• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
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Wanderer D

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More Blog Posts1381

  • 1 week
    Summary that never was

    Hey guys, so a single update today, still struggling with getting to work on writing.

    I hate it when things like this happen, but all I can do atm is keep trying to jumpstart the creativity.

    10 comments · 305 views
  • 3 weeks
    Author Life Update

    Hello everyone! This is your friendly-but-sometimes-a-hard-ass neighborhood Latias: Wanderer D!

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    8 comments · 284 views
  • 4 weeks
    Sorry guys

    I apologize for the lack of updates. Although I am writing a bit, I've found myself in a bit of a semi-writer's block. I'll get out of it, but it is delaying the stories.

    11 comments · 220 views
  • 7 weeks
    Author update!

    I'm editing stuff! But also incredibly dried out of writing power atm. I'll get going again soon, but just bear with me for a bit. I'm publishing a chapter of XCOM today, then start on the daily writing (not publishing) again tomorrow morning. In the meantime, always remember:

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  • 10 weeks
    Remembering Koji Wada

    Like every year, I like to remember the man/legend responsible for the theme songs of one of my favorite shows of all time on the anniversary of his death.

    So if you were wondering about the timing for the latest Isekai chapters? There you go.

    4 comments · 247 views

Okay, I got it out of my system. · 4:38am Feb 13th, 2013

For those of you that missed it, I had a blog-reaction to THIS

It wasn't pretty, but as someone pointed out (Touché), it wasn't necessarily the best thing for someone in my position to rant about in such a manner. I still very much doubt it'll be salvageable, but, only time will tell.

Report Wanderer D · 2,038 views ·
Comments ( 85 )

My question is, will the site remain all-pony or accept Equestria Girls fanfics as well?

Did you delete le blog post?

Time heal all wounds. Or something like that. :derpytongue2:
Meh, even if it isn't any good, we'll still watch MLP. We'll always come crawling back for more. :ajsleepy:

Wanderer D

822687 My hope is all-pony. We'll see what happens.

D. Everyone rants.

Rants are good for the system.

You could save yourself such incidents by sharing your rants with me, rather than running straight to ye olde blog posting, you know. :unsuresweetie:

D, I SERIOUSLY hope that they do NOT bring out that new show...

Or even worse, replace MLP with it.

If they do, I'll shove running chainsaws into their urethras!

Honestly, Wanderer, I hate to say it, but your last blog post was enough to actually get me to post one of my own. Enjoy it here. Or don't. :twilightoops: But it generally sums up my views on the whole AliTwi and now EG thing. :facehoof:

Is Equestria Girls the new Alicorn Twilight Shit-storm? I don't even care what they do anymore unless it's COMPLETELY idiotic like Brony in Equestria.

Wanderer D

822711 I do need to talk to you... :fluttercry: :heart:

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

I'm sorry, but the whole humanized MLP spin off just cracked me up. I mean, I'd probably watch the first episode before I really judged it, but just from the info and screen shots alone, I think it'll end up as crap.

One question though... Are Princess Celestia and Princess Luna gonna be Principal and Vice-principal?

One more thing!!!

Ok, I'm done laughing now.

I just want you to know, I thought of you when I first read about that :pinkiecrazy:

I'm not totally against humanized-world fanfics, but this... does not look promising.

822723 Worse. You don't want to know.
Take cover and use Protect!

Actually? I'd have been pretty disappointed and weirded out if you hadn't ranted about this. From all I've read in your blogposts, I'd expect it to be the worst. possible. thing. for you (well when it comes to mlp at least) if such a thing became canon.

And hey, you are only human and your post was not breaking any rules, so I don't really see the need to take it down / not post such things in the first place.

822736 Lol I've read. It doesn't bother me that much because I know it won't be part of the main show.

Eh, venting can be healthy. I don't hold what you said against you.

822711 Aye, tha same be wit' me. I'm always in tha moos fer a good bickerin', 'specially after what happened ta me t'day.

Got inta me very first car wreck t'day, small though it may be. Still somewhat in shock, I am. :pinkiecrazy:

Well, considering the primary audience it will be geared towards, I doubt it will create a community like the brony one.

FiM has aspects that are charming to people of all ages, this spin-off will be like those tween shows on Nickelodeon: full of your standard cliche problems teenagers in high-school encounter. AKA: it only aims for the tween audience.

