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Wanderer D

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About that Documentary · 6:40pm Jan 25th, 2013

I've heard a lot of things...

I have marginally followed arguments about it, and honestly, what I will say below might have been said several times, but for now, bear with me.

I know that there are a lot of people angry about the lack of representation of our female bronies. And if you feel that way, you're right.

I don't dislike the documentary. Quite the contrary; I believe it went as far as it could with covering what it was aiming to cover: That the media perception of male bronies is erroneous. Whether they achieve that or not, is up to dispute, but I really believe that they never had the intention to go any deeper than media perception about the male aspect of our fandom.

Which sucks, mostly because that's not what we believed it would be about. I think, if we are to have a Brony Documentary, it has to be done celebrating what makes us strong: that we are inclusive. That we respect and appreciate all members of our community. From troll to outstanding bronies, we, in general accept who each of us are and what we love. Now, before you point out that we ban trolls for excessive attitudes, it is true that we do so, but, there has to be a limit on how much you can annoy people. If you want to argue this point, feel free to do so in another thread/blog, or PM with me, okay?

Anyway, back to the matter at hand.

Are female bronies, (or pegasisters) not appreciated enough? Yes.

Do people think that we, the male bronies, relish on the thought that we are special because we are males who like MLP? Yes.

Are we more special than our counterparts because of it? Hell eFFING no. Nope.

So, the documentary centers on media perception. Not in our history, or who we really are. Are we manly? Or are we Bronies?

I don't see "Brony" as a male word. Sure, the implication is there, but the meaning of it as we KNOW is not simply males. That's Fox News talking. Not Brony talk.

So, here's what I propose: Let's make our own, amateur Documentary FOR Bronies, BY Bronies.

Can we do it? YES. We can.

How? Simple. How many of us are in college? How many of us have editing skills? How many of us are studying communications, sociology, any sort of media studies? We can do it. We can use university cameras, we can cover the whole world BECAUSE we come from the whole world.

We have so much raw talent.

We have united as a community before, more than once to help any of us in need. Let's prove it. We can ask celebrities to help us, but we can do without. I KNOW you all have it in you. I know, IF we want, we can form some sort of cohesive project and make it work.

Are we going to let our sisters go away unsung and unappreciated? Hell no.

Who's with me?

Report Wanderer D · 12,224 views ·
Comments ( 141 )

I like this idea.

*raises hand*

Very nice.

That sounds like a fantastic idea. Honestly, I'm surprised it hasn't already been done.

You have my mental support.

I've never even thought of "brony" being strictly for guys, nor have I ever considered myself special for being a male audience member. I mean shit, I'm pretty sure there are more guys that girls watching the show, so really that would make them more special than us. I haven't seen the documentary, and I kind of don't want to because I'm afraid that they presented bronies as people who have thousands upon thousand of MLP dolls and sing all the songs on trains.

Nah, I'll pass :applejackunsure:. But good luck nonetheless.

There are girls who like ponies?!

I shall support this! (I am amateur fan-artist. :3)

I like girls.
They have boobies.
I like boobies.

I'd be up for helping how I can, though I don't have much in the way of artisitc ability. I'm somewhat good at organization *pushes his chaotic room out of sight*

I 32'nd this:pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Matthew Penn deleted Jan 25th, 2013

I'm waiting for the dvd version to come out so I can watch the special features. But as to your point I think the makers realized that Pegasisters were neglected as part of the fandom but by that time it was too late to add them to the documentary.

I am with you on this

Edit: Ah, now I see, that’s much better. I don’t have the skills to help so I’m out.

I can write, I can voice act...I'm in!


sorry, got carried away there

Wanderer D

750844 Dude, thanks, that was completely opposite to what I was trying to say. I'm sorry I insulted you, but thanks again for catching it.

I should empathize, I would like to help in anyway I can, to whatever extent. considerding that my teaching puts a lot of effort on me, I'll try to do what I cna

Thank you so much for this post. That's all my feels in written word. :pinkiesmile:

And I would definitely be onboard for assisting this to get off the ground. If I'm completely honest, I've felt a bit resentful about 'not existing' in some places despite having just as much stake in and love for the series. Not resentful in a 'rawr I hate guys' kind of way, because that's stupid. Just :fluttershysad:.


Hon, you're not helping.

are not Paleosteno and Saberspark working on a brony documentary? saber made "ballad of the brony" and paleo did something similar.

I have some editing and animating skills. I'm all for this idea. Let me know if I can help!

You have my support.:rainbowdetermined2:

This idea doesn't sound too bad. Very well, You have my editing.

In short, IMO, the whole documentary was a circlejerk idealization of bronies. I hate how they focused on fox news, there were plenty of other news outlets that ridiculed bronies. I also didn't like how they painted conservatives as the enemy. I am a conservative/libertarian and also a brony. They completely skipped over and ignored the gritty, dirty origins and parts of the brony fandom (e.g. 4chan). They painted the bronies like a bunch of "loving and tolerating" hippies. "Ohhh~ just look at those poor little bronies they are misunderstood special snowflakes".

Don't get me wrong, I liked the documentary overall but that does not change my above opinion.

Edit: good luck with your documentary endeavor.

I'll help, as a female brony who dislikes the word Pegasister for those same reasons. I can do some art, write, probably voice act (never tried, but I can keep up a discussion with myself for hours, so why not?) , and don't have an Alicorn OC. I'm totally in.

So, what do you want me to do? Publicize, plan, draw? I'm off school for a week, so I've got pretty much almost nothing to do.

I don't see how female bronies don't receive the respect they deserve. I don't know about anyone else, but I can (in my own opinion) that the talent majority of females compared to males, only in ratio, is higher in the female range. There are more talented male bronies because there are more of them.

Point is. Women are better than men, and I don't care if anyone wants to try and argue this, I'll take it to my grave.

I'm in.

One thing though... we should form a group for this and actually have some organization and formally, we should start AFTER season 3 because right now we don't know if Twilight is going to become Princess or not and how that might affect the community

a good example of a brony documentary is The Ballad of The Brony by Saberspark... its a one man work, but the editing is excellent and covers from Seasons 1-2.

Comment posted by RedScarWolf deleted Jan 25th, 2013


I agree with you in full. I would put something else intelligent here, but you already did.

Wanderer D

750875 Then we throw in our support. But there doesn't need to be only one, right?

I kinda think a more critical and objective doc would piss people off a lot more. There are a lot of things in this fandom that are better left uninvestigated.

But, but, D! There are no women on the internet! Only really effeminate men!

So a documentary focused on the fandom, male and female, and how we act among ourselves? I could get behind this. I don't know what I'd be able to add to it, but I like the idea.

I'd be more than happy to help out in any way that I can!


You have my calculator.

The only help I can get you is bringing coffee.

oh, and I was under the impression that the term "brony" came about because the pony fad originated on the /b/ board, and b + pony = brony. I don't know for sure if this is true; either way I never considered it particularly exclusively masculine.

Yes, I'm with you.


you're terrible :rainbowlaugh:

I'm in!! :pinkiehappy: not that i have any talent with visual arts of any kind :ajbemused:


(Yes, I do like this idea, not as a snub or anything but I just love this idea in general and would like to participate if I can.)

Let's make our own, amateur Documentary FOR Bronies, BY Bronies.

You're proposing a dangerous thing, D.

*Insert obligatory Scootaloo youtube video of 'I'm liking this idea!'*

Hells yeah.

Aww, not everyone forgot we exist... That world domination plan; to have people forget about us, then we pounce, really needed a plan B... :trollestia:

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