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The Abyss

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The Silent Majority: Important Post · 8:27pm Dec 7th, 2016

My Filly, Nightshine used to be my favorite story to write.

After what happened on the last chapter, I have very little motivation to keep writing the story.

I know that I'll get a lot of people trying to make me write the story the way they want me to, people treating me like an idiot, and people pointing out flaws instead of trying to understand the way I wrote things.

I used to love writing about Nightshine, but now, whenever I look at the story, I feel sick to my stomach.

I do not want to spend time on a story that'll just keep getting shit on.

I tried to work on the next chapter the other day, but I have no idea where I'm going to take the story anymore.

I used to have so much fun writing about Nightshine being cute, but now, when I try to work on the next chapter, the drive isn't there.

If I could turn back time and take the story in a different direction, I probably would.

I will not delete half of the story to take it in a different direction, which, at this point, would be necessary.

I do not want to cancel the story.

If you want someone to keep writing a story, it is very important to leave a positive comment on the latest chapter. There are two big reasons for this:

1: In the writer's mind, if they see a lot of people clamoring for the next chapter/that they enjoyed the chapter, then they'll want to write another chapter as soon as possible, giving you, the reader, more content to read at your leisure. That's a win-win for both the author and the readers!

2: If the majority of comments on any given chapter are negative, then the author will either cancel the story, delete the story, or will stop writing it while leaving it marked as incomplete. That's a lose-lose for both the author and the readers.

I know a lot more of you, the silent majority, enjoys reading this story, but if all I see are negative comments, I will not want to write this story anymore.

Report The Abyss · 1,738 views · Story: My Filly, Nightshine ·
Comments ( 107 )

I understand that feeling. I felt the same way about my Fallout story and my non-crossovers.

I just decided to write something that didn't have anything to do with MLP and just vent my ideas into my own thing. It really helps circulate thought and to calm my nerves.

I know how you feel man first romance Store kept getting negative comments so I was forced to disbanded it

Zyrah #3 · Dec 7th, 2016 · · ·

Keep writing the story the way YOU want it and the haters can suck on a fat cock!

Its your story write it jow you want to. I like it this way

Ive enjoyed what youve written so far and would like to see it continue. But if you cant write it for yourself then stop. Our opinions should only matter if you want critism, and even then should be taken with a grain of salt.

At the end of the day, most of us are just faceless names on a screen. Ultimately, we aren't the ones writing the story. You are. And while I generally don't comment that often, I thoroughly have enjoyed reading about Nightshine, and I am eager to see where it takes us next. If others want you to write a certain way, tell them this isn't their story. They can go write their own. Not everything in a story is supposed to just be given away all at once. It needs to grow naturally, flow smoothly. And you are a good writer. Chin up, friend. You're words are strong.

I'm sorry that you feel that way, I hope that you get the motivation again. We shall wait patiently.

Keep writing, you inspired many with what you written so far. Dont give up just yet.:twilightsmile:

Please keep writing I'm freaking loving it. I'll support it wherever it goes because It's honestly a wonderful and adorable story. I'm sorry that people have shat on it so much, they're pricks :( Hope you get back on it one day

That's honestly how I felt about my Shimmerverse. I really wanted it to take off and be something big. Yet it seemed to get less attention as time went on. The same for the following stories. However, I honestly didn't give up because I loved the Shimmerverse. I had put months of work and effort into bringing it to life and I was not going to leave it be. So I kept writing. If you love a story or universe, it's best to keep writing. Although, if you feel like you need a break, do so.

Now as for your story, I've been meaning to get around to reading it. However, college has sort of cut in to my reading time. I know I would probably enjoy it. It's best to try and stay positive.

Honestly I find the politics in it interesting, pony-morphic spells are cool, I have no issues with it aside from Celestia being Celestia (But what can we do about that). Keep writing, a wise pony once told me when I first started writing and all I had were negative comments-

"Above all else, write for yourself, if others like it then that is good, if others complain then it is still good, so long as YOU like it, it shall/will be good." -Brother Wolf

Since then I have lived by that creed.

