• Member Since 13th Feb, 2012
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More Blog Posts65

  • 34 weeks
    Sad Attention: GentlemanJ will NOT be Publishing an OG Work For Now

    Hey there everyone,

    Sorry this post is so late in coming, but as the title indicates, I will not be publishing my original work by my own choice.

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    2 comments · 250 views
  • 75 weeks
    Attention: GentlmanJ Begins His Next Project

    Greetings one and all,

    I've dragged this out enough already, so without further ado, here is my announcement.

    I will be publishing my first of a trilogy of original novels in the summer of this calendar year!

    Published? What does that mean?

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  • 75 weeks
    One Is the Loneliest Number That You Ever Knew

    Two can be as bad as one
    It's the loneliest number since the number one

    No is the saddest experience you'll ever know
    Yes is the saddest experience you'll ever know
    'Cause one is the loneliest number that you'll ever know
    One is the loneliest number even worse than two, yeah

    It's just no good anymore since you went away
    Now, I spend my time just
    Making up rhymes of yesterday

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    2 comments · 305 views
  • 76 weeks
    Two Post or Not Two Post

    At first, I thought not because it's getting late and I totes forgot.

    Then I remembered the date was January 2, 2023.

    It had a two.

    So, I post.


    3 comments · 174 views
  • 76 weeks
    Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky

    I feel super cringe for posting yet another self-hype blog, so I'm gonna borrow a bit of Tolkien's goodwill to get through it.

    January 2, 2023. Three days. Peace.


    4 comments · 120 views

Happy Days and Plans for the 3 · 2:07pm Jun 9th, 2013

Ladies and gentlemen,

Woke up this morning. Turned on computer. Came to Fimfiction. Saw number of watchers.


It's official. It really happened. Ladies and gentlemen, the Journey family has finally hit the big 1K. Now I'm not saying that this was the best morning ever, but I'm pretty sure that this was the best morning ever. I mean, do you all even realize how amazing this is? How absolutely stupendously marvelously wonderfully amazing? If not, please reference Twilight Sparkle for an appropriate response.

I've always hope that I could make it to this point. Dreamed about it even. But I have to be honest; there were many, many times I was almost certain that it'd be impossible. I mean, think about it. The Journey has broken each cardinal sin of pony fiction's unholy trinity: thou shalt not write a humanized story; thou shalt not center the story on an original character; and thou shalt not ship any original character with a member of the Mane 6. Considering how anathema this series appears to the common reader, it's a miracle that people would even give it a look.

But they did. You all did and made this happen, which is why I want to say, from the very bottom of my heart: thank you.

I've read your comments. I've read every single comment that's come into my stories, and let me tell you, they are bloody brilliant. You guys have been the most supportive and wonderfully active group of readers any author could ask for, whether it's helping with post-posting editing, dialogues and speculations on the story's directions (sometimes hilariously wrong and some times eerily accurate), or any of the countless compliments, well wishes, and encouragements that just bring a smile to my face. Thank you all. Thank you all so much for all the love you've shown me, and even more so, to Graves and The Journey.

Now, before anyone freaks out and takes this as a closing message, let me be clear: this is NOT the end. The Journey will continue as planned, so I'd like to take a moment and give you a heads up on what's going on.

First off, I'll be taking a few of weeks off to recuperate from this latest stint of writing. A new job plus a whole lot more rewriting to perfect these last chapters than expected equals down time needed to collect my thoughts and get back in the swing of things. In the interim, I'll probably post a separate goof story, much like Spring Fever, just for kicks and giggles, a sort of detox, if you will After that, I'll be back to posting regular installments in The Journey's Season 3 and all will be right with the world.

After that, season 3 will begin and it will most definitely have a long arc of heart pounding action and epic adventure. But not just yet. After so many long dramas, I felt it was time to get back to my roots, writing sillier fun pieces that are more in line with the traditional spirit of the show. So for now, I plan to write a large collection of short stories, much like Lazy Summer Days, but on a much more extensive basis. I've already got some ideas thought of, but a comment requesting a romantic subplot on one of the other Mane 6 made me realize I hadn't thought of them all.

So now, I turn to you, the fantastic family who made this all possible and ask you this: what short stories would you like to see?

As stated I have ideas and I'll be working on them post haste, but I'm always looking for more inspiration. So if you have a question you'd like to see made canon, a burning passion that must be put to pen, or even just a hilarious mass of nonsense that would make for a great read, please comment below. Pinkie Pie speaks to me, and she tells me to get more people in on the fun.

So, TL;DR: I'm stupid happy, you guys are awesome, short break, back with fun shorts, send in ideas.

