• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Interlude: The Wishes

The first thing Twilight did, after a good night sleep following the feast that Bulma's family provided for everyone, was take off her battle attire and slip into some casual clothing, such as a stripped blue shirt and purple pants, though she already had plans to remake her preferred attire. Following that she learned as much as she could from the Namekians, such as the fact that they could survive off water alone, hence why none of them had really eaten during the feast, which Bulma did know about so they didn't have to waste food on them. Moori was fine with sharing information with someone like her, as she did them no harm and came to their planet with good intentions, she just wanted to be healed, though she did have to inform her new allies, as they weren't friends right now, about the poison and how she came to be poisoned in the first place. Towa also shared some information with them as well, as she had been present when everything happened on Griea V, so in the end they knew more about the Warrior's Bane and why her parents had been so bent on healing her, to the point that he was even willing to spare Gohan's group after siding with Vegeta, given that the Saiyan had made a mess of things for everyone.

After the first week Twilight found that she was able to head outside and explore, as Bulma had said that she didn't need to stay inside her family's place while they waited for the Namekian Dragon Balls to become active again, though she was able to discover why not a few minutes after leaving Bulma's place.

While there were a number of Humans wandering around the city, which made sense due to the fact that they seemed to be the main species of this world, though it was the other race she noticed that interested her greatly, due to the fact that they were beastmen, a cross between Humans and animals. There were all sorts of species mixed into the population, in fact the king of the entire planet was known as King Furry, a blue furred dog who was around as tall as Krillin, while she saw dogs, cats, bulls, horses, and other races mixed into the beastmen population. Such a thing explained why Bulma was fine with her going out into the city, most of the people thought she was another member of the other species, which she guessed could be called the Beastians, just with some special colors thrown in. Of course they were few and far between, as there seemed to be about seventy-five Humans for every Beastian, but it was interesting to see something new while she waited for the Namekian Dragon Balls to become active.

Such a thing lead her to ask Bulma about them, who wasn't at all surprised and informed her that some of them weren't natural born Beastians, borrowing her term for them, rather some were actually Humans who took Animorphaline, a drug that permanently transformed them into their new forms. It was created by Magical Pharmaceuticals and created a craze when she was younger, in fact there were rumors of King Furry taking some, all unconfirmed since no one wanted to say anything bad about the King, though the company had been silent for some time. In fact Bulma had a sample of it that she had been planning on taking at one point, but, since she was only ten when the fad happened, she had decided to hold off in the off chance that it hurt her body in some manner, only for the fad to disappear overnight. As such she had stored it away, in case she changed her mind and wanted to walk on the wild side for a time, as they had the Dragon Balls and she felt that Shenron might be able to undo the transformation if she didn't like the results.

Towa knew that Twilight was up to something, especially when she asked for the sample and claimed the capsule that held the drug, to which she joined her daughter and found that several ideas had sprung into her mind after her discoveries, as it might be an interesting distraction.

What she discovered was that Twilight was able to obtain a section of the first floor for a personal lab, in fact Dr. Briefs had one set up on the first floor with a window to view the animals, to sort of relax if he got too stressed out during his work, so it was easy for him to convert part of the outer ring into such an area for her. Towa joined her in the new lab, where she found that Twilight was studying the sample of Animorphaline she had gotten from Bulma, finding that the DNA inside the substance was just a jumbled mess of parts, meaning it was set to random. There was no telling what one could become if they took it, as Bulma could have become a donkey, a lizard or raptor, or even a Human sized bunny, though Twilight was able to quickly find a way to change that fact, by separating the various species from each other and isolating each one in a pure state. Towa wasn't even surprised by this fact, her daughter was a genius when it came to science and fighting, and she wasn't even shocked when Twilight asked her if there was a way for them to assume control over the company that made the drug, as it would hinder what she had in mind.