Keep up the grand work, take it where you wish to take it, I have always loved a story with twists and turns, especially ones I don't see coming.

Hang in there!!! You are my favourite writer on this site, and I can't tell you enough how that Your post on how to get your stories read helped me. This is also one of my favourite stories and I would love to see it continued, no matter how it ends! And don't listen to haters, they just don't know what they're talking about. YOU write the story the way YOU want to.

Thanks for all the cuteness

My boi there are so many other routes to take for our human protagonist. I assume the reason why the hate was real because of the human turned pony deal that has been a copout for such a long time. I actually thought you were going to a route where our boi would find a Batpony as a last resort, you know, having relations or romantics in some way. Because people actually do this tact in real life, finding legal citizens to par with so they too get legalized.

I was hoping to read more but if you're going to get bent out of shape because of people who CAN'T EVEN WRITE than its a sad. You are legend my nigga and you shouldn't write for the satisfaction of others. This is YOUR story and you should write what YOU want.

I don't want to come off as a asshole but I don't want to see such an amazing story teller go down in flames because of some piss ants. I'm willing to help you in any way I can, my boi.

I'm in the silent majority myself... I don't leave comments that often, but it's a shame that the vocal minority can kill your drive so easily. I personally love the story, and whenever you feel like doing another chapter, I'll gladly read it.
As for others making you write something else... feh. They want something done in a specific way? They should write their own story or commish you to do it their way :raritywink:

I like the direction it was going.

I even like the consolation that it wasn't going to be permanent.

I think the idea of him learning to fly along side his daughter would be adorable. Not to mention using Hooves.

Perhaps a later chapter of her trying to find a partner for him would be too cute. A scene where she pushes a character, doesn't have to be mane 6, toward him would be sweet sort of a little bat winged Cupid.

Another part where she comes home with her cutie mark.

Talks about how she likes a boy at school and Jason's reaction to his little Shiny growing up.

The teenage years!!


Baking cookies!


You toyed with my heart and made me welcome in this sweet little bat pony and she is cemented there.


Please keep writing about Nightshine. The issue is that a few beings do not like a certain thing and because they do not like it they never give it a chance. I trust in your ability in writing and want to see what will happen.

As a member of the silent majority, I can say that I love this story and would hate for it to stop due to the actions of others. While it is nice when others enjoy a story, what's important is that you enjoy it more!

4332098 I agree. I used to be on the other side, but seeing the results...

Please do continue, writing as YOU please. And I'm sorry I was one of the critics. :ajsleepy:

As the proofreader/editor for one of the writers who participated in the Nightshine contest, I've thoroughly enjoyed seeing what you and other writers have done with their creative freedom. I was also pleasantly surprised to find that the story I assisted with turned out to be canonically plausible. Nightshine has become one of my favorite ponies, even beyond OCs. I'm always excited to see something new in regards to her. In all honesty, Nightshine is the story that initially attracted me to your profile and showed me just how wonderful a writer you are.

i may not have liked it, but i am more than interested in how you want the story to go.

would take some adjusting to get used to a pony body i think.

I just looked at the comment section of the story... DAMN! I didn't realize people had gotten so nasty with you about it. You can't please everybody all the time. I have only about 200 loyal readers and I routinelynpiss off a good two-thirds of them and they still stick with me. It's YOUR STORY, do whatever you want.

That sucks, but do what you need to do to bring yourself peace of mind, but I think you did very well on the chapters.

I gotta ask but
Are you sure your not one of those who sees 1 positive comment and 101 negative comments instead of 1692 positive and 101 negative?

I love fanfics cause people can just make whatever they like without an editor pointing a gun at their head telling them what sells and what doesn't.

While I'm not that interested in the story, from what I've seen it makes a lot of people happy. So I hope to see it stay for them.