Once again, thank you all. You are the absolute best, and as always, looking forward to hearing back from you all soon! Adieu!


Report GentlemanJ · 493 views ·
Comments ( 33 )

Well I for one would like a story to focus on Spike. Doing what exactly...maybe what he did while all the drama and action was going on or to add a spice of comedy. Have the crusaders dragging him along for one of their antics. And a little tease for the shippers out there :trollestia:

i.imgur.com/HItdQPW.gif \
mfw the entire thing.
Mr. J, with bestowed honor and respect please accept this: :moustache:
and know that you have crafted an immaculate story.

We appreciate you.

Graves goes into a dream, WHERE EVERYONE HE KNOWS IS A PONY!

At some point there will be an overly demanding or hormonal pregnant Rarity arc. Not saying it needs to go as far as this though. The version from before was only a dream. Reality needs to hit his ass since he has admitted he likes the bad along with the good.

Outside that I'd say a "revenge of the pranksters" side story.

I'd like to see a fic around Spike coming to terms with Rarity falling for Graves. Yeah, that'd be nice.

story's directions (sometimes hilariously wrong and some times eerily accurate)

I was one......okay, a few....of the wrong ones! Fine! A lot of them! Happy now?

what short stories would you like to see?

Just in case you haven't picked up on it yet......
Applejack x bucking Hemmingmane!!!
And also, yes to the Spike and Crusaders idea.
Oh wait, I missed this bit.

a comment requesting a romantic subplot on one of the other Mane 6 made me realize I hadn't thought of them all.

So......you noticed then?
1133956 Man, I love those stories.....what Twilight comes up with as punishment.....

I think I'd like to see some Graves interaction with the other inhabitants of Ponyville, perhaps a redoubtable mail-woman with a damaged sense of direction? Or maybe a harmless local clock-maker who looks a lot like the pictures of a mysterious man who aided Celestia in dealing with a prior Changeling incursion... five-hundred years ago.

Or maybe even a separate stand-alone Marshall Graves mystery centred around some local event that the local constable dismissed as some silliness (maybe the Crusaders' misadventures) but which Graves believes may be of more serious import.

And this series, my friend, is proof on how you can still write a great story with a supposedly bad idea. Hell, there's no such thing as a bad idea - only bad execution. And this series was executed brilliantly. Keep on writing GentJ! You've got my following wherever your writing takes us!

Yes…that would be a nice road to pursue.
Why not try your hand at a completely different couple, see how that works out?

Maybe even get Hemmingmane to ask Graves for advice oh his Southern goddess?

RarityXSpike. I know its not original etc but the good ones are amazing and a silly one would be all the better.:moustache:

I have to echo Lucky424 and request a furthering of the Applejack and Hemingmane side story.

I also second writing side stories focusing on other characters.

Ideas for an episode, eh? Well, I do recall in one of the stories that is was mentioned that Fluttershy and Big Macintosh were an item. We need some humor with these two and the CMC need to get involved for added hilarity.

If we come up with more ideas later, should we just send them in a PM to you?


Post in the comments. This way, others can see it and second the motion if they share your predilections.

At least one chapter of these new stories need to be written in the style of Doom: Repercussions Of Evil

I am no1,002. So proud of it :pinkiehappy:

I agree with some of the fellow posters on here. HemmingJack is something I would definitely like to see. Also, again, Doctor Whooves popping up, having mysteriously aided with a Changeling defeat some time before, and Graves being tasked with investigating him (this may or may not involve Ditzy "Derpy" Do Hooves).

Shiny should get in on the inevitable antics, Graves plays off him too well to not insert them into a comedical situation. Perhaps a classic body swap with both Rarity and Cadence out of the loop.

1134257 Or any of Peter Chimaera's fine works. I myself have a soft spot for QUARTER LIFE: HALFWAY TO DESTRUCTION.

But seriously, yeah, I know Graves is the main character, but the rest of the Mane 6 haven't really gotten much screentime. I personally petition for moar Pinkie.

Also, side ships! HemmingJack would be nice. Hell, any other ships you could think of would also be pretty damn awesome.

