• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Interlude: New Forms and Plans

"Wait... where did this form come from?" Granolah asked, as the moment everything was said and done Twilight returned the domed area to the ground, dismissing her magic so everyone could spread out, especially since they didn't need her to heal them anymore, though his words caused everyone to glance at him for a moment.

"It didn't come from nowhere, as I've had access to it for quite a while now... this is the second time I've needed the power of the Queen of Harmony form." Twilight replied, though most of her focus right now was on the fact that Gas' full potential had been far more than she originally thought it would be, even when taking Elec's wish into consideration, which was good information for her to add to her tablet once she got back to her work, "I know what you are thinking, that I could have dealt with Gas far sooner than I did... and you are true, I could have, but I wanted to understand the sheer power that a Heterian can gain access to. With my notes on the matter, and the information that I've gained from both them and yourself, I should be able to integrate two new races into my work in the near future.

"What Twilight means is that she now has the keys to saving the Cerealians from extinction... just like she's done for a fair number of other races." Towa commented, as she knew her daughter well enough to understand what was going on, while also figuring out the exact specifics of what she meant, since she could see that Granolah was shocked by this discovery, a fact that Monaito shared with him, causing her to chuckle a little, "Yes, Twilight is a Demon, but she cares about reality and the races that call our universe home... if you think this is shocking, you should see what she's done to bring stability to the planets and races that are scattered across our vast universe. There's a reason my husband handed the empire to her, a reason why the Galactic Patrol fell under her thumb, and a reason why she is so loved by everyone who calls this universe home... not to mention the fact that the gods of the other universes have focused their eyes on her."

"So she was telling the truth? She really is Frieza's daughter?" Granolah inquired, though at the same time Twilight could tell that he was conflicted over this discovery, because part of him wanted nothing more than to kill the one he deemed to be the main focus on his revenge, or even harm him emotionally by taking out those special to him, while another part wanted nothing to do with the figure that was standing nearby.

"I'm not in the habit of lying, Granolah. When I say something, I mean it." Twilight stated, though while she could understand his opinion on what was going on, he was nervous about trusting the daughter of Frieza since it was by her father's orders that this planet was purged of nearly all of it's native species so it could be sold to the Sugarians, she also knew that seeing her full power like this had to be a massive blow to his plans to get his revenge, "Though that reminds me: mother, you said that you, uncle Dabura, father, and uncle Cooler unlocked new forms during your training. May I see them?"

"But of course." Cooler said, because out of everyone here there was only one person he wanted to show this form to, even though showing it off would no doubt cause the Saiyans to push themselves to new heights to try and catch up with him and his brother, to which he and Frieza walked off to the side for a moment, showing that they were going to go first, and once they were done Towa and Dabura would take their turn.

In the next moment the pair transformed without delay, where Twilight found that their chests retained the white color she was used to seeing, plus the gemstones in their chest, shoulders, and heads remained the same as before, though the parts of their arms and legs that turned a dull gold in their last form turned black this time around, while their hands and feet took on a dark silver coloration.

"This, ladies and gentlemen, is our newest transformation: our 'Black' form." Frieza stated, where he was pleased to see that most of the warriors that were around him and his brother were shocked by their new form, especially since both he and his brother were now far stronger than they had been the last time the Saiyans had seen them, "Cooler thought we should call it our 'Abyssal' form, for 'Abyssal Frieza' and 'Abyssal Cooler'."

"I was only trying to follow the naming scheme of our Golden form, that's all." Cooler said, his tone revealing that he was fine with the name that they had settled on, even if he thought his name was far better in the long run, before he glanced at the warriors for a moment as an idea sprung to mind, especially when he looked at two of the Saiyans, "Goku, Vegeta, would you join us for a brief demonstration? Full power, if you would."

Goku and Vegeta glanced at each other for a moment before they walked away from the others for a moment, showing everyone that they were willing to play ball with the brothers for a moment, before both transformed without delay, going full power like Cooler had requested. Such a thing allowed Frieza and Cooler to take note of their power, Goku utilizing the power of Ultra Instinct while Vegeta tapped into the power of Ultra Ego once more, though once the pair were ready both nodded their heads, only for the brothers to plow into them with their fists, striking them down before either warrior even had a chance to defend themselves. As everyone understood that the power of the Black transformation was far beyond what the Saiyans were capable of, and told Granolah that he was out of his league at this point, the brothers turned as the two warriors fell to the ground and burst into the air once more, causing everyone to realize who they were targeting this time around. Goku and Vegeta, still conscious since the brothers had lowered their power to avoid killing them with their quick attack, found that they tapped into the full power of their new forms and attacked Twilight, to test how their power stood in comparison to the power of her Queen of Harmony form, only to find that she turned and caught both fists with her hands.

As her father and uncle moved into unleashing a series of punches and kicks at her, causing her to dodge some while also blocking others, Twilight found that her mother and her other uncle were changing into their Demon Goddess and God forms respectively, which wasn't new and made her wonder what they had gotten. In the next moment she found that her mother was enveloped in a dark glow, where her hair became spiky, flowing and smooth, similar to Super Saiyan 3 since it grew down to her waist, and she had red demonic markings on both sides of her face, covering about half of her eyes in the process. At the same time her revealing attire opened up a little more, this time the bodysuit had a V shaped hole that exposed the tops and sides of her breasts, as well as her belly button, while the black leg cap had opened in the middle, a fact that allowed everyone to see the black leggings and black heels she wore. Her staff also changed, which was one of the expected changes since they changed form to match their user's current transformation, where the black staff turned into a red staff and coiled around the green orb that was floating at the peak more than once, and Twilight could tell that her power was far greater than before.