4332133 I don't have any dedicated readers, yet (probably has something to do with the fact that I haven't published anything), but I'm pretty interested in seeing how they react to idea I've got in the works.

Comment posted by Foal Star deleted Dec 7th, 2016

Don't be a slave to opinions. Yours is what matters for your stories.

4332154 Definitely. Though, I am at a bit of a standstill with the plot and figuring out which direction I want it to take.

Sorry to say but i find this a bit.... dumb...

Negativity is the vast majority of feedback we recive in EVERYTHING, especially on the internet, if we listen to it and follow where it leads, you'll follow a path to more negativity, that's exacly what's going on here.

I know the feeling 'cuz i write fiction too, just not here, if i listened to every negative feedback i recived i would never finished any story, or worse, would end up writing something completely diferent.

Long story short: do what you gotta do to keep positive, like you said the silent majotiry's waiting for you and support your decision, be it finishing it or cancelling it :twilightsmile:

I'm part of the silent majority. I don't comment much except to point out a spelling or formatting error that may crop up. I'm loving the story as is and am waiting to see where you take it.

It's your story, and I'm just along for the ride.....and enjoying it so far. :)

4332160 I do enjoy a good exchange of ideas. Look me up (PM) if you want to pitch it to some one.

I actually have your story in my tracking and I like the Tension you set in the story. Twilight and Luna are on his side against an archaic law that has out lived it usefulness. I also like the simple pleasures that Jason and Nightshine such as trying to arrange flight lessons and including her in furnishing her bed room. just because your latest chapter has Jason in a corner doesn't mean he can't fight out of it and win.

I don't get it either why a story will plummet in its ratings and have bad or even no feed back at all. Its you story at the end of the day and it has its fans. Cheer up.

Well, I'm not sure if this'll be any use, but I'll say it anyway. I have enjoyed your stories (the ones that fell into my interests, Nightshine being one of them). However, I can sympathize. It's not so much about giving asshole readers the finger, sticking it to the man, or doing whatever the fuck you feel like. You write and create for a reason. I know I do it because it's a fun hobby that gets weird ideas out of my head that I can look back on and enjoy. Your reason is probably different, but what it really boils down to for you right now is the way the feedback is affecting your mood. Like you said, good feedback boosts your desire to make more. Bad feedback just pisses you off (it does me :raritywink:).

If you do find the drive to continue with Nightshine, that'd be nice. But I won't feel bad if you drop the story altogether. I've got a desktop full of incomplete stories. Once you lose the drive... it's a bitch to get back into it sometimes. If you don't mind the suggestion, take a break from it and let Nightshine sit for a while. I've found that when I get back to old stories, like say after not touching them for about a month or three, I get new ideas that I never would have considered before. Just my 2 cents. In any case, sorry that you've lost the drive for the story... it was getting to be really cute and I enjoyed the twist in the last chapter.

That's how I feel right now with my current story.
Just keep writing

A wise man once said "Fuck the haters"

I personally like your writing and nothing makes me happier than when I see a writer I like commenting on other stories I like and I see your name a lot! Makes me feel connnected.

It's been said so I'll say it again write your fics the way you want em, people will be people happy or not you'll still have loyal fans regardless.

Haters gonna hate.
If something brings you joy I see no reason to stop doing it. People always criticize my writing but that dosen't stop me from writting.
Keep up the good work!!!

I'm not sure what to say, but I hope this suffices...


Well, those haters may hate the story all they want, but I enjoy the story just the way it is, and always had. I don't care what the haters think, what matters is that you write the story the way you want it to be

Honestly, so often I come across stories that are almost unreadable being little more than huge chunks of random exposition on already tangential comments that seeing a well written and interesting work renders me largely speechless. Please allow me to correct this error of mine.

Nightshine has been a breath of fresh air, on par with only a handful of others that I have seen on this site. It is refreshing an immersive and wonderfully sweet without crossing into the realm of being sickeningly contrived. The characters are organic, and feel truly alive set alongside a delightfully pleasant hills that the emotional intensity of the story invokes both of which are among the most difficult things to accomplish in storytelling.

