• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Cell: Perfection

Twilight stood on one of the remaining rock formations as Cell studied his altered perfect form some more, no doubt feeling the power that rested inside him, while Krillin, doing the dumbest thing possible, attacked Cell in the back by punching his head with all his strength, which did nothing to his target. She could tell that he was outclassed in that moment, which he clearly couldn't tell on his own as he lashed out with a few kicks to the back of the head, only to discover the truth of the matter, he was unable to do anything, especially when he fired a Destructo Disc at Cell's neck and it shattered on impact. Cell, for the most part, allowed him to do so as he tested the waters by punching and kicking the air in front of him, were Twilight found that he was definitely faster than his previous forms, something that meant that Vegeta was totally screwed since it meant his power was greater than before. In fact the Saiyan in question was just floating nearby, a smile on his face as he silently watched Cell make sure everything was in order, though she could tell he wasn't too impressed by the form itself, as he was hoping for a better challenge than when he faced Cell's semi-perfect form.

In the next moment Cell lashed out with a kick and struck Krillin in the neck, the sheer force of which sent him flying with ease and caused him to crash into a raised rock area, an attack that nearly killed him and left him with his face staring right at the ground, causing Trunks to fly over to check on him.

"Are you proud of defeating a worthless piece of trash like him?" Vegeta asked, where he had landed after Cell struck the warrior of his decision, though at the same time 16 seemed to be debating whether or not he should lash out at their foe or if he should stand down, since his power was nothing compared to Cell's new strength.

"I'm sorry for disappointing you... perhaps you'll help me warm up?" Cell said, though as he spoke Twilight found that his voice was far better than before, more graceful in a sense, and while he was surprised by his new voice he discovered that he enjoyed it, where he raised his right leg, like it was resting on an imaginary rock, while crossing his arms as he held them out, showing that he was ready.

His preparation allowed him to block Vegeta's incoming kick with ease, where it was easy for Twilight to see that both of the fighters seemed happy about what was going on right now, though she could also tell that Cell was keeping most of his newfound power to himself, since this, to him, was just a 'warm-up'. The pair continued to dance as Vegeta found that Cell was allowing him to take the lead and he did so without delay, throwing punches and kicks at his foe as they moved through the area that Cell had flattened during his transformation a few seconds ago. Cell, for the most part, kept up his guard and kept his true power to himself, blocking attacks as he got used to how his new form felt as he used moves that he used in both of his previous forms, no doubt to make sure everything was fine, especially when he added in swinging his new tail at his foe and using his wings as shields. It was an interesting display to watch, while at the same time 16 seemed to think that Vegeta had the upper hand, based on what Twilight was seeing due to his facial expressions, while the Saiyan clashed with his foe with all his might, until the point that he caught on to the fact that his foe was fighting with only a fraction of the power he commanded in his perfect form.

Vegeta, true to form, demanded that Cell stop holding back so he could actually enjoy himself, where Cell obliged him not a second later, as he flashed behind the Saiyan with his arms crossed, something that caused his foe to kick at his head and find that nothing happened, his attack did nothing to his foe, who returned the favor and kicked him through several bits of rock before sending him into the water.

"As fascinating as this 'Super Saiyan Second Grade' form is, I'm more interested in your perfect form." Twilight commented, as she could tell that Cell, with the power of the form he had been seeking for a long time, even if it was altered due to 17's beastification, was far beyond Vegeta's current level of power, meaning that Cell was now the strongest being on the planet, under herself anyway.

"And I am eager to show you my newfound power!" Cell remarked, because he had used Vegeta as a warm-up for the main event, the true wall that stood in front of him and every warrior on this planet, as Twilight Sparkle was the strongest being on the planet and even he knew that, but with his perfect form's power he might finally have the upper hand, "That is, of course, if Vegeta's done throwing his life away... I might need to kill him, or just incapacitate him, before we can get on with our bout."

"By all means, go right ahead." Twilight replied, because it should be interesting to watch the pair fight some more, even if she knew Cell stood above both Vegeta and Trunks, in fact he was likely going to either crush their spirits or just kill them, but it would allow her to observe for a few more moments before it was her turn, "I could care less about him."