Upon asking the Briefs family about the company they were able to find that Magical Pharmaceuticals had suffered over the years, to the point where many of it's higher ups had disappeared, making one wonder if they had been linked to the Red Ribbon Army or something. With that fact in mind the pair were able to head over to the headquarters, positioned on the edge of West City, and found that it was easy to take it over, in fact the remaining employees were happy to have some form of leadership after the old executives disappeared on them. Twilight's base plan was simple, her mother, at least until she was far older and could assume control, would be the face of the company, while she was the brains, meaning she wouldn't have to worry about someone coming in and ruining her plans, which involved seizing the rest of the Animorphaline that was inside the facility. As they did that Twilight revealed the other part of her idea, the creation of what she called 'TF Foods', as in items that allowed one to temporarily change their form by consuming them, though instead of being the entire change she intended on it being a partial transformation.

As Twilight explained everything she had planned, however, Towa smiled, as it seemed like her daughter was back to her old self, that she had overcome whatever trauma she might have had after dying and being revived, and she had a feeling that her new concept would do wonders for the company.

It took her a week of hard work to get the items they needed to start the production of her new products, plus ensure that all of the legal paperwork was taken care of, but Twilight was happy to see the employees making the items she had come up with, without deviating from her blueprints. Of course they had to do a sample test to make sure her new substance worked as intended, where a few volunteers came in to test some of them, allowing Twilight to observe as one person grew a pair of bunny ears and a tail, another had the ears and tail of a tiger, and the third followed the path of the cat, in terms of ears and a tail. For the test Twilight had created simple cookies to demonstrate the altered drug, which only delivered a very small amount of it into the systems of those who ate or drank the items in question, the first dose being just enough for the subject's ears to change while they grew a tail, and that the time limit of twelve hours worked like a charm. In addition to all of that she also produced small purple pills, which were designed to cancel out the changes one had undergone before the time limit was up, like if someone took a product during a party and had an important meeting the following day, so they could take one and return to their original form.

Once everything was set in stone, which didn't take too long to accomplish, Twilight returned to the Capsule Corp building and found that Bulma wanted to talk to her for a few minutes, to which she simply followed her host back to an area they could talk in for some time.

"So let me get this straight: you've figured out how to modify the drug and make it into a temporary change, instead of the permanent one we're used to?" Bulma asked, as she and her father had heard the news as soon as it went live, informing the other great scientists of what was going on in the world, though it made her realize that Towa had been telling the truth, there was more to Twilight than what one could see, "And, according to what we've heard, you've also stabilized it so that there are different variants, one for each animal that exists in our world, plus making it so that there's a time limit before the change wears off?"

"Not to mention the cancellation pills." Twilight added, since that was an important part of the package, though she was far more interested in the fact that the people of Earth were more accepting of her ideas than she thought at first, so her new products might be around for some time, "I also changed the name of the drug to 'Animorph X', to show that it isn't the same as Animorphaline... I also have a few more ideas on potential products, like Pleasure Island Brew, coming out in the near future."

Twilight chuckled as she noticed the look on Bulma's face, she seemed confused as to what she meant, but she didn't even bother to explain herself, as she knew that it would become clear in time, making her look forward to what the future held for them and the Namekians.

As it turned out a year on Namek was one hundred and thirty days, far shorter than the three hundred and sixty-five days that formed what the people of Earth were used to, something even Twilight was used to, so in addition to her new work Twilight also resumed her training. She had been interrupted thanks to their visit to Griea V, and Moloch's poison, so she returned to the basics for a time to make sure she actually remembered everything, since the brief skirmish with Vegeta hadn't been enough to verify anything for her. During her time doing that she discovered that Gohan wasn't allowed to do any training, which had to suck for someone with his strength, as he was likely the best challenger on this planet until they brought his father back to life, while Vegeta and Piccolo did their own training as well. She knew that Vegeta wanted to take her down, mostly due to who her father was, but, as time went on, he seemed to see her as more of a wall that had to be overcome in some manner, which was fine with her, since she was figuring out how to use her empowered siphon ability in her base form.

By the time a hundred and thirty days were up they were able to confirm that the Namekian Dragon Balls were ready to be used, hence why everyone gathered in front of the Capsule Corp as Dende called forth Porunga, where everyone from Earth stared at him in shock and amazement.

"So this is the original Shenron..." Bulma said, though it was clear that she was surprised by how buff he looked, when the Eternal Dragon of Earth was more serpent like and had no muscles to speak of, and while the Namekians were surprised by his appearance as well, since they almost never used their Dragon Balls, they were less shocked than their friends from Earth.