I will only pass judgement when/if it comes out, not before I see an episode and see how well they wrote the script, and not just on the premise.

I didn't think I would be a fan of FiM because, hey, cute multi-colored ponies!
But then I watched it, and it was well written for the most part,
And then I was a fan.

Considering the theme of this spin-off, chances are I won't enjoy it, but that would be because I just don't connect with the ideas of the show.

Only time will tell.

I still think it's a complete and total heap of shit.

I'll probably watch an ep or two of this. Maybe it's good, I don't know. But I'm already mentally preparing myself to keep mlp and eg completely separated in my mind.

It's like how I remember the Batman movies. There was one good one (Burton/Keaton), followed by several movies which I am convinced existed only in some barely-remembered fever dream, and then the current reboot trilogy. The crap that the studios shoveled out in between the good ones doesn't make me enjoy the good ones any less.

Stories of humanized teen or tween ponies appeals to me not at all, but I doubt they are supposed to. Then again, I wasn't supposed to like cartoon ponies in the first place. Warily reserving judgement for now.

D, don't worry so much. You are a Latias human, just like the rest of us. It isn't like you ALL-CAPS RAGED like a CoD player. You express your opinions in calm, furious words in a civilized manner, so I really have no problems with you venting, and I don't think most people do either. Besides, we love you.

The fact that you act so mature with these issues and put up with shenanigans all the time gives you the right to let off some steam, in my opinion.

I'm sorry I missed it! I do so love your rants.


At the very least we need an optional method of pushing EG fics out of sight and pretending they don't fucking exist.

My statement from the previous blog still stands though.

822759 I'm not going to lie, I literally (and yes, I mean real literally) almost pissed myself after I read that. Me = Dead.

822765 It's the same reason why people freak out whenever Knightly is more liberal with his language on the site: WD KINDA represents the site.

I'm actually looking forward to it.

*Takes a bow*
Thank you, thank you:moustache:


Now, you see, it's that kind of attitude that confuses and disappoints me.

You can write your bloody magnum opus of FiM fanfictions, but if the characters are bipedal, and the situations are a bit more human than you find in the show, it gets all the crap it doesn't deserve. However, put the hooves back on the characters and leave the human/more mature situation, chances are it will be seen as amazing.

Why can't people accept that this is fanfiction, and that means the fans are interpreting the show in their own way, and making their own, unofficial spin-offs to the show.

You know what's good about this? No matter how terrible (or even good) it may be, rest assured that there will be numerous highly amusing Abridged Series written by our talented fandom.

Oh, well, I might of missed a good rant.

Meh, let's see what comes out of all of this.


822796 Now give me your body.

822826 I never said that he SHOULDN'T be allowed to. I'm just saying the reason.

NOooOOOOooo.... I missed your rant!!!!

I would have paid money to see you rage at this!
Though I did find that nice picture of Dash and Scoot in its place, so there's that I guess.

Wanderer D


You can write your bloody magnum opus of FiM fanfictions, but if the characters are bipedal, and the situations are a bit more human than you find in the show, it gets all the crap it doesn't deserve. However, put the hooves back on the characters and leave the human/more mature situation, chances are it will be seen as amazing.

"A bit more human" is a far cry from "humanized". In fact, the show already allows you to do whatever you want with what it has. It's close enough that it has tires, radios and even bowling alleys. IF even after all of that you still need to turn them into humans to tell your story, you probably shouldn't call it a MLP:FIM fanfic. You should be honest and call it a projection or wishful thinking of how girls in school, for example, should be.

Why can't people accept that this is fanfiction, and that means the fans are interpreting the show in their own way, and making their own, unofficial spin-offs to the show.

It's one thing to interpret the show in your own way, but that doesn't mean everyone has to like the way you're doing it. IF you think that taking away all that makes My Little Pony be about ponies still makes your story a "MLP" fanfic, that's your problem, but it doesn't mean it actually is a MLP fic. The fact that it is "FAN" fiction, means that it's based on some parameters and ideas from the show. If you strip them off, you're not writing fanfiction, you're writing stories loosely inspired by the series.