"As you wish. Hey, Prince, I'm giving you one last chance to entertain me... I want you to hit me as hard as you can... do I make myself clear?" Cell asked, turning his attention back to the Saiyan that was pulling himself out of the water that he had been knocked into, who had survived the last couple of attacks, even though they had been designed to show him the difference in their strength.

Vegeta said nothing as he floated into the air for a moment, showing them that he was considering Cell's statement as he did so, before he spread his arms and legs out, something that caused Twilight to remember part of what happened on Namek, the attacks connected with Goku's annoying trump card.

"Cell! Even if you have obtained your perfect form, do you have the guts to challenge this?" Vegeta shouted, where they found that his golden aura flattened the rocky area around him and left a circular crater in the water, which was being pushed away from him with the amount of power he was currently charging, "Too much for you, huh? You're a coward if you dodge this!"

"There's confidence, and there's desperation... this is certainly the latter." Twilight remarked, though at the same time she floated down to the area Cell was standing in and stood some distance behind him, giving Vegeta another reason to put his full power into his attack, all while she smirked as she silently readied her own power.

"True, but at least he's trying." Cell stated, where he paused for a moment as he found that the Saiyan pushed his power to the max, as he now looked like a shining star from where he was floating and bolts of lightning arced off the sphere he was building between his hands, as he brought them together after some time, "That's much better... I can actually feel that!"

"In mere moments, all you'll be feeling... IS OBLIVION!" Vegeta replied, though it was easy for Twilight to see that he was actually straining himself to pull out the necessary power to make sure this attack had all the power it needed to blast his target to pieces, given his comment.

"That or disappointment... go ahead: flip that coin." Twilight remarked, mostly because it would annoy Vegeta and she found that he wasn't too happy with her comment, in fact it looked like she had annoyed him even more, while she found that Trunks tried to stop his father and Krillin pulled him away as 16 moved, they knew something was coming and didn't want to be caught in the blast.

Sure enough the Saiyan shouted the name of his attack, calling it his 'Final Flash', as he released a massive burst of yellow energy that tore apart everything around it as it barreled towards Cell's current location, who stood there and made his own comment on the matter. Such a thing happened to be 'how cute, he named it... oh..." before the blast struck the area he was standing in, where she found that Vegeta wasn't skimping on power, as the beam stayed exactly the same as the Saiyan pushed it into Cell and let it head straight towards her. Twilight, on the other hand, simply stayed still as she quickly expanded her power, forming an invisible net that would ensure nothing went by where she was standing, allowing the massive attack to strike it as she siphoned all of it, finding that it was fairly strong. She had hoped it would be strong since Vegeta was far stronger than he had been not a few days ago, in fact she felt some of the force behind the attack and let a smile creep onto her face, because it almost felt like her net was being pushed back a little, but, in the end, she didn't have much to worry about as she worked her magic.

The area in front of her and around her buckled under the weight of the power, which was likely part of the attack, but at least she didn't have to worry about Vegeta blasting part, or all, of this planet to pieces, and after a couple of moments she found that it stopped, meaning the Saiyan must be done for the time being.

"It's over, Cell. That hit will spell the end of you." Vegeta stated, where the smoke partly cleared for Twilight and she found that the bio-android was missing his right arm and part of the right side of his body, a chunk of his chest had been taken out, likely he moved to avoid being wiped out by the Final Flash, "And I get a bonus: Twilight's gone as well."

"Sorry to burst your bubble, Prince, but I'm still around." Twilight said, though as she said that she quickly found that Vegeta just laughed as he stared at the damage he had done to Cell, no doubt to avoiding realizing the fact that she was alive, but she knew his fun was going to be short lived, based on whose DNA was part of Cell's body.

"You think this is FUNNY?! It's not... as funny... as your face." Cell remarked, where Vegeta paused for a moment as Cell let him in on the fact that only he and Twilight seemed to understand, he braced himself and his new arm burst out of him, similar to how Piccolo regenerated his lost arm earlier, causing him to flex it for a moment.

