• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Interlude: The Legendary Super Saiyan

A full month after the Tournament of Power, and her wish to decide the fate of the multiverse, Twilight found that one of the patrol ships for her empire actually discovered something she wasn't expecting to discover, two Saiyans, a father and son, who had been living on the planetoid known as Vampa. It happened to be on the outskirts of the region of space that Planet Vegeta had existed in, before her father blew it up to stop the Saiyan legend from coming true since he had once feared the power that the Super Saiyan had possessed, but now, after meeting Kale, he understood the true meaning of the story in question. Vampa was a harsh place to live, based on the information she had gleamed from Alexandria's libraries in the past, filled with rocky wastelands that had massive craters for one of the dominant creatures to live in, while there were large beetles as well, which were vicious critters. She was honestly surprised to hear that two Saiyans had been living there since the destruction of their home planet, left alone for so long since the only ones who knew of their existence had been erased with Planet Vegeta's destruction, and it made her eager to meet them.

As such she told the group on Earth that she would be gone for a while before departing for the part of space that the ship carrying the pair was located in, a ship her father and uncle happened to be on since they had decided to jointly explore the unknown parts of the universe or the unexplored areas. There were planets and even planetoids that they were in the dark of, like Vampa for example, where the only things she knew about them were their positions and names, though in some cases the latter was even something no one knew. All of this made her wonder if there were more Saiyans out there, those who might have escaped her father's destruction of the planet, or if there might be new races and species that they didn't know about, causing Twilight to continue speeding through space as she focused on her goal. The flight gave her some time to consider the information she had been sent, that the pair consisted of an older Saiyan, Paragus, and his son Broly, while the pair that found them were called Cheelai and Lemo.

She found it weird that a delinquent and an old veteren of the Frieza Force would be paired together, and that they would be the ones to make such a discovery, but for the time being she shelved the thought as she reached the ship that was her destination, which deployed a platform for her to land on.

Twilight had redesigned the main ships of her father's former empire to have an area for her to land in, since space meant nothing to her thanks to her powers, which would deploy several walls around her and equalize the new space around her with the insides of the ship, mostly to keep everyone inside safe from the outside pressure. The ships themselves had the latest in engines, allowing them to move through space far faster than they did before, had new healing tanks that were far better than before, and were more outfitted while giving the workers more space to relax in when they were off duty, a fact many of the soldiers actually appreciated. As she thought about that the systems informed her that everything was fine and she walked through the door that opened in front of her, bringing her into an airlock that allowed the platform to return to it's standby mode, and once everything was in order she entered the ship. Sure enough she found that many of the soldiers that were on duty saluted her as she walked down the hallway, causing her to nod as one fell in line to quickly deliver an update, so she'd know everything that had happened recently, so by the time she reached the bridge she was ready to talk with both her father and uncle.

"Ah, Twilight, it is good to see you again." Cooler said, as only he, his brother, Towa, and King Cold could call Twilight by her name and not any of her vast titles, a perk of being part of her family, plus he was able to embrace her for a few moments as Frieza joined them, who patiently waited for a chance to hug his daughter without interrupting.

"What can I say, the weeks following the Tournament of Power have been crazy." Twilight remarked, because between the visits of the various gods, the arrival of those who had been revived thanks to her wish, Jiren showing up to ask for help, and all of the training she oversaw to help the Saiyans out, she hadn't had a real chance to slow down and just spend some time with her family, before she pulled back, "So, where are the Saiyans and the ones who found them?"

"Paragus and Broly are currently showering, for the first time in a long time... thanks to your alterations, they won't have to worry about Vampa's smell." Frieza stated, where he pulled up a screen that showed a worker tending to the armor that one of the Saiyans, likely Paragus, must have been wearing when he and his son were discovered, heavily damaged from what rested on the planetoid's surface, in fact she was surprised to see that it was intact, "Cheelai and Lemo are currently sitting in the cafeteria, talking about what they're going to do with the reward they got for discovering the pair. We might have a problem, however, as Paragus hates King Vegeta with every fiber of his being and might end up heading to Earth the first chance he gets to try and take down the Prince... he's convinced that Broly is a monster, that his power is great, and that he might possess the power to make his desires a reality."