Twilight and her mother stood near one of the trees, just because she was interested in seeing what they wished for, while Vegeta stood off to the side as well, as he was waiting for Goku to return so he could see the Super Saiyan with his own eyes and then beat the stuffing out of him before leaving for the stars.

"Friends, we have plenty of time to locate a new planet to call home. Go ahead and make your wishes." Moori said, as he knew that many of the Namekians wanted to find a brand new planet to call home, he even shared their thoughts a little, but the warriors from Earth had lost some of their friends in the process and he had decided that reviving them was the best course of action, before leaving with their Dragon Balls.

As Gohan thanked the new Grand Elder for allowing them to do this, and the other Earthlings smiled as well, Bulma asked Dende to tell Porunga that their first wish was to bring the souls of Goku and Krillin to Earth, since the next two wishes involved reviving those two.

"I have summoned the soul of the one called Krillin, but I cannot summon the soul of the one called Son Goku." Porunga stated, something that immediately caught their attention, since many of them had assumed that he had been caught in the blast that wiped out Namek, even King Kai seemed surprised by this information since he was listening in on what was going on so the others on his planet could be revived, "I am unable to call forth the souls of the living."

Gohan had to wonder if whatever ship his father had used to take off might have been damaged, as he knew Frieza's had been wrecked and the one he arrived in could have been sent flying due to the blast caused by Namek's destruction, so while Moori suggested that they call him to Earth anyway Bulma had Krillin revived, who Twilight found was wearing one of the battle suits she had designed.

"And now, bring Son Goku home!" Bulma said, as they were ready to finish off the first round of wishes and get back to waiting for another one hundred and thirty days so it could be done all over again, where everyone braced themselves for what was going to happen next as Porunga's eyes glowed once more.

"The one called Son Goku refuses to be wished back. He says that he will return in due time." Porunga stated, which came as a surprise to Twilight, that the people targeted by a wish could actually refuse it, an interesting piece of information she decided to file away for later, all while the old man called Roshi claimed that his decision was due to being afraid of his wife, causing Chi-Chi to draw a sword as he said he was just joking.

"Well, before they say something else, can you revive my father, Frieza?" Twilight asked, because while she and her mother knew he couldn't have been killed, not by Namek exploding, she wanted to make sure he was alive before trying another wish that she had thought of while she was waiting for this day to come.

"As I said, I cannot revive the living." Porunga replied, confirming that her father was alive, while at the same time shocking the people that were around her and Towa right now, because many knew about Frieza and what he was capable of, even if Twilight had been forced to correct them multiple times to stop Vegeta from messing things up.

"Then can you bring him to Earth, or bring us to him?" Towa inquired, because either way would help them out, since she wanted to bring the family together again and this seemed to be the best way without revealing her time powers to those that were around her and her daughter.

"I cannot. The one called Frieza is drifting in and out of consciousness, and his body is currently moving... I might spell the end of you two if you warp to a place with no oxygen." Porunga stated, confirming that he had no idea that Towa had all sorts of magical abilities that would be able to counter such a thing, or if he did he didn't feel like sharing it with the people that were behind them right now.

"Very well. One last inquiry: can you bring the souls of the Ginyu Force... those being Guldo, Recoome, Burter, Jeice, and Ginyu himself... along with Zarbon and Dodoria, to Earth?" Twilight inquired, because there were so many people she had to revive, since Vegeta had killed most of them, and while she wanted to revive the entirety of her force she also knew that the Eternal Dragon might have a limit, hence why she was sticking to seven souls.

Porunga confirmed that he was able to do so, since he had been prepared to bring two back as per Bulma's wish, and it was an easy feat for him to move the seven souls over to Earth's section of the galaxy, he even went one step further by taking a moment to put Ginyu's soul back in his body. As Porunga returned to his Dragon Balls, however, Twilight wasn't displeased by this turn of events, because she could wait for a time to use Earth's set to revive the people whose souls she had asked him to move, though at the same time she didn't have to worry about her father anymore. She and her mother knew that if her father's body was moving it either meant that he was heading home, straight to the heart of the empire, or he was on his way to Earth to come and pick them up, no doubt accompanied by her uncle and grandfather since her Vegeta had crippled the ship they had been using. She also knew that Moori and the other Namekians might feel sorry for her, since her wish to be reunited with her father had failed, but she told them that this was fine as she found that Bulma's group was preparing their next wishes once it came time for them to do so.

