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You Are (Not) Reading This Post(?) · 7:45am Jul 4th, 2012

Nietzsche, it's hot out.

I just thought I'd poke my brain-bone around to alert those who are (suicidally) concerned that I am not completely dormant as of late. I am indeed working on the latest installment of everyone's favorite Lyra depress-fest. It's about fifteen pages coming, but meh. I've enjoyed chapters far more than this latest flatulence.

It's been almost twelve months to the date since I became a brony. Yes, fifty-two odd weeks ago I stopped making love to fictitious creatures of estrogen on the Internet in time to notice these whimsical, pastel-colored equines having TVY7 adventures with one another and thought "dayum, I want in on that shiznet." So, in a fit of equestrian mania, I wrote a Rainbow Dash fic that instantly bombed, and for good reasons. I'll let you all find out why. The only reason I'm getting away with posting this is that a certain candle-stick head is too busy biking around with the root of his progeny tobother aiming anti-air missiles at my self-indulgent flounderings.

I Remember Rainbow Dash part 1
I Remember Rainbow Dash part 2
I Remember Rainbow Dash part 3
I Remember Rainbow Dash part 4
I Remember Rainbow Dash part 5
I Remember Rainbow Dash part 6

WARNING. The above will cause constipation of the eyes. I mean it. Your optical nerves will turn into rectums filled with dense granite.

For those of you still alive after that...

October will count the one year anniversary of EoP's posting. It seems with each week that squeezes by, I feel more and more MEH about the state of SS&E. I don't mean that to ellicit sympathy; it's more like requesting slaps to the face. Background Pony is my one diamond in the rough, but it's something that goes on and on. I mean, you marsupials READ it. Surely I don't need to describe the sensation anymore than you're aware of. Why Lyra doesn't just slit her hooves by now is beyond me. She's living in a Stanley Kubrick film with no emergency brakes. F'naaaa.

I wish there was a way to describe the looming nature of EoP. Anyone living near Orlando? Do you know what it's like to have an NBA team that has made it to the finals twice only to fail catastrophically? That's what it feels like to have EoP unfinished and still attached to my name. If I don't go back to it soon, then I'll lose Dwight Howard along with Tracy McGrady, Shaq, and that other #1 jersey dude named after a coin. Who was it again? "Nickel?" "Dime?" "Rupee?"

Anywho, I gotta finish SOME SAGA or else I'll turn into the MLP Fiction equivalent of that semi popular fat guy who keeps suspending the "third episode" of something. It doesn't help that I have tons of new ideas assaulting me every day. I wish writing diligence came as naturally to me as fanfic concepts. Then I'd be going somewhere in my (basement) existence. I'm also dying to write something that's happy, cheerful, and comedic for a change. Cuz goddam, I wanna go to sleep knowing that at least my characters are happier than me. Anyways, tell me which of these titles sounds best: "Horses With Rocket Launchers," "The Cider Princess Lives," "It Ends With Them Cuddling," or "Chronicles of the Freckle-Hunter"???

It's a tough art getting legally high in this day and age. In other words, lots of Dr. Pepper and Applejack/Rainbow Dash pics

In the meantime, for your viewing pleasure:


Live Long and Dash Apples

P.S.: I totally don't live near Orlando. What gives you that idea? Eat a shoe.

Comments ( 54 )

Whoo-hoo, first!

Wait, not first! Dangit!


EDIT: Your pointing out the proximity to Orlando belies your...lie? Idk.

I'm going to read Remember Rainbow Dash...perhaps I'm masochistic, I don't know. But most likely it will be over nine thousand times better than any work I've ever created. Not that that's saying much on my part, but oh well.

Also, I AM Reading this post. And it's a terrible fate, isn't it, the desire to create something new rather than finish what you've already started? I'm already falling to that and I'm not even a good enough writer to be worthy of tying the shoes of a great like you! Also, I'm actually in Florida on vacation right now! In Orlando, visiting Disney World and whatnot. I promise I won't stalk you...or will I? Nah, just kidding :derpytongue2:

Maybe you should indulge yourself, though. Write a one-shot comedy or something, get the creative juices flowing, and open the floodgates of your imagination!

