• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Android: The Fated Day

Twilight found that the three years between Future Trunks' arrival and the day the androids were supposed to attack went by faster than she originally thought, though she suspected that training with Goku, Gohan, and Piccolo had something to do with that fact, given that they were determined not to die like they were told. It was interesting to watch Gohan, who started as a total novice based on her observations, learn and grow into a skilled fighter as time went by, as it seemed to take him a day or two to learn where he was lacking so he could improve his style. The other aspect Twilight discovered was that he seemed to have a hard time dodging, which was fine since everyone needed something to work on, though her focus had been on training due to Goku usually used his Super Saiyan form when facing her. It had showed her that he was treating her like a worthy foe and not someone who needed the 'kid gloves', which she was more than willing to clash with since it allowed her to boost her skills to the next level.

In addition to that she trained with her mother for some time, as Towa wanted to make sure she was ready for what the future held for her and not be caught off guard again, plus it gave her some time to actually control her emotions so they didn't have a rage moment happen in the future.

While they were doing that she knew that Tien was doing some intensive training on his own, as he was far stronger than his small friend and didn't want Chiaotzu to get hurt, while Krillin was just training with Roshi, firing the blue energy beam that several of them knew at the ocean. Yamcha's idea of training seemed to be hitting the gym or taking some time to head over to the island to train with Krillin, though Twilight suspected that if he kept it up he'd be the weakest of all of them, since his power was growing the slowest out of everyone. Vegeta, on the other hand, had Dr. Briefs build him a new gravity room in the Capsule Corp building, one that could go up to 300G, three hundred times the gravity of Earth, which seemed to be his preferred method of training, all on his own with no one to spar with. Still, she knew that, as a Saiyan, he'd grow stronger as time went by, though she did have to build another room that was connected to the new gravity room, a healing pod room that was on par with the newest on that had been on her father's ship.

Such a thing surprised Bulma, as while she knew she was smart she was taken aback by the fact that she could build one of these machines from memory, though Twilight had another reason to build such a machine, one none of the others knew about. Her mother had opened a time portal back to the events of Namek and snatched her tablet while everyone was fighting over the Dragon Balls, allowing her to pick up on her notes and improvements, which was partly how she was able to do such a thing, even though she was smart enough to do it on her own. The reason she needed the tablet back was due to the fact that she had created plans for a much more advanced healing pod, one that was vastly superior to all those that came before it, which she and her mother built in private in a mountain lab they had created. In addition to the healing pod there were other things they were planning on adding, basically making an underground ship of sorts that all of them could use once everything was said and done, but for now she was focused on the healing pod.

Her official reasoning for building a pod for Vegeta was so his power grew and she could feast on it from time to time, but the true goal was so that she got close to where the Dragon Radar was located, as after striking a deal with Piccolo earlier she had asked Bulma about the wish granting orbs. It was in that moment that she learned about the restrictions that the Eternal Dragon had, what he could do and what he couldn't do, and Twilight discovered that the Namekian had tried to pull a fast one on her with his deal, as Shenron couldn't revive people who had died more than a year ago. That meant if she had waited for three years, to deal with the androids like Piccolo had wanted, she would be unable to revive the rest of her family members, hence why her pretending to be on the Z Warriors' side to get close to the device. With it in hand she and her mother took a few days off, with the excuse that they wanted to see more of the world while they rested up before getting back into training, and went off to collect the seven spheres again.

It had taken some time for them to actually find the Dragon Balls, since they liked to land in really weird places, but in the end Twilight had them all in her possession once more and summoned Shenron without delay, who listened to her wish as she and her mother stared up at him. Shenron was able to fulfill her wish, however he hesitated because of the fact that Frieza was in a bad state at the moment of his death, since Future Trunks had sliced him to pieces before wiping him out with a Ki blast, though they were prepared for that. Towa produced a container that would hold her husband's pieces until they got him back to their lab, where they would be able to deposit them into the new healing pod, as Twilight was positive that it would be able to bring him back at one hundred percent, without any modifications that had been made to save his life. Shenron, seeing that he was unable to persuade her to do something else, did as she wished and brought all three of her missing family members back to life, or two intact ones and the pieces of the third, which she and her mother collected as the Eternal Dragon disappeared.

After that the pair lead the revived Cooler and King Cold to their base of operations near West City, though Twilight wasn't worried about this biting her in the rear, as she didn't trust Piccolo to keep his word, but she shelved that train of thought as they reached their destination. As she worked Towa informed told the pair everything that had happened since they were teleported to Earth after the wish on Porunga, even though both were annoyed by the fact that a time traveler had been the end of them, Cooler even deemed it unfair, while being pleased to hear that Twilight nearly ended him during their brief skirmish. Twilight merely whistled a tune as she worked, one that Towa was sure was a metal song, before she stepped back and observed the pod that held her father, full of green liquid that aided in the healing process, to the point that the pieces of her father seemed to fuse back together and formed a single mass. The missing limbs were regrown in a matter of moments, causing Towa to realize just how smart her daughter was, that she was able to make such a thing in no time at all, and it wasn't long before Frieza himself was reformed, back in his 'First Form'.