While a little overboard perhaps, I hope it captures my anxiety that such an author would stop. Those spewing vitriol and not posing productive criticism are fools and your absence would be a loss for the community!

I hate that you feel that way, but I understand. Personally, I think it's fine the way it is. Write it how you want, cause at the end of the day it's your story. I just hope you can find the motivation again at some point.

Comment posted by jwizard deleted Dec 7th, 2016

I want nothing more than for you to write the story the way you feel it needs to be written. I might disagree with how the characters act at times, or with the way the plot might take, but I would much rather see you stick to your guns than roll over and change it just because you were harangued into it. You're a good writer, and I trust you to make something good out of this story, even if parts of it aren't to my taste.

Nobody can tell you how to write your own damn story - it's YOUR story and YOURS alone.

The people who read your story and offer input by telling you about the mistakes you've made in the writing - like grammar or sentence structuring - are the ones who encourages a successful story so they can read and enjoy it, but the people who criticize you for going in a specific direction that they didn't want you to go are the ones who try and ruin what makes the story stand out so they can enjoy it for themselves, essentially ruining the fun for everyone. Going on a story and looking in the comments section to find people ridiculing the story because it didn't go the way they wanted and threatening or guilt tripping the author into writing it differently just angers the shit out of me. Those people are the lowest form of arrogant assholes.

Seriously, any self-entitled prick that tells you how to write your own story deserves the middle finger. Don't let them try and fuck you over. Write like a bat-out-of-hell, because no-one on this god-forsaken planet can tell you otherwise. If people dislike your story, well they're missing out on the good stuff. Believe me, people will try to shoot you down for their own benefits.

Just block out the hate and focus on whats important - making the best god-damn story you can look back on with pride and say "I wrote that story," with a big smile on your face. The people who stick around and praise you for the story, they're gonna have big, goofy smiles on their faces, too, because they enjoy what you wrote. Just look at all these people in this comment section sharing their support - THEY are the ones who love you for your creativity and will have your back no matter what.

I love your stories and I will continue to read and support new ones that come out. Your stories are unique because YOU wrote them in such a way that caught my attention, and honestly, I find myself inspired by some of them. Please don't give in to these self-entitled haters - because as tempting as it can get, you have people that will support you and encourage you to keep moving forward.

With that said, I hope you're having a wonderful holiday with friends and family and I hope to see more stories from you in the near future.

I'm one of the silent people here on FIMFiction. I very rarely ever comment on any of the stories. But I have read quite a few during my time here. And I consider this story to be one that I really and truly enjoy. Please don't give up on it just because some people don't like the direction you're taking the story. This is your "baby" to raise as you see fit. And if they think they can do better, then I encourage them to write their own stories.

Just remember what a friend of mine says, "Some people will complain if their ice cream is cold." :rainbowhuh:

Please keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to reading more of your work. :pinkiehappy:

Wow, just looking at all these people supporting you, I say that's all you need too see. However, if you thing the negativity is getting to you, just stop paying them. Write the chapters, leave them unposted and enjoy what you have. Another writer left the site completely because of what is happening to you happened to them. I wish more people could just see your creativity but that doesn't mean it will happen and I'm sorry for that, and please don't forget all the people who do support you

You know what? Maybe it's a good thing that you've decided to cancel this. Because the very second you start pandering to readers and rewriting the story is the EXACT moment you should stop writing. And guess what? This wonderful, adorable little story isn't about what they want. It's about what you want. Write what you planned. Write what you enjoy. That, my friend, is what counts in the end, not the unsolicited advice of the unwashed masses.

I never actually got around to reading it, despite tracking it for a while. But if any of your other works are of indication, the negativity for the story is unjustified. You're fairly consistent, and the level of writing quality is high.

Then again, I would expect you to be more resistant to badmouthing, what with plenty of M stuff and all.

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