1134054 Forgetting Graves?:ajbemused:

Let me first say congratulations J. You are an amzing person and writer. Now for ideas. I love the idea of side stories of the other mane six and others of the town. And I would definitely like to know how Spike would coupe with Rarity and Graves. I also love the idea of side ships, especially AppleJack and HemmingMane. And I would like to know about the others as well. I also like stories about the CMC and their interactions with Graves. And I love random stories about Graves like lazy summer days. But here is some stuff I didn't hear mentioned that I think might be good ideas:
1. Since Graves is finally with Rarity, I want to know about his interactions with SweetyBelle. He now is the big brother figure she wanted him to be in her life and I would like to know how he deals with it. And the things they do together, Rarity included perhaps.
2. Possibly a sort of prequel story or multiple stories, about Graves in the academy. Especially his interactions with ShiningArmor, since he was the only friend Graves really had (whether he liked it or not).
3. Stories about Graves and his old squad. How he interacted with them and some of the missions they went on. How they gained each others trust. And maybe what happened during Operation Elder.
These are the ideas I thought of just thinking about it. If I think of anymore I will comment again or something if you wish. As always I hope this might help you and you are amazing.

1134545 of course not. They don't have to be in the same universe as The Journey. Like anyone could forget Graves.

Ship an OC with Pnkie Pie! :pinkiehappy:

As far as suggestions for episodes:
1. As OldSchoolBrony mentioned, expand more on Big Mac & Fluttershy.

2. I would like to see something with the CMC's.

3. Something with Rainbow Dash, Soarin', and Spitfire hanging out. Especially after what happened between Soarin' and Spitfire at the Gala.

4. More on Spike, and expand on the Salamander race that Spike is a part of.

1134628 Okay then:pinkiesmile:

Idea: possible one-off crossover with another popular fic, with graves and the other main interacting in some way.

Hmm... the moment you mentioned Pinkie, my mind jumped to one thing: Hilarious crack shipping. Specifically the kind that goes really well until that one moment where they realise just what the heck they're doing and shake it off to go about their regular day, never to speak of it again.

Something like Rainbow Dash and Fancy Pants, for sake of ridiculous.

Then I thought 'wait... Fancy Pants...?' And my mind then threw me into the realm of just what would happen when Fancy Pants came by to order new clothes from Rarity, while Graves was there. Would he be his usual charming, enthusiastic self around her, sending Rarity a little giddy with the attention and experience of having him in her humble little shop, all while Graves glared death into the back of his neck from across the room? Probably, yes. Would this inspire some rather gentlemanly response, such as an invite from Fancy to have Graves join him in his upcoming Charity Golf Game in order to try and get on the right side of the Marshal and show him that Fancy's not a bad chap? Heck yes! And would this then involve some incredible amounts of hijinks based around the fact that Graves can't play golf? Discord would be proud.

Whaddya think?

I'm also in favour of the multiple votes for CMC x Spike friendshipping and embarrassment. He's been left out of this story by-and-large, since it didn't need him to be there to work, but being a young man he's bound to get into trouble with young girls now and again. The adventure would be good for him :twilightsmile:

1134614...Get out of my head man... I rather like the idea of prequels for Graves in the academy and with his squad.
1137651 I second this as well.
Spike with the CMC:
1. Convince Spike to take them somewhere dangerous for crusading (not difficult, considering it's spike we're talking about)
2. Graves catches wind of this too late too stop them (but sure as hell tries)
3. ???????
4. Profit
Hilarity ensues, naturally, considering their track record for causing chaos. (I've always wanted to make one of those lists!)

I know right? I thought it was a pretty good idea. And as for you're head, I don't really want to leave, it's cozy in here.....

1139219 Ha ha! Thanks, but I need it so I can finish my finals project for English. I'm leaving tomorrow for a camping trip with my family, so I'm leaving school a week early. Which means less time for my finals. With my mom in college doing the same thing, it's hard to find time for us all to use the computer, a single laptop, causing a lot of stress, and missed football practices for me, which while is fine with the coaches, is causing me to lose credibility with the other players. On top of this my sister doesn't know when to be quiet, letting people who don't know I'm a brony, know I'm a brony before I feel comfortable telling them. I get enough crap about it from my brother, so I don't like telling people about it, and this caused some of the stress I was talking about when I was ranting about cliffhangers, GentJ.( for the record I don't hate cliffhangers so much as I hate the part that comes after. Waiting.) Trying to keep my best friend from seeing my pony related backgrounds/chrome theme when working right next to him for four hours was difficult to say the least. Anywhooves, time to get back to work. (thanks for letting me rant J, I promise It'll be the last time! Just one more day of school to make it through!)

I already know all of this, as I am in your head.
But on a serious note, don't try to hide being a brony so much I didn't, and now some of my friends are bronies. You'd be surprised.
Also, you get out of school really late!

Know what I realized, we need another episode of Graves at 'The Club' with the guys in Ponyville when news finally reaches the men that have been after Rarity. What will happen? Massive congrats, drinking away of sorrows, or possibly a drunken brawl? Who knows, but hell, it would be fun to see!

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