As his eyes snapped open everything around him cracked and shattered, hence why Twilight had built the pod away from all of the other important machines, allowing her father to emerge after breaking the pod to pieces, where Twilight had a towel at the ready, not to mention some modified armor for him.

"Twilight..." Frieza said, where the others noticed that he looked like he was on the verge of tearing up, even though none of them were known for such a thing, before he ignored the materials in Twilight's hands and embraced her without even wasting a single second, "Oh thank the gods that you're alright..."

That moment reminded Towa that there was only one person that her husband valued more than himself and would do almost anything to protect, Twilight herself, and she shared such a thing with him, given what she had planned on doing to the timeline of Griea V to get the cure that she never got. Of course this was one of those rare occasions where she and the others joined in, as it was rare for Frieza to lower his guard and be emotional like this, a family reunion hug of sorts as she thought about it for a few seconds, and it was over before she knew it. Towa told Frieza what she had told Cooler and King Cold, that the people of the Earth were going to be slaughtered by two androids in the near future, as the Stranger from the future came to warn Goku of it happening so he could prevent it from occurring. She wasn't too surprised when she heard that all three of the frost demons told her that they didn't care too much, as the Stranger's actions had soured any relationship they might have with the Earth, but Twilight was interested and that was the end of that.

She told them that she was going to finish her training, there were two more years left, then observe the androids as the Z Warriors clashed with them, though once that was done they would plan out what to do next, as she hadn't thought that far ahead yet, causing Frieza to nod his head and assist Towa with her work as he waited for the years to pass.

As those two years went by Towa found that her daughter blossomed into a fine young lady, as she now stood at about six feet five inches, roughly the same as her when she wasn't wearing her high heels, and she was far more mature, in terms of her body anyway. She realized that Twilight now had a slender frame, another aspect that they had in common, which made people who didn't know her assume she wasn't a fighter at all, only for her to surprise them in no time at all, and her breasts had grown as well, to a fully grown b cup. Twilight, as per the usual, designed a new version of her armor that took her recent physical changes into consideration, while at the same time ensuring that her movements wouldn't be at all impaired by it, causing Frieza to nod his head as he watched her work. In addition to all of her training Twilight made sure that the work on their mountain lab went along as planned, producing a home that would become a ship once she was ready to leave the Earth, all while she and her mother kept the Z Warriors away from the mountain, just in case they had noticed Frieza and his family being revived.

Towa, to ensure that none of Frieza, Cooler, or King Cold's skills went rusty, carefully used her powers to move them off the planet, taking them to a place were those who wanted to train could, as she knew that Frieza wouldn't, he didn't seem to care that much, but it was an option if he ever wanted it.

Eventually May 12th arrived and, much like the rest of the warriors that had trained for the day, Twilight left the lab to see what sort of battle would take place, though she did don her armor and wished her family well before doing so, not that the armor mattered since she wasn't planning on fighting, she was just being safe. She quickly found Goku's group as they flew through the air, so she got close and noted that Gohan hadn't grown at all, either due to his Saiyan genes or because he was a late bloomer, as it was a possibility when she considered it. Goku and Piccolo chatted about their chances of all of them surviving this battle, where she found that Goku really had no idea until they saw how strong the androids were, though Piccolo seemed worried about something he couldn't place his finger on. Twilight simply kept quiet as she spotted Krillin ahead of them, who admitted that he wasn't as excited as Goku was, before they found the island that would soon be attacked by the targets that Future Trunks warned them about.

Interestingly enough the island had a large city on it, meaning the androids must have come here to either test their own power out or to cause chaos to force their target to come to them, though Gohan figured that they could force the pair of androids to move to another place when they finally found them. She also located two familiar Ki signatures that just so happened to be coming from a nearby mountain, in fact the only mountain on the island, where she discovered Tien and Yamcha standing on a area that allowed them to keep watch over the city. Standing nearby was Bulma, who was carrying a little baby boy, while behind her rested a red sky car, the vehicles that hovered above the ground and could fly through the air with ease, where the others were surprised to see her and the baby as they landed. Some of them guessed that it was Yamcha's, since they had been dating even before Vegeta showed up, and Goku almost blew Future Trunks' identity by saying that the baby's father was the other Saiyan, but fortunately no one was bothered by his outburst, even though Bulma was a little sour about the surprise being ruined.

Vegeta, on the other hand, was still missing and would likely be late to the fight, though Bulma was sure that he'd be here at some point in time, causing everyone to settle around the area they were in as Twilight landed nearby, staring out at the city as she thought about the mysterious androids.

