• Member Since 13th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


More Blog Posts65

  • 40 weeks
    Sad Attention: GentlemanJ will NOT be Publishing an OG Work For Now

    Hey there everyone,

    Sorry this post is so late in coming, but as the title indicates, I will not be publishing my original work by my own choice.

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    2 comments · 270 views
  • 81 weeks
    Attention: GentlmanJ Begins His Next Project

    Greetings one and all,

    I've dragged this out enough already, so without further ado, here is my announcement.

    I will be publishing my first of a trilogy of original novels in the summer of this calendar year!

    Published? What does that mean?

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    9 comments · 423 views
  • 81 weeks
    One Is the Loneliest Number That You Ever Knew

    Two can be as bad as one
    It's the loneliest number since the number one

    No is the saddest experience you'll ever know
    Yes is the saddest experience you'll ever know
    'Cause one is the loneliest number that you'll ever know
    One is the loneliest number even worse than two, yeah

    It's just no good anymore since you went away
    Now, I spend my time just
    Making up rhymes of yesterday

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    2 comments · 317 views
  • 81 weeks
    Two Post or Not Two Post

    At first, I thought not because it's getting late and I totes forgot.

    Then I remembered the date was January 2, 2023.

    It had a two.

    So, I post.


    3 comments · 181 views
  • 82 weeks
    Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky

    I feel super cringe for posting yet another self-hype blog, so I'm gonna borrow a bit of Tolkien's goodwill to get through it.

    January 2, 2023. Three days. Peace.


    4 comments · 127 views

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky · 10:54pm Dec 30th, 2022

I feel super cringe for posting yet another self-hype blog, so I'm gonna borrow a bit of Tolkien's goodwill to get through it.

January 2, 2023. Three days. Peace.


Report GentlemanJ · 127 views · Story: When the Man Comes Around ·
Comments ( 4 )

The trick to effective self-promotion is to have no shame whatsoever. Pretend that you're a middle-aged burnout plodding inexorably towards your third divorce, working a dead-end job that you'll have to keep well past death, never mind retirement age, just to pay off all of your mounting debts, and your boss has just told you that you're being shifted over to commission work.

That should give you the mindset you need to put yourself out there. Or neck yourself, one of those two.

Ugh, too sad.

I'll just adopt the guise of a Karen, so self-absorbed and sure that the world revolves around me that I have no compunctions against against yelling at the baby-faced teen trying their best at their first summer job, because obviously, not getting perfectly cooked quinoa on my salad is their fault, and I'm about to make it everyone in earshot's problem.

Whoa there, Satan, dial back your evil a few notches. No matter what the situation or circumstances, going Karen is always the nuclear option.

Maybe split the difference between our respective ideas, and cast yourself as a fanfiction author with a middling fanbase who mostly does it for fun, but does have a Patreon that you shill for a side hustle because it's a decent way to handle a few bills.

... are you spying on me? You're spying on me, aren't you?

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