Also, the readers are entitled to like or dislike your story from premise to characterization. Quality speaks for itself and hiding behind 'people should accept this is fanfiction' is not a licence from a community that actually cares about what they're seeing to do whatever you want without them expressing their dislike.

My reaction to missing what was probably the most epic of rage posts since self proclaimed best writers.... and I MISSSED IT~!!!!!!! :raritydespair::fluttershbad::applecry:

Why did I have to waste my time with making a blog post~!! WHY OH WHY OH WHY!?!
I-I'll never live this down!

Do a rage blog to MY blog and reenact your fury UPON ME!


If an author writes a FiM fanfiction story, and gets every single character spot on in their mannerisms, thought processes, etc, and keeps the canon history of Equestria, does giving them hands and feet no longer make it FiM fanfiction?

You yourself write stories that revolve around much more human/mature issues tan will ever be seen in the show. If you make the characters human and change nothing else, are your stories no longer fanfiction, just loosely based on the series?

Wanderer D


If an author writes a FiM fanfiction story, and gets every single character spot on in their mannerisms, thought processes, etc, and keeps the canon history of Equestria, does giving them hands and feet no longer make it FiM fanfiction?

It makes them anthro.

You yourself write stories that revolve around much more human/mature issues tan will ever be seen in the show. If you make the characters human and change nothing else, are your stories no longer fanfiction, just loosely based on the series?

1) I don't write with humans in mind.

2) I don't write stuff that humans can do but ponies can't.

3) I DO write stories that ponies CAN do, but humans can't.

Therefore, you can't convincingly change my characters into humans just like that without heavy editing of the text.

Therefore I write pony stories, not stories about humans with pony names.


So you don't believe a story like "The Three Sisters" can be just as good if the character's were human?
Very little, if any, would have to change.

Also, I think you misunderstood, or completely missed, the first half of my post, where I said:

"If an author writes a FiM fanfiction story, and gets every single character spot on in their mannerisms, thought processes, etc, and keeps the canon history of Equestria, does giving them hands and feet no longer make it FiM fanfiction?"

That means magic, the different races, pretty much the whole shebang of FiM stays the same.
Just instead of ponies, griffins, etc., they are human. I just don't get the dislike for that.

Trying to make the whole FiM universe 'humanized' is something I am for the most part against.

>Chilling, not caring about the new spinoff series :ajsmug:
>Reads article
>"...sending the pony heroes on a mission to a new world..."
>RAGE! :flutterrage:

Yes, I just greentexted... on FIMFiction.
And I was fine with this all until I read that.

Wanderer D


So you don't believe a story like "The Three Sisters" can be just as good if the character's were human?
Very little, if any, would have to change.

It would not be the the same story. Regardless of how good or bad it is, it's written about ponies, not humans. If you changed them for humans, a lot of things could be written differently in it and would in fact need to be written differently to be coherent.

The idea that you can simply exchange species and it doesn't matter is a misconception.

Also, I think you misunderstood, or completely missed, the first half of my post, where I said:
"If an author writes a FiM fanfiction story, and gets every single character spot on in their mannerisms, thought processes, etc, and keeps the canon history of Equestria, does giving them hands and feet no longer make it FiM fanfiction?"

That means magin, the different races, pretty much the whole shebang of FiM stays the same.
Just instead of ponies, they are human. I just don't get the dislike for that.

Let me answer with a few questions: If you keep EVERYTHING ELSE... why would you even need to change them into humans? What is the point? What does it really add that it didn't have before? Everything else is the same, but they are humans. That's either just lazy writing or simply disliking the idea that the characters are non-human.


Maybe some authors just have an easier time writing about humans?
Maybe some just want to?

That's either just lazy writing or simply disliking the idea that the characters are non-human.

Just as you dislike the characters as human?

How about we just agree to disagree, hmm?

At the very least the alleged spin-travesty (sorry not going to even say it is related like that) has been stated to not be within canon

The thing is, this is a property. My Little Pony is a property, and it's hot right now, not just bronies hot but hot. I have to give you the perspective of a Transformers fan. And I mean an original before they called it 'G1' transformers fan. I still own my Megatron that transforms into a gun. He won't stay in one piece anymore, but I got him.

There will be iterations and spinoffs of the story you don't like. Accept. Move on. Maybe take a peek while you're at it, it might not be as bad as you think TRUKK NOT MUNKY.

