daily writing (not publishing) again tomorrow morning. In the meantime, always remember:

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  • 10 weeks
    Remembering Koji Wada

    Like every year, I like to remember the man/legend responsible for the theme songs of one of my favorite shows of all time on the anniversary of his death.

    So if you were wondering about the timing for the latest Isekai chapters? There you go.

    4 comments · 247 views

So to all those people that gave me a hard time because "X-COM wouldn't Work with Aliens!" · 8:27pm Apr 15th, 2020

Just sayin':

Also, yes, I'm working on it. Sort of cleaning up this arc so it makes sense.

Report Wanderer D · 836 views · Story: XCOM: Ranger ·
Comments ( 63 )

Me: 99% that Xcom will never cooperate with alien.
The 1%: Hold my beer.

Ps: I personally never complained when you have put Angel in the team. But I never really expected that it will become cannon...

Never complained about the addition of Angel.
At least Snake Waifus are cannon now.

I was honestly waiting for this to happen.

It this XCOM 3 or is this a spinoff?

Spinoff. You control a team designed to stop anarchists from destroying City 31, a city trying to establish a cross-species community between Humanity and some of the alien races that are left on Earth after the Elder were [REDACTED].

I love the fact that it's not just militaristic aliens that come out of it, we've got Sectoid reporters, Muton smugglers and illegal dealers and, my favorite, Snek Waifu advertisements. Or maybe those are leftovers from when the Elder first conquered Earth because who wouldn't surrender to one of those serpentine seductresses?

"What Happened To The Orcs" is my jam.

Already bought it, can't wait!

WTF is wrong with his hand ?

Human anatomy is for humans.

I don't remember them having thumb on freaking center of hand :)

*puts on pedant glasses*

To be fair, it doesn't look like this group is tied to XCOM. These appear to just be SWAT officers in a post-occupation Earth.

(( Although in War of the Chosen you can recruit ex-Advent soldiers, who are only debatably human and employ sapient mechs made with alien tech, so... *shrug* ))

They don't, they just drew the perspective poorly.

I said as much in my blog post about the game. You better pick up the phone, because you fucking called it.

Also the viper agent, Torque, was a bondmate with Jane Kelly, who was a Ranger in the XCOM 2 timeline, soooooooo... Angel confirmed?

Wanderer D

I think that would break the AngelShimmer fans' hearts.

Wanderer, the Hipster. Making alien squads before it was cool


Look, all I'm saying is get a mod to tweak a few names, that's all.

I will admit, XCom being the kind of game and franchise that it is, the Idea of player friendly Aliens is hard to grasp.

That being said, I loved ME, which joined Humans and Aliens in an interesting manner and the union worked.

War of the Chosen however did something that turned most of XCom thinking on its head and allows for this scenario to become reality. It rewrites the monolithic nature of the Advent/Elder forces from a unified unbreakable union, forced though it may be and it allows for the various races to have subcultures that start to appear when the Elder control is broken.

In War of the Chosen we see only the Hybridized Human side, but we never see anything related to the other races. We dont know anything of Muton, Viper, Sectoid factions and how they might exist without the Elder control.

Now we know that without Elder control the various races would mimic and integrate into Human society because they would lack their own social/cultural background which was erased by the Elders. This however only applies to those who would integrate and not to the whole of the races.

Mutons and Viper would do very well in the mercenary / underworld of society, but that is an oversimplification of what these races represent or what they could be. Chimera shows us that these races can be as varied as Humans, with some being good and some being evil.

Now there is one question that's been on my mind since this was announced and that ties directly to information in XCom 2.


Think about it. The Elders used Human base DNA and mixed it with Alien DNA to create hybrid species. None of the Aliens seen in XCom are pure alien, but rather a mixture of Human and Alien.

Now, how much Human and how much Alien DNA is mixed is up for debate, but it opens the door to Humans and Aliens interbreeding, by the simple fact that they are closely related genetically. Add to that probable included and even required Meld nanotech and it becomes an almost certain eventuality.

If it isn't clear already I am very excited for this new chapter in the XCom franchise, what it is and what it means for the universe and how it can be used for fanfiction, crossovers and stories.

Finally, when is the next chapter of Ranger coming out? I want to know how Sunset is going to return back to normal, how is Angel doing? What is going to happen in this XCom universe.