Dabura, on the other hand, didn't gain a substantial transformation like his sister, rather Twilight found that his suit had been opened and revealed his muscular chest to everyone, which had a black demonic tribe marking on it, the horns that he gained in his previous state, growing just above his ears, grew longer and sharper, he gained the markings near his eyes, and his wicked sword became slimmer while maintaining it's integrity.

Towa glanced down at Twilight as both Frieza and Cooler backed off, opening the way for her to unleash a barrage of light blasts down on the area that her daughter was standing in, each packing a significant amount of power that would deal a bit of damage to an ordinary foe, though against her daughter she had no idea how she'd do. Twilight, however, remained in the same spot as her eyes flickered from blast to blast in the span of a few moments, where the observers watched as the sky ignited as a series of explosions went off, each rocking everything that was around them while she remained still, showing them that her power had to be leagues beyond their new forms. Despite that fact Towa summoned the darkness and attacked Twilight from every direction, intending on finding a flaw in her defenses, only for her and the others to find that she seemed to slip from place to place in the span of a few moments, as if her speed was even greater than anyone had suspected. Fortunately that was part of the plan as Dabura, channeling the sheer full power of his new form, readied himself as Towa distracted Twilight, especially since this was when Frieza and Cooler joined her, and the moment he saw an opening he took it, rushing in as everyone backed off and swung his blade at Twilight, only to find that she turned and caught the weapon with her left hand.

The power of his attack transferred into the ground and surroundings behind her, where everyone watched as the ground gave way to a chasm, chunks of earth falling away and turning to either dust or sand in the process, leaving Granolah and Monaito standing there with their mouths open wide in pure shock, as Dabura pulled his weapon back with a laugh while the others landed near him.

"Even with ten years of training inside a Hyperbolic Time Chamber, condensed into ten days, and gaining new forms none of us can do anything to you... your form is simply amazing." Dabura remarked, as he had been expecting them to do even a bit of damage to Twilight, even at the peak of her power, but this just told them that the Queen of Harmony form, when it utilized her full power, was completely insane and far beyond anything that they were capable of, before he glanced at the Saiyans for a moment, "And no, we're not calling our new forms 'Demon God 2' and 'Demon Goddess 2', we prefer to call them 'Royal Demon God' and 'Royal Demon Goddess'... Towa said that 'Enchanced' or 'Empowered' made more sense than 'Royal'."

"Either way, all of your new forms are interesting." Twilight said, though she was impressed that they were willing to spend ten whole years in a Hyperbolic Time Chamber, even if it was ten days on the outside, and push themselves to find new forms, to match the growth speed of the Saiyans, something that caused her to turn towards the pair from Cereal for just a few moments, "Well, now that everything is said and done, it is time for us to return to our home and return to our lives, as we were in the middle of things before the Heeters interrupted us... however, Granolah, allow me to offer you some advice on what to do next: you should track down the Cerealian Dragon Balls and fix the damage that has been done to this planet, and tell the Sugarians that everything is fine. To do that, you will need this... which I will come back for once I have the time to do so."

In that moment she summoned the stolen Dragon Radar that Macki had stolen earlier and let it drop into Granolah's hand not a second later, where Vegeta informed him as to what it was capable of and that he'd be able to find the spheres in no time by utilizing the device's power.

"Also, it is my recommendation that you ask the Eternal Dragon if there is a way to get back the life span you sacrificed to get this power." Twilight continued, showing them that there was more for her to say before they departed, all while her family reverted back to their base forms, allowing Goku and the Saiyans to know that there would be no more fights at the moment, even though they would no doubt head back to Beerus' planet for more training, "Either way, you should visit the Earth at some point in the near future, as I should be able to utilize the information and DNA I gained today to bring back the Cerealians... it'll take some time, but your kind should be back to a reasonable population in no time."

"Wait... WHAT?!" Granolah exclaimed, as too much had happened in such a short period of time and his brain was really struggling to process everything that had happened so far, especially with the information that had been given to him over the last few minutes, because now he was certain that Twilight, despite what she said, wasn't actually Frieza's daughter, as this seemed far too different from what he was expecting.

"Lady Twilight likes to spend her time improving the lives of the races of the universe, even figuring out ways to restore all of the lost ones." Caulifla stated, as she and Kale had been silent the entire time, observing everything that was going on, and all she could think about right now was the newfound training that they would be doing with Goku and Vegeta to gain new forms to help them catch up with Twilight's family, or just power if there was nothing else to unlock, "I know you will have a hard time accepting this, Granolah, but she enjoys spending her time helping people and races, be they from our universe or from one of the other universes. You present a problem for her to solve, a race in desperate need of help, and she will do everything in her power to bring your race back from the brink of extinction... I mean, there's a universe out there that is considered the worst of the worst, on the brink of being destroyed, and she's been aiding it's gods in figuring out how to put everything right, to right the wrongs and save from them utter destruction."

"That reminds me, I've got a meeting with Sidra in two weeks... I'm going to upgrade the Heeters' ship so we can get back to Earth in a few days." Twilight commented, where she decided that it was time to walk over to the vessel in question, as the larger ship was right where Oil and Macki had left it, though she reasoned that they would be ready to go in about two or three hours, depending on how much she needed to fix and change.

All Granolah could do was stare as the group made their way over to where the ship was resting, though in that moment he swore off his revenge against Frieza and even the Saiyans, it wasn't going to work, and resolved to do everything in his power to live up to his tribe's legacy, all while Goku and the others looked forward to what the future held for them and for Twilight.

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