Or completely ignore the comments of those who follow you and do whatever the heck you please!

Either way's good with me, haha. Have a wonderful day, please, SS&E!

Oh, and as for the title, I support "It ends with cuddles."



You're funny. Are you sleep-deprived, perchance? If that is the case, please write blog posts in the state of mind more often. They are quite entertaining.

>That feel when you could've been first by a long shot but didn't

On a side note, I have taken a liking to this strange, cynical wittiness you seem to have suddenly farted out your brain. Write one of those concept stories while you're like this. It'll be fun times. Just think: "The Cider Princess Lives", written under the influence of caffeine-free Red Bull at 1:30 in the morning.

That cup with the straw ... wtf.

Is that seriously real and sold somewhere?

211468 Was this planned? I find it an amazing coincidence that the first poster happens to be not only mentioned in the post, but also oddly appropriate to the subject matter.

Can't be an edit since I read the post before there were comments on my end...


That's fine. But don't expect me to cull you any more freebies from the salicylic acid shipments.

EDIT: If I didn't know better, "It Ends With Them Cuddling" sounds like a questionable implication.

Hey! I'm not a marsupial...
Considering you put up a picture of a Disney toy.... Cup... Thing, you sorta sealed the whole "Orlando" thing btw.
Also, BP is seriously serious good. So for the love of all that is sacred please keep writing them pony words, and I'll read EoP when I can find enough happy fics to balance it out...

The Cider Princess Lives sounds pretty intriguing.

Chronicles of a Freckle Hunter sounds awesome.

I want to read that fic, but it's SO LOOONG

HA! The jokes on you! I do not have any shoes in my possession.

Also, anything with rocket launchers and/or freckles is A-OK in my book.

Stay above moderately awesome...
-GrimPInkamena :pinkiecrazy:

It ends with them Cuddling...AFTER SEX! Clop Please!

211483 Red Bull? Caffeine... free?

Please tell me that is not a thing. That should never be a thing.
Ahh... Chaplin. :twilightsmile:

You are seriously too funny. I love these posts. :rainbowlaugh: The Gettysburg picture nearly killed me.

And finally, I like "It Ends With Them Cuddling." Sounds cute.

EDIT: Euuggh... most of IRRD is in... present tense? :pinkiesick: I hate present tense.
But I love shortskirtsandexplosions more than I hate present tense. *Read ALL the chapters!!*

For all you idiots out there, you are not idiots. If you think you are an idiot, then you are an idiot, because you aren't an idiot. Okay? Okay.

Constipated eyes wasn't something I planned on having, so I skipped the links.

It Ends With Them Cuddling, yes.
Best name.

Whoa. :rainbowderp: Just finished part one of IRRD.

Instant addict. A-FREAKIN-MAZING. Why did I expect otherwise? :derpytongue2:

'It Ends With Them Cuddling' is definitely the best fic title ever.

i accidentally misread one of the name to be "it ends with them cumming" :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy: something is wrong in my head (possibly too many clopfics?)

"Chronicles of the Freckle-Hunter" please. I've already read the other 3.

You're not the only one. God knows how many goddamn stories I've shelved over the past two years. I believe it's four now. But that was because I couldn't bridge the beginning and the end; too many ideas and too little time between academic years. Honestly, though, I don't mind if you move on to something a bit happier than EoP or Background Pony since I'd probably end up in a slump and die of a broken heart, like Christopher Reeves in that one movie. Good luck, brosef. May the words fly to your fingertips.

211599 :facehoof:

211616 hey! at least i'm honest about it :ajbemused: although i would really like BGP to end sometime soon... i don't like having to read a story without it never ending.(except in some cases where i'd rather it continue forever) :ajsmug: but i would really like to see what shortskirtsandexplosions will come up with when he finally posts a comedy... good luck brony... bro hoof? /]*[\ :rainbowdetermined2:

how about "there's a cloud on your butt"

Just kidding! looking forward to all your ink/basement induced maddness


"I wish there was a way to describe the looming nature of EoP. Anyone living near Orlando? Do you know what it's like to have an NBA team that has made it to the finals twice only to fail catastrophically?"