Vegeta, in desperation, launched a volley of blasts at Cell, a final attack with little to no power in each ball of energy, where Twilight set up a tunnel for Cell to walk through as she absorbed the last bits of the Saiyan's energy, who found that Cell was able to walk through his attack and struck him in the face. As Twilight dispelled her magic for the time being she and the others watched as Vegeta tried to get back up, only for Cell to kick him up into the air with ease, only to burst into the space above him and deliver a powerful elbow hit to his foe's backside. Such an attack did a lot of damage to Vegeta, as it was easy for Twilight to see the blood as she suspected that the Saiyan's spin had been broken in the attack, if not it had taken a lot of damage, while Cell sent his foe crashing down into the ground, causing Vegeta to slip into unconsciousness as his hair and his aura returned to normal. Twilight thought that it was actually quite interesting how Cell's semi-perfect form couldn't stand before the might of Vegeta's Super Saiyan Second Grade form, but as soon as the bio-android was able to obtain his perfect form the Saiyan was beaten in no time at all.

As she thought about that, however, Trunks started to power up even more than before, causing his body to expand far more than what his father had done for his preferred form, while his hair became even spikier and wilder than before, but even as his power rose Twilight realized just how stupid Vegeta's son really was. With the increased muscle mass she knew he would be unable to access most of the speed that came with the power he possessed, the 'Graded' forms meant that a Saiyan was sacrificing speed for additional power, so while his strength would be far greater than Cell's, in fact it might be enough to take him down, his speed meant he'd be unable to touch his foe. As she thought about it Twilight realized that, while Vegeta was an idiot at time, he must have seen Trunks utilize the form and realized it wasn't the key to defeating the bio-android they had trained to fight and destroy, meaning he was smarter than his son. Now if either of them had used this form, likely called Super Saiyan 'Third Grade', against semi-perfect Cell they would have wiped the floor with him, but even with that fact in mind she focused on what was going to happen next as she landed on a rock wall.

Apparently Trunks was tasking Krillin to take Vegeta to Roshi's and to give him the last of their Senzu Beans when the time was right, as the short warrior left with the downed Saiyan as Trunks floated down to where Cell was standing, who just walked up to where his would-be foe was landing. Sure enough the two clashed after that point, not even wasting time to speak their minds, where Twilight instantly realized that even Cell recognized what was going on and that he had lowered his power to match Trunks' dumb decision, a pity fight in a sense. Even then he dodged some of Trunks' attacks with ease and delivered powerful blows to his chest and body, not enough to actually cripple him since he lowered his speed and his power to give his foe a fighting chance, though Trunks didn't seem to realize that Cell was pitying him and his inexperience in terms of fighting. Twilight almost couldn't bare to watch the fight, it was just stupid when she considered the nature of the Graded Forms, but she did so as the two 'danced' around in the air, headbutting each other or locking hands before trying to overpower the other, especially since this provided her with a good chance to siphon some energy from Trunks in this form, since she felt this might be the only time it would be used.

Eventually Cell got tired of the fight as well and picked up his speed, allowing him to avoid Trunks' brutish attacks, which sent him into rocks as he completely missed his foe, causing him to float in the air for a moment as he openly wondered how this was even happening.

"It's because your green... and not like Cell, you idiot, I mean you're a novice at fighting." Twilight stated, where Trunks and Cell turned as she spoke, because both were interested in what she had to say on the matter, even if the latter knew that she had already cracked the code on the Graded Forms, "You're surrounded by all sorts of fighters who have seen more action in a week than you've seen in your ENTIRE LIFE... I mean, I even fought armies on Tuesdays and spent Wednesday in either the library or training for my next fight. By the time Goku was your age he had defeated entire armies, apparently several 'demons', and even sent a rabbit Beastian to the moon... don't ask, Bulma told me a lot about Goku's past. Also, that form's not even new or special... Cell, do you mind?"

Cell did and powered up into a bulky form that matched what Trunks was using, sacrificing speed for brute power, and he even threw in a little impression of Trunks, about him trying to get Vegeta's love or something, before powering down as Twilight told him to stop using that worthless form... which he did so without delay, powering down to his base form in no time as he landed nearby with a depressed look on his face.

