• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Equus: World of Dragons

After departing from her old castle, and bidding an annoyed Discord farewell as he focused on Fluttershy's sphere, Twilight and the others followed Spike over to the area of the plains that happened to have the arches they had seen after their arrival, where he explained that each one was connected to another world. It meant that when it came time to wage war on the invaders, whenever they showed up, they would be able to call forth their forces easily and without wasting too much time, since no one had any real idea how strong the demonic empire was or how many soldiers they had. It was a good way to go about things, even if they had no real information about the enemies that were closely closing in on their world, but Spike knew that when new knowledge became available they would change the plan accordingly. With every new displaced that returned from their adventure their own forces grew, as many heard about the impending invasion and wanted to do everything in their power to stop them in their tracks, they just had to be patient and get their defenses ready.

In addition to all of that Spike also shared the name of the planet that he and Ember had been sent to, 'Korma' he called it, a world where dragons were the dominant species, before he passed through a portal that everyone followed him through, all to stop when they saw the sight that was in front of them.

"Welcome to the Skylanders Academy, located in the newly created Skylands." Spike stated, staring at the impressive and awe inspiring structure that was in front of them, where Twilight and the others found that there were all sorts of people, from all sorts of races, walking around, students she realized, before he walked over to where a certain statue rested, which showed him and three other dragons as the heroes they were, "This used to be an unnamed continent, untouched by the races of Korma, but during the battle with the Dark Master he unleashed so much magical power that he tore the entire continent apart... the fragments ended up in the air, forming floating islands that were charged with elemental power, hence why we call them the 'Skylands'."

Twilight floated up into the air for a moment and glanced out at the surrounding area, where she found that Spike was, in fact, telling the truth, one island looked like it was blessed by fire, another was made out of water, a third seemed to be lightning, and so many more. It was an interesting thing to see and instantly made her take notes on what she was seeing at the moment, as it almost looked like she was staring at primordial realms, the very first islands created when the world was young, but she also knew what Spike had said and knew that these had been recently created. In addition to that she found all sorts of races walking around the academy grounds, like moles, bipedal cheetahs, large slugs or worms and tall birds that seemed both dangerous and beautiful in their own way, and all sorts of other races that were clearly from some of the other worlds. In fact she found that there was a race that looked a lot like the dragon Beastians she had created with her transformation products, and brought to life since so many had enjoyed what they were feeling, yet these ones came in all sorts of colors and seemed to have access to potent power that her people didn't have.

Those weren't the only ones she was interested in, because she spotted a demonic figure that looked a lot like Rainbow Dash flying through the air, as Twilight recognized the rainbow hair and tail anywhere, swinging what looked like wooden blades at whoever happened to be her foe. Her opponent, as it turned out, was a straight pink haired warrior who wore a uniform that looked like it was lightweight and designed for combat, though she reminded Twilight of Liquiir, with the nine fox tails moving behind her as she seemed to dance around Rainbow's blows. She had to assume that this was actually Pinkamena, as some of the moves the warrior pulled off seemed impossible for an ordinary person to pull off, meaning she had Pinkie's power as well, which only made her wonder where in the world Pinkie went. In addition to that she found another figure who looked a lot like Spitfire meditating near them, who appeared to have six different wings behind her, as if she was an ancient goddess or something that was tending to the pair without actually doing anything herself.

"Spitfire and Rainbow were sent to the world of Azeroth, became demon hunters, and eventually brought down the vast demonic army known as the 'Legion'," Spike commented, where Twilight turned her head for a moment and found that he was actually flying with his wings, in fact he could hover near her while he talked, which only made her that much more interested in the rest of the world they were visiting, "Pinkamena, according to what she told us, went to a world that had another type of demon and she became a demon slayer, even though she had been turned into a unique demon herself, and eventually brought down the King of that world's demonic forces... what you are seeing is her true form, but when she wants to be normal she'll seal it inside a mask that she wears all the time."

"Fascinating. There's so much to learn about the rest of this world, and the worlds the others went to." Twilight remarked, especially when she considered that there were some displaced who refused to come home, meaning they were fine with the worlds they had been sent to, though as she said that both she and Spike returned to the others, or at least that was the plan as she found that her group was staring at the fight as well.

Spike chuckled, as it was nice having Twilight back in his life, before all of them returned to the portal area that had been on the other side of the gate they used to get here, where he walked through one of them and everyone followed him, only to appear in a land that had green fields, a large pond with a section of the wall removed to show another portal to another location, and all sorts of dragons, of all shapes and sizes, walking around.