She had to remind herself that Bulma had created something called the Dragon Radar, a circular device that allowed one to pinpoint where, exactly, the Dragon Balls were located, meaning it would be child's play for her and the others to track down the Namekian set, even though they were now scattered across the planet. While they had been waiting for the spheres to become active Bulma had discovered that the two sets of Dragon Balls had nearly identical magical signatures, hence why the radar had quickly picked up on them back when she, Gohan, and Krillin first landed on Namek. To be sure that none of them confused the two sets she had added a setting to allow one to switch between which set they were looking for, so for now it was set to help them find the Namekian set of spheres, causing the remaining Z Warriors to chuckle, as it would take an entire day to find all seven spheres. Such a thing told Twilight that they were used to this sort of thing, gathering the orbs to either revive the dead who were slain by the current villain or to right a wrong that had been committed previously, but she wished them luck in their venture as she set her sights on her own plans.

As everyone started to go their separate ways, however, Vegeta took one of the spherical ships that Dr. Briefs had made and headed off into space, where Twilight had the feeling that he was searching for Goku and, more importantly, he would likely return before the other Saiyan did.

Twilight found that the days passed quite fast, as she spent most of her time training and doing her work, and it wasn't long before another Namekian year was up and their Dragon Balls became ready for use once more, shocking the people of Earth in the process since it wasn't what they were used to. This time they brought back the three remaining warriors that were on King Kai's planet, those being Yamcha, a Human warrior who wore the same gi that Krillin and Goku wore while having a few scars on his face, Tien Shinhan, the warrior with three eyes, and Chiaotzu, the little warrior who blew himself up during his attempt to kill Nappa. Such a thing meant that the Namekians no longer had to stay on the planet, since the people of Earth had revived all those who had been slain, but since they had to wait another of their years there was nothing they could do, though Twilight found a problem with the situation, it left them with two wishes to use after they teleported themselves to a new planet. She was able to convince Moori to allow her to use the other two before they made their wish, granting her the chance to bring back both Zarbon and Dodoria, though as she waited for their spheres to become active again she found that the Earth's became ready for use and went out to find them, Bulma even gave her the radar to help her search.

Such a thing meant that she and her mother had to visit the frozen caps of the world, travel above a desert, traverse one of the forests, and even delve into the depths of an ocean to claim the seven orbs, even though some of them were out in the open, in plain sight, meaning she was able to take them before anyone else did. It gave her a chance to see Shenron when she had all seven of them and recited the command to summon him, discovering that he was a serpent dragon with green scales, much like Porunga, who might be happy that someone other than the Z Warriors was calling him. He granted her wish to bring back the Ginyu Force without delay, who were surprised to be alive and were overjoyed to see that she was alive, given what Vegeta had done to her back on Namek, and once that was done the dragon disappeared, just like his Namekian counterpart. As they headed back to West City Twilight told them that they might as well settle down for a time, as once her father arrived they would be leaving the planet and returning to the empire, causing the Ginyus to nod as each one planned out what to do for the foreseeable future.

When the time came for the Namekian Dragon Balls to be used Twilight was able to revive Zarbon and Dodoria, leaving the Namekians with a wish to transport them to a new planet, allowing them to go about their lives as they waited for her father or Goku to return, whoever came first.

While that was happening King Cold spent days searching the scattered fragments of the planet known as Namek, as he was sure Frieza, at the very least, was somewhere among all of the small earthen pieces, because if Towa was with him she would have teleported them aboard the ship a long time ago. His crew knew better than to question whether or not his son was still alive, because, as the Emperor of the Cosmos, his power was beyond everyone else's and his abilities were only outclassed by Twilight herself, so surviving Namek's destruction was within his powers. After hearing of the planet being destroyed King Cold had found that Cooler had jumped ship, leaving the planet his forces were dealing with to catch up with him, and had spent most of his time flying outside their main ship, searching potential areas that the crew found during their scans, even if they came up empty. Even with Cooler helping them it took some time to actually search each of the scattered fragments that the crew could find, where they found that Frieza wasn't present and they moved on after King Cold was sure an area had been thoroughly searched.