"Before I decide what to do with you, I have a question: how did you and Vegeta get so strong in such an incredibly short period of time?" Cell asked, echoing the very same thought that had been plaguing Twilight since Vegeta arrived with his improved speed, how the Saiyans had got so strong and was Goku using the same method to gain the strength to rival the being that Gero's computer had created, but Trunks said nothing as he stood there, waiting to be killed, "Okay, how about this: if you had more time, could you get even stronger than you currently are?"

"They should be able to... I mean, Saiyans are a warrior race that have no limits." Twilight remarked, as she recalled the studies she did back in the libraries of Alexandria, some of which had entire sections dedicated to the Saiyans and their various myths, and if any of them were to be believed the Saiyan race had the power to challenge some of the strongest races in the universe, as there was even a 'god' among all of the various stories, "I bet if you give them some time they'll be able to get stronger than they are now... actually, I'm positive that Goku's training to do such a thing at this very moment, wherever he's currently hiding anyway."

"She's right... Goku's training to defeat you as we speak, and any additional time you give him will likely be used to make sure he's strong enough to do so." Trunks admitted, though it did worry him that Twilight knew so much about the Saiyans as a whole, in fact he had thought his father was the expert on their kind, making him wonder what in the world she might have in mind given that she seemed to be working with Cell, even though he didn't quite agree with her statement about Saiyans having no limits.

"Well then, I suppose the next step is to throw a tournament... I've got some ideas that might make this fun, and ensure all of you get stronger in no time." Cell stated, showing Twilight that he had an idea in mind and that there would be no way for someone to stop him from the path he was deciding to walk down, where he opened his wings, showing them that he was planning on taking off, before he turned to look at them, "I think I'll hold it ten days from now... where, well, I'll let you know with a special broadcast, so be sure to check the news and prepare yourselves accordingly. Twilight, I think this will be the best way for us to have our own special fight."

Twilight said nothing to that as she nodded her head and grinned, she was looking forward to clashing with Cell's might in the near future, causing the bio-android to take off as he headed for wherever he was planning on setting up the ring that would house his special tournament.

"Why didn't you stop him?" Trunks asked, because he was honestly confused as to whose side she was on, as there were a few instances where he was sure that she was on the side of the foe they were dealing with, other times it seemed like she was on their side, ensuring they survived when death should claim them.

"Because I'm interested in this tournament, who might show up, and the power that will be on display." Twilight replied, as it was easy for her to tell that Cell wanted a good fight to see how strong his perfect form was, against the strongest foes this world had to offer, and she was already planning on entering, before she found that Krillin and Vegeta were coming towards them, "So, now that Cell's gone, can you tell me how you gained so much power so quickly... or am I going to have to track Goku down myself and get the information out of him?"

"Relax, there's a chamber up on the Lookout called the 'Room of Spirit and Time', or the 'Hyperbolic Time Chamber' if you prefer," Krillin stated as he and Vegeta landed nearby, because right now he had to agree with Piccolo's earlier thoughts, they needed her on their side, meaning it might be time to give up some of their information now that Cell's not around, all while knowing that this could come back to bite them given her insane power growths, "basically, you can go inside and do a whole year's worth of training in a single day... one day out here is one year in there... it's how Vegeta and Trunks got so strong, and how Goku and Gohan are going to get stronger as well. And before you ask, most of us didn't even know such a room even existed until recently, when Goku arrived to pick up Gohan and talk with Piccolo about it, so it's not like we were hiding it from you or anything."

"Seriously? You guys have such a chamber on this planet?" Twilight inquired, as the researchers of Alexandria had told her that there were supposed to be many of them in the universe, hence why they were trying to track them down so such a thing could be confirmed or denied, but this was the first time she had confirmed the existence of such a place, "I have got to see this with my own eyes."

"Okay, seriously, this 'Alexandria' you mentioned sounds useful... and incredibly unfair at the same time." Krillin stated, as it made some reveals kind of bland and boring when they tried to tell Twilight anything, because she knew about it before they learned anything, but he couldn't themselves lucky that she wasn't trying to kill them, given how she disliked most of the Z Warriors.

16, on the other hand, asked that they take him to Capsule Corp so he could be worked on, as he might come in handy when it came time for them to fight Cell, where Twilight agreed, as she had the blueprints that would help repair him, and she had a feeling that she could use this to help her prepare for what the future held for them.

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