"Welcome to the Artisans Homeworld, the place that Spyro, Ember, and I call home," Spike said, where he walked out of the area they had appeared in and they quickly found that there was far more to the realm, an island Twilight realized, than anyone realized, especially if there were a fair number of portals leading other other parts of the area.

"Artisans... does that mean everyone here is an artist of some kind?" Gulus inquired, because he was more like Twilight than most people thought, even though he desired a good battle like a Saiyan did, and with how his creator was focused on everything that was going on he knew to ask a few questions so they could keep the show on the road.

"That's right, with a few exceptions." a new voice replied, where the group found that another purple dragon, wearing the attire of an aviator, like he spent most of his time in the sky or something, walking towards them, along with two others, a female black dragon who looked like she was a warrior in some relaxing attire and another one with blue scales that still had her armor on, though as they came to a stop the speaker held a hand out, "Where are my manners? I'm Spyro, this is my girlfriend Cynder, and this is Ember, my sister. You must be Twilight Sparkle, right?"

"That I am. Now, what are these exceptions that you mentioned?" Twilight asked, all while her companions gave the other dragons their names, since it would be rude not to do the same thing so the dragons knew who they were talking about, though she made sure to shake Spyro's hand before he thought that she was a rude person.

"One would expect a dragon born on this Homeworld to be an Artisan... as in painters, actors, brewers, and everyone else that's creative... but not Spike and Ember." Cynder said, though as she said that they moved out of the way and moved over to another part of the island, where the group found that some of the dragons were moving stones and other bits of material that went into creating artwork, before the dragoness chuckled for a few seconds, "Of course, I'm the same, since I was born on another landmass and grew up with different customs, meaning I'm an Honorary Artisan since I work with gems and prepare them to go into the work that the others are working on. Ember, for example, is an Honorary Peace Keeper, acknowledged by Titan, the Leader of an entire dragon clan, while Spike is the same, only he's been acknowledged by Cosmos, the Leader of the Magic Crafters... at least until his 'promotion'."

"Really? There's something beyond such an honorary title?" Vegeta asked, all while noticing that Kakarot walked over to the dragons for a moment as he studied them, as the warriors were interesting, even though he was more interested in the fighting they had seen before coming to this island.

"Right, I never properly introduced myself: I am Spike, Archmage of the Dragon Realms and Wielder of Akilesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian." Spike stated, confirming that his title was far beyond that of being an honorary figure, in fact Twilight knew that to have such a position, at such a young age or even younger, his magic must have awakened shortly after he and Ember arrived in this world and his body had acclimated to the rest of the world, "I'm also the second youngest in all the world, as Malefor, the first purple dragon, has the honor of being the first youngest Archmage in all of Korma, and his power far exceeds my own."

"Is that so? He sounds strong." Goku said, though as soon as the words left his mouth the dragons laughed, telling Twilight that this Malefor was definitely stronger than anyone else in Korma, something that only made her wonder just how much stronger he was when she studied the power that was in Spike's new body, "What's so funny?"

"Malefor has been alive for over a thousand years, refining his power so he could destroy the Dark Master if he surfaced again... even as displaced, and with Cynder and Spyro being trained by him as well, we can't beat him." Ember replied, as it was something that drove her to get stronger, because she was sure that, at some point in time, they would figure out a way to actually bring their mentor down, or at least get him to admit defeat, but for the time being she knew that such a thing was near impossible, "He is, realistically, the strongest being in this entire world."

"Well, don't be too shocked, but Lady Twilight stands far above him." Gulus said, though at the same time he found that one of the dragons, a painter by the looks of his getup, had set up a workstation nearby and was already studying him so he could paint whatever had come to mind.

"Not to toot my own horn, but I am Twilight Sparkle, Dark Queen of the Demon Realm, Empress of Universe 7, Queen of the Infinites, and a few others... plus I'm dating a God of Destruction and a God of Creation." Twilight stated, where she and the others had to chuckle as they found a number of shocked expressions, though she was more amazed by the fact that Spike quickly got over his shock over their discovery and pulled out a journal with some writing materials.

"You must tell me everything! I knew we were part of a universe, thanks to Rainbow and Spitfire's discoveries, but I had no idea there were more universes out there!" Spike exclaimed, because he had been gathering knowledge since the day he and the others became aware of the other worlds that the displaced when to and he had amassed a large collection of new things to learn about, but learning about the existence of other universes interested him to no end.

Twilight chuckled as they started to explore the rest of Korma, because there was so much for them to talk about and she was eager to share all of it with Spike, plus learn about the world that he and Ember had called home for a long time, which told her they were going to be busy for a couple of days, at the very least, and she was really looking forward to all of it.

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