Eventually, however, Cooler discovered his brother's whereabouts, causing King Cold to hold back a gasp as he found that his youngest son's body had been wrecked, the lower half was missing, half of his left hand was gone, and it looked like his head had received some serious damage.

Following that King Cold found that their next step was to give Frieza cybernetic enhancements to ensure that he could walk and talk again, replacing his body with pieces designed to fit his unique frame, as the doctors claimed it was the only way to actually save his life. As such they landed on one of the nearest planets that they had an outpost on and he quickly ordered the scientists to get to work, some constructing his new body parts while others worked on Frieza's body, doing everything in their power to prepare him for when it came time to add his replacement parts. Since most of the items in question weren't being made right now, there had been no need for cybernetics despite Twilight setting the groundwork for such a thing before her visit to Griea V, it would take some time before Frieza would be able to do anything, so for the time being he was contained in a healing pod. Even then King Cold kept their people working, making sure the rest of the universe thought that nothing was wrong, as Elec might plan something if he learned what had happened to Frieza, while he could see that Cooler wasn't too happy about the situation.

It eventually came to a point where Cooler punched one of the walls of the room that he and his father talked in, as for the time being both of them were waiting for Frieza to recover, no matter how long it took, where King Cold remained calm as he sipped on his tea, even though he was seething inside.

"I should have gone with them... none of this would have happened if I went with my brother." Cooler growled, showing his father that, while he was normally the calmer of his two children, right now he was enraged by their discovery, not to mention the fact that they had learned nothing of Twilight and Towa's whereabouts, which was eating him up since they had no idea if Frieza had been able to cure the Warrior's Bane or not.

"It's hard to say how much of a difference you would have made... given the state of Frieza's body, I can only assume that a Super Saiyan did him in." King Cold said, where Cooler stopped in his tracks, because most of the people in their family, or at least his father's side, had assumed that the Super Saiyan was just a myth that had been wiped out with Planet Vegeta's destruction, and the destruction of the Saiyan race, "Need I remind you that the only beings that could have beaten him in battle are Majin Buu, whose been missing for a long time and would have left nothing of him behind if they clashed, and Lord Beerus himself, who would have utterly wiped Frieza out as well? No, the brutal damage we discovered belongs to a Super Saiyan, that much I am sure of... must be that warrior from Earth that Vegeta fought and lost to."

"So what you're saying is that you were worried that the Super Saiyan would have killed us both?" Cooler inquired, as he realized that his father knew he was strong, in fact while he didn't have Frieza's ridiculous strength he was sure that his own fifth form matched up with his brother's base form, maybe ten percent at max, and was worried that if he fought the Super Saiyan it would have resulted in his death.

"Given how enraged he was, I would say father is correct." a voice said, where they found Frieza, now baring his additions and new limbs, walking through the door of their room, though it was clear that he must have asked the staff not to give the pair any news of his awakening so he could practice moving with his new body, "Son Goku was strong, enough to force me to use my full power against him, something I've never done before, and the battle ended in my complete loss... but, in the end, there's some good news: set a course for Earth!"

"Frieza, do you mean...?" King Cold started to ask, though at the same time he couldn't bare to finish it, because there was a chance that he might be overthinking things and could be raising his hopes with no clear evidence of what he wanted, all while Cooler raised his eyebrow for a few seconds.

"Despite his rage Goku informed me that they used the Dragon Balls of Earth to bring back those who died on Namek... so while my forces couldn't return, thank you Vegeta, Twilight was revived." Frieza stated, something that stalled his father and his brother for a moment as they heard it, as the news made them more eager to find her and bring her home, and Towa for that matter, causing him to think about something else for a moment, "He also told me that the last wish made on the Namekian Dragon Balls was to take everyone on Namek, save for him and myself, and transport them to Earth... tell me, why would the dragon transport a dead body?"

They understood immediately, that Twilight had been included in the revival wish and had been relocated as well, which caused King Cold to march out and order a ship to be made ready, as the three of them, Cooler insisted on going as well, were heading to Earth, as it was time to bring the rest of their family home.

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