"Boy am I glad you're here, Twilight." Krillin remarked, because he knew that she was incredibly strong and that, with her on their side, there was a fair chance that they would survive the battle they had been warned about, since he believed the tale about the androids and their terrible power, "Ready to take down some androids?"

"Yes... that's what I would say if I was actually here to participate." Twilight replied, something that caused the others to pause what they were doing and turn towards her, even Goku tilted his head in confusion, as he had expected to see her in the fight against the androids, causing her to glance at Piccolo for a moment, "He tried to trick me into helping you for nothing... don't even try to defend yourself, Piccolo, as you tried to trick me into helping you guys while gaining nothing for my time."

"So, you figured out that the Dragon Balls can't revive people who have died more than a year ago." Piccolo said, though at the same time that explained why he and the others had spotted the sky going dark suddenly two years ago, Twilight had used the spheres to bring back her the family members who had been slain by the future warrior, "I'm surprised that you didn't summon Shenron again to wish for something else."

"Actually, I asked Bulma and she answered my questions about the Dragon Balls." Twilight stated, though at the same time a few of the other warriors glanced at Piccolo, as they couldn't believe that he would try to pull such a thing on her, where she focused on his other remark, "Also, the only other wish that I could possibly make is for immortality, to ensure that what happened with Moloch never happens again, but even then I'd probably wait until I'm twenty-one, a fully matured adult, before doing such a thing. Anyway, I'm just here to watch and observe your fight with the androids, so don't expect me to lend a helping hand... unless I'm in the mood to do so."

As she said that someone else arrived, which turned out to be Yajirobe, the fat samurai who lived on Korin's Tower and who served as a deliveryman for the mysterious Korin, as he delivered small bags of Senzu Beans to the heroes whenever they were about to face a new threat. With his mission complete Yajirobe departed in his sky car as Goku handed the bag to Bulma for the time being, since she was just waiting to see the androids and that meant they would be safe with her for the time being, where Tien informed them that he wasn't feeling any strong powers in the area they were in. Yamcha, ever the coward in Twilight's eyes, picked up on the topic and claimed that the Stranger from the 'future' had been pulling their legs the entire time, and that whatever trick he had pulled had fooled everyone, causing her to sigh as Bulma informed all of them that it was only ten o'clock. With that in mind there was no way for them to tell which option was right, there was a chance that things might happen differently, though Twilight descended into the city, just to see what in the world might cause the androids to attack this place first, instead of one of the other cities.

It was purely to kill time, as she hated standing around and doing nothing with her time, though as she did that she heard an explosion and found that it was Yajirobe's vehicle, meaning someone had attacked him and she found two figures that rushed down into the city.

"Interesting... I can't sense them at all." Twilight remarked, because as soon as the explosion happened she tried to sense the person that did the deed, only to feel nothing save the power of the Z Warriors as they reacted to the event, where her mind was already hard at work figuring everything out on her own, "I would have to wager that the androids have had a few devices installed inside their bodies to produce energy, an energy unique to them while also preventing Gero's foes from being able to sense his creations... if that's the case they likely have another smaller device installed inside them to turn that energy into Ki, given that he wants Goku dead."

"I heard you were smart, Twilight Sparkle, but this is amazing." a voice said, where she turned for a moment and quickly discovered that she had company, two figures who were different from the other Earthlings, an old man with a black shirt, orange shoulders, and brown baggy pants, while the other was an obese male with white skin and attire that was similar to the other figure, save for his shirt being open, "You instantly understood our nature, despite this being our first ever meeting... how odd."

"And the androids reveal themselves to me, despite my desire to simply observe." Twilight commented, where she was a tad bit amused by this turn of events, because while she wanted to measure her own power to the two androids, since they were supposed to be strong, her desire to observe for a time was more relevant.

"I'm curious, how were you able to discern that we were androids, not to mention anticipate our arrival on this island, in no time at all?" the Old Android inquired, as Twilight called him that due to his age, and the other one would be the 'Fat Android', where she noted that the obese one was silent and likely only talked when he was addressed or something of interest happened, "Tell me, are you psychic?"

"How about this: if you survive the battle with Son Goku, and his friends, I'll tell you what you want to know." Twilight said, showing them that she was willing to play ball, they just had to fulfill a condition to learn how she knew of their existence and where they would strike first, causing the androids to share a look for a few seconds before nodding their heads as they focused on her, "Good. Now then, let's summon the players and get things started."

Twilight could feel the Z Warriors in different parts of the city, hunting for a foe they couldn't sense, before releasing a bit of her power, something that instantly caused Goku and everyone else to move towards her current position, and sure enough they landed in the area around her without delay.

"I know that I said you shouldn't expect me to fight, but, when the androids landed near me, I figured I'd give you a hand in getting things moving." Twilight remarked, where