Twilight thought about that for a moment as she observed the four individuals, focusing on the cafeteria as she found that Cheelai could almost pass for a Human, save for her green skin, and she had short white hair with a slim yet curvy build, all while Lemo was an older orange skinned individual who wore basic armor, without the shoulder pieces. She was still slightly amazed by the fact that they, out of all the soldiers and workers in the empire, had tracked down a pair of Saiyans that they knew next to nothing about, but she wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth, since this meant she could learn more about the universe as a whole. As she thought about that she found that Paragus went with a set of armor that had a long purple robe bottom, a type mostly reserved for the older and higher ranking members of the empire, meaning he was likely swearing off violence to keep an eye on Broly, an interesting thought since he had one working eye due to a scar that rested over his left eye. Broly, on the other hand, was more like a muscular warrior than his father was, in fact it reminded Twilight of Kale's berserker form, and he had long black hair that looked like it hadn't been cut for a long time, though he chose a set of armor with green shoulder guards and wore what appeared to be a large green animal's ear wrapped around his waist, like a jacket of sorts.

In that moment she connected the dots as she felt the slumbering power that rested inside his body, his energy felt nearly identical to Kale's when she transformed, and even now the signature of his base was just like Kale's, meaning Broly had to be the Legendary Super Saiyan of Universe 7.

Following that thought Twilight got to work forming a way to help Broly out, as she suspected that the collar he was being forced to wear would shock him if Paragus felt that he was misbehaving in some manner, no doubt connected to some sort of controller that was made from components of the ship Cheelai reported seeing on Vampa. She had her father set a course for one of the planets that was on the way to Earth, that way her mother could meet them halfway since she was having her bring Goku, Vegeta, Caulifla, and Kale along for the ride, something that caused her father and uncle to quickly understand what was going through her head. There was also the chance that Paragus was using the collar to keep Broly in control, because of his immense hidden power and the legendary Saiyan form that lurked deep within him, and if that was the case she knew that showing him that there was someone like him that could help him master his powers, even give him lessons to maintain control. If things went south, and Broly couldn't control himself, Goku, Vegeta, and Caulifla had the power to bring him under control again, without harming him, though when her uncle questioned what she was going to do about Paragus, since he might present a problem to the plan, Twilight simply smiled and told him that he and her father didn't have to worry at all.

The planet her father picked out happened to be a frozen planetoid, far away from both other planets and even the sun, though Twilight knew that the cold winds wouldn't do anything to them or their guests, because while the ship landed she found her mother's portal in space-time resting nearby, with her and the Saiyans standing near it.

"Wait a minute... is that who I think it is?" a voice asked, where she found that Paragus had joined them on the bridge, as Twilight had called for him and Broly to come to this portion of the ship, along with Cheelai and Lemo since Broly seemed to be content with their presence, no doubt since they were the first people he had seen in a long time.

"Prince Vegeta, last of the Royal Saiyan bloodline? Yeah, he is." Twilight replied, though at the same time she gestured for all of them to join her as she made her way to the front of the ship, as it was time for them to see if they could aid Broly in reigning in his vast power, or if he needed vast amounts of training to control the power he was born with, "And no, you are not to attack him or the other Saiyans that are with him. We are here to help Broly control himself, since I can tell that both of you are worried about him losing his mind while in battle... speaking of which, this is forbidden."

In that moment, as they stepped outside, Twilight ignited her magic and snatched the controller for Broly's collar and just dismantled it without delay, all while her magic did the same to the collar, breaking all of it into nothing while a quick look from her father and uncle stopped Paragus in his tracks.

"Goku, Vegeta, Caulifla, Kale, allow me to introduce Broly, and his father Paragus." Twilight said, gesturing to the pair the moment they were no longer inside the ship and were on the icy plateau that they had landed on earlier, where it was easy for her to tell that those from Earth were interested in the pair she was introducing, "They were found on a planetoid called Vampa not too long ago and I thought it best to introduce them to the other Saiyans who called this universe home... plus, while he might not look like he cares for combat, Broly's got some excellent energy. Kale, would you mind helping him out for a bit?"