Please let us know, thank you.

They say true genius is never appreciated in its time, but the times move so fast these days...

Redacted from life lmao

You kinda crack the Aesop of aliens and humans working together when you make the aliens more human. Like, where did sectoids get lips? How does the Muton just look like a battletoad now?

Edit: Also, this is potentially/presumably a differemt organization to XCOM proper.

This actually looks really good, but i wonder how short it is.

It's currently on sale on steam for $10, $20 normally.

An article said a campaign would be about 20 hours.

Author Interviewer

Aliens got good manicurists. :B

I refuse to belive there's any other fate in reserve than snekpone babies!!! :flutterrage:

Considering how much Human DNA is in all XCom 2 aliens and how powerful Meld is, it is viable, even possible and XCom games gave the explanation and the capability.

Now its just a matter of time for the community to make it happen with a good reason as to why a Human/Viper couple is possible.

Do you really believe we, as a species and society, need to justify hanky panky and/or falling in love with alien sophonts?

Definitely my first thought when I saw this announcement yesterday.

My problem is that they're making XCOM 2 aliens friendly. The same aliens that are living weapons grown in tubes, indoctrinated since birth and share no kinship with the humans like the ADVENT hybrid troops do. They are also different from XCOM 2 aliens for no reason, Verge being the prime example on how he differs from even the other sectoids in the game.

I'm upset about one VERY important thing. If a member of your team dies you don't just carry on. You have to restart the mission. Apparently everyone is considered vital. Definitely not XCOM baby.

Heh. I did think of you when I saw the trailer. :derpytongue2:

any news on fragments

Well I'm totally fine with it, as we know from previous games aliens was just conquered by Elders during their crusade to find a cure from old age death and they then used them as soldiers and as we know from xcom2 aliens was basically mass mind controlled to obey any Elder's orders. The Elder's invasion on Earth was the same as their invasion on the planets of the aliens, the only difference is that the humans managed to defeat them. So the fact that humans and remaining aliens starts to cooperate with each other seems normal. Plus not all aliens/hybrids/humans are friendly to each other otherwise why there's anarchy in city 31 that Chimera squad needs to stop?

“So suck it y’all.”

Wait when did they canonize alien brothels?

Been something of a long running joke with many a fan about the vipers being pretty in an exotic way and a deliberate nod/poke from the devs in that. But not outright saying.

5243426 Hm, yes, but it looks to me like it's a case of a filler of some kind prior to an XCOM3. The low price point and limited team suggests a small game rather than a huge one. So I'm guessing this is a test bed / trial balloon for changes to the game, both mechanical and story-related, leading into a proper third installment.

(And no, "The Bureau" does not exist in my personal universe.)

I'm considering pre-ordering this on Steam.

Aside from that little fact though I think it does look good and probably worth the money, but we'll see once it comes out.

Wanderer D

5243518 5243522 Yeah, I was thinking that this might be a covert way to see how fans react to some changes. I mean, if they're going for an XCOM: Apocalypse this might be a test for that.

5243482 My money is on Human Supremacist "purge all non-pure human" Government types working with Anti-Human alien types.
Seriously, it would work better if they were religious types but I doubt they'll be those types

Wanderer D

5243603 If they do the XCOM APOCALYPSE approach, you might get that. They had a bunch of factions and one of them were alien-religion fanatics.

There's a difference between making love and making babies, and we're discussing the latter.

Ah, I though you were talking about the former, considering you mentioned alien tech and meld. Space magic or even the regular kind, dunno. They have access to equestria, therefore they have the means. To be quite fair, as long as we get them I don't quite care for the explanation. Can you imagine the cute? :yay:

You've confused me for the person you were previously having this conversation with. Which is weird, because he's the only one of the three of us who actually bothered to have an avatar.

Well, let me tell you, I... I've got nothing :derpytongue2:

None of the aliens are actually aliens. All the actual aliens are gone, every single alien in XCOM 2 is a human-alien hybrid grown by injecting alien DNA in a modified human base template.

That's why the aliens suddenly being friendly makes no sense. They aren't conquered people that have just been freed, they are living weapons that have never known nothing but obedience and servitude, created for the sole purpose of fighting humans.

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