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The Abyss

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I'm Selling My Personal Copies of My Two Pony Books · 9:05pm Aug 1st, 2023

Both books are my personal author copies and are both marked #1.

My copy of I'll Always be Here for You was the very first version I ordered. As you can see with the cover, I had to have the title and my username brought more towards the center because it was cut off a little. I had ordered a second test copy and sent that to the awesome person who drew the art for the story. He was able to confirm that everything looked good and that's the version that everyone has now.

The Book of Clop is a compilation of what I considered my best NSFW stories. It has a little dent on the spine but is otherwise in great condition. It was my test copy from the manufacturer just like the book above was, and as such, is also marked #1.

I'd like to sell as a bundle to keep it easy. Highest bidder(s) wins. Shipping costs are on me. Send me your offer in a private message. I'll pick the winner(s) in one week. Must be able to pay within 24 hours of being notified of winning. I'll either use PayPal or Patreon to process the sale.

Report The Abyss · 1,186 views · Story: I'll Always be Here for You ·
Comments ( 14 )

Okay, I need to read this series again

How’d you make them into books?

same though am reading a series atm

Mind if I ask why you're selling them?

Yeah I definitely would like them. But what the sequel "I'll do anything for you"

Because I know they'd be a lot more appreciated sitting on someone else's bookshelf than sitting hidden away in my home. I haven't touched them in years.

I don't have any plans to make that one into a book because of how little engagement I got when I was finishing the story.

I used a local publishing company.

That's disappointing to hear. So how much for them. And are these your only copies?

still haven't told me how much


I'd like to sell as a bundle to keep it easy. Highest bidder(s) wins. Shipping costs are on me. Send me your offer in a private message. I'll pick the winner(s) in one week. Must be able to pay within 24 hours of being notified of winning. I'll either use PayPal or Patreon to process the sale.

So, does this mean there won't be a mass printing of these books in the future? I already have a copy of I'll Always Be Here For You, but I never got the chance to purchase the Clop Book.:fluttershysad:

While I won't rule it out completely, I do not have plans to do any more printing runs.

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