"Paragus? I vaguely recall hearing about a rogue colonel who went rogue and vanished, who just so happened to go by that same name." Vegeta remarked, though at the same time Kale, realizing the unspoken aspect of Twilight's request, beckoned for Broly to follow her as she walked away from the ship and everyone else, allowing him to focus on the main topic while the rest of the group stood nearby to watch Broly and Kale, "Let me guess: you hate my father, for possibly banishing your son to Vampa, and since he's dead you want to kill me in revenge? That won't do you any good... no, for you to have any true peace you would want to deal with my father..."

"And, as you just said, he's dead." Paragus stated, though at the same time he watched as Kale raised her Power Level, due to the Scouter he was wearing catching onto her energy, but instead of a fight breaking out it seemed like she was showing Broly something, because he stood there and seemed to do his best at mimicking her movements.

"True, but I could always send you back in time so you can stab and kill him as many times as you want, until your fury and hatred are burned out." Twilight commented, where she had to resist the urge to chuckle as she noticed Paragus' shocked expression, as she never got tired of telling people that she could, in fact, send them back in time without influencing the modern timeline they came from, something she had learned over the years of studying with her mother.

As Kale and Broly stood off to the side, energy slowly rising around them as Kale delved into the lessons she needed to share with the inexperienced Saiyan, Twilight explained to Paragus the method she had just offered to him, despite the fact that it meant she had to explain how video games worked to someone who had no idea what she was talking about. The concept of an avatar, a representation of himself, took quite a bit of time for him to digest, along with the fact that he could go back and do whatever he wanted, with the only ways of him coming back were either through 'death', like being hit with an attack that would normally kill him, or by completing his objective, like kill King Vegeta. Of course Caulifla and Goku had to ask if Vegeta was alright with Twilight offering Paragus the ability to go back and kill his father as many times as he wanted, only for him to tell them that he really didn't care, as his father was a jerk and that he deserved whatever happened next. Such a thing caused the elderly Saiyan to pause for a time, because he had long since imagined that his revenge was out of reach, and that Prince Vegeta was the next best thing, but now he had an option that was new and needed time to consider if he should take it.

While he was considering that information they discovered that Broly's latent power was far greater than they expected, as he suddenly put out enough power to match the base power of a Super Saiyan, all without really doing anything, and that fact told Twilight that if they were to fight him he'd quickly catch up with Goku and the other Saiyans. Fortunately Kale did seem to have some sort of grip on the other Saiyan's mind, especially when she decided to kick up the pace and show him what she could do, allowing herself to transform into her berserk state with ease, something that surprised Paragus, since he seemed to think only Broly had this power. Twilight explained that Caulifla and Kale were originally from Universe 6, but, due to the incompetence and lack of respect from their God of Destruction, plus the prospect of learning from Goku, Vegeta, and herself, the pair had moved universes and had been calling this one home for some time now. Kale was just like Broly, she had an insane power sleeping within her body, something that she was able to tame through training and finding what Twilight assumed was her 'core', the person that allowed her to ground herself, to make sure she didn't go berserk, which just so happened to be when Kale shifted into her controlled state.

Such a thing caused Broly to go out of control, without the green hair interestingly enough, though Twilight suspected that it would take some time for him to even reach that point since he was so new to the whole idea of Saiyans being able to turn into other forms, but Kale stood her ground while he did so.

"Don't worry, you're doing good. Now, just find someone to act as your anchor... mine is my sis, Caulifla." Kale said, though her words seemed to resonate in Broly's head, as he seemed to slow down as he glanced around the area they were in, like he was still slightly lost and was trying to come to terms with what was going on, before he locked eyes with Cheelai, which caused him to slip into unconsciousness, "Well, not what I was expecting, but it is good progress. Twilight, where should we take him so he can train without actually destroying everything around him?"

"What about Beerus' planet? He's already got three trainees and us... what's one more Saiyan joining the scene, learning how to use his powers?" Goku inquired, because it seemed like a good idea, plus it meant that he and Vegeta would be able to test Broly's skill and his power without endangering any of the surrounding planets, especially since Whis' staff had what had to be a separate dimension for them to train in, perfect for someone like Broly.

Twilight nodded her agreement with that thought, it seemed like the best thing for him and left the Saiyans to their current goals, all while she pulled Paragus off to the side to help him figure out how he wanted to deal with his rage and hatred, as it needed to be dealt with before anything else happened, though she had a feeling things were changing again and she had to be ready for whatever the future held in store for her and everyone else.

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