Of course I'm also, like, old, so with very few exceptions when what I watch on TV goes south, gets cancelled, or whatever, I find it easier to just sigh and go read a book or something.

Once in a while, each of us has a time when the things close to our hearts seem threatened, seem corrupted, seem abused in the worst possible ways. As humans, it is a part of our nature to wish to protect those things however we can. When we lash out, it is a sign of our frustration at our inability to do so, an attempt to express our displeasure with what is going on and with our own inability to prevent it.

Most of the time, the anger we feel can be concealed or can be redirected into a more positive channel. However, anger does not reason, and neither do those who it has consumed. When anger is strong and comes suddenly upon us, it can be difficult to control it. It is only later, once reason returns, that we feel regret for the actions our anger leads us towards. This regret makes us human, just as much as the anger itself does.

There is no shame in occasionally expressing our anger, only in allowing it to control us. It is an undeniable part of our nature, and to pretend to be devoid of it is to pretend to be inhuman.

As I always say: A rant a day keeps the psychotic melt-downs away.

Aww, I missed the rant I knew was coming. :fluttershysad: Oh well.

I'm kinda disappointed that it's going to be humans (if that's true), but it's still about the Mane 6 at least. They're not humanizing the show so much as they are continuing it in human form, if you get me? If they don't screw up the characters, it'll be hard to make the show bad.

Really though, it's like they don't do any market research at all? Or maybe they think that their target audience (and I have no idea why they're still trying to pander to their perception of what that limited audience wants when they have a much broader market opportunity :facehoof:) will connect better to human characters? That just takes away the novelty and the whole appeal of the brand. My Little PONY not My Little Human. Wtf? :rainbowhuh: That's called diluting your brand, not expanding on it. As a student of business, some of Hasbro's (and affiliates) moves leave me perplexed. I mean, it's not like there's no business logic in what they do, but they continually seem to be ignoring opportunities, destroying opportunities, and reducing costs by sacrificing quality. It's bad business strategy. They could be making SO much more money right now. :derpyderp2:

I have no problem with humans in fanfics (to an extent), but I think it's a bad move for their brand. Are they going to make human dolls now? How is that differentiated from any other toy doll of which there are millions already? Again, bad business strategy.

You market a product in one of two basic ways, as a low cost competitor or as differentiated premium product (read crap vs quality and service). Hasbro keeps chugging along with low cost competitor strategies, but for most industries that's not where you want to be. It's really much harder to compete that way if only because only one company can have the lowest price. Hasbro isn't in a commodity market though (where every company makes the same junk, ie where sugar is sugar, gravel is gravel, RAM is RAM); they are in the toy market. Every toy is unique and competes on that uniqueness. What Hasbro needs to do is align it's strategies for a highly differentiated (high quality, service, selection, etc.) product line. This cost more to do, but the increases in quality and selection more than make up for the costs with increased sales. I think the Brony community has demonstrated that the demand is there. For example, how we buy show accurate plushies for hundreds to over $1,000 freaking dollars!

Well, this comment is basically blog post size now with my rant. (Ha! I missed your rant so I made my own. :twilightblush:) Sorry to anyone who doesn't get some business terms, but it's really very simple. Most people are surprised to know that the majority of CEO's, who all pretty much get paid ridiculous amounts, were average students. But with the state of the US and global economies, maybe that's a dieing perception? :facehoof:



Yes, I am. :trollestia:
However, I'm not sure I like being considered as a commodity.

My first thought on this is simply "better a spinoff than the series proper."


Let me answer with a few questions: If you keep EVERYTHING ELSE... why would you even need to change them into humans? What is the point? What does it really add that it didn't have before?

Like I alluded to in my previous comment, some people just connect better with humans. It's human nature, programed into our genes, and a function of instinct. But I do agree that changing it to humans is kinda dumb. It can be fun to play around with, but really, the show is about ponies and that's something that's part of it's core and makes it different than it otherwise would be. So if you take out ponies, you're ripping out a piece of the show's soul. If you want a show about humans, there are plenty to choose from. :ajbemused:

I invite anyone to counter me and know that there are at least semi-valid counter arguments. :duck:

823049No, you are differentiated in the uniqueness that there is only one of you. Therefore, you cannot be a commodity good by the definition I am referring to. :raritywink:

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