The NHL's Vancouver Canucks have done that three times in the Stanley Cup finals. :flutterrage: New York Islanders? 4-0 loss. Not very close, and for good reason. New York Rangers AND Boston Bruins? Heartbreaking 4-3 losses, both. I know exactly how it feels. :fluttershysad:

Anyway, good luck on writing something brighter than Background Pony (caused me to have two head-canon Lyras in my brain-space) and the other one!


Unless you're pulling some sort of freaky reverse psychology schnitzel on me.

It Ends With Them Cuddling. V:

Anyways, do what you want.

Oh, but it is. It's horrible. Das the point.

Orlando? I'm relatively close to Orlando, on the west side of Florida. LET THE STALKING COMMENCE!

211495 You shall never read it then. Especially the Pinkie arc... That place is a suicide advertisement (and yet I just started re-reading it at work last week. 2 chapters down)

"Chronicles of the Freckle-Hunter"
Clearly this title is the most amusing. :rainbowlaugh:

Happy fics are irrelevant. Read anyway :pinkiecrazy:

If youre gonna finish a few stories, finish Background Pony, I love that story and I'm dying to find out if she's ever free from the curse

Just wondering if your going to post this story in the sight.
sometimes Google doc doesn't work for me
like now=(:applecry::fluttercry::fluttershbad::fluttershyouch::pinkiesad2::raritydespair::raritycry:

I tried reading IRRD... the first three parts were good but part 4 just got... kind of... AAHHH MY EYES :twilightoops:

goddangit... okay ill read it.... and remove all the sharp objects from my house as well.

212168 SS&E once told me that he had no motivation to continue EoP because it didn't have enough interest. I have since tried to increase said interest by practically spamming that fic... seriously I mention EoP more then I mention my good fic

Well guess what.
I have interest in EoP AND what you write now, because that was awesome.

A review of a chapter of the Petra arc is in the works. I've been very slowly chipping away at reading/note-taking on it over the past few months ('tis a long chapter, and I've been busy on other things). Despite how it's the 4th of July and I have to pack up for leaving Friday to go be the best man at a wedding and spend time with family I haven't seen in years, I love your writing that much. I know you've told me you really dislike anything that takes away from the forward momentum of the story. My hope is that you'll see it more as a token of my confidence.

In other words, I don't feel meh about EoP, so neither should you.

I will also gladly include the last two chapters of the arc in my reading list. That's because it's painfully empty, and I've read all the necessary previous chapters to have context.

Edit: I'm confused as to the meaning of "a certain candle-stick head is too busy biking around with the root of his progeny tobother aiming anti-air missiles at my self-indulgent flounderings. "


Hitler totally ruined his mustashe :applejackunsure:

Awesome! I become a brony 12 months ago next Wednesday! July was a popular time to convert to bronyism apparently.

Please post that story on I don't know why, but i don't like reading on gdocs :) dare you live near me (Rockledge) im making my way though BGP right now. im on Vlll and i have to say its really good but sad

I wish I could somehow translate the enthusiasm I have for each new instalment of 'Background Pony' or 'End of Ponies' into a comparable creative burst for you, Shortskirts: I don't think you'd have a problem.

You've done a heck of a lot if writing though... I'm not surprised these epics can seem somewhat constricting after a while.

There's nowt stopping you from diverging from the grand-plan for a bit - doing a side story or interlude, for example - if the path to completion seems linear or ungainly.

Anyhoo... you really are a special writer, and I have faith that you'll know where your creative energies are best placed.


I think it says something though (and I can see I'm not alone) that while the progress of many really good fics has stalled and I have, lamentably, forgotten about them... I'm still as excited about the next instalment of EoP as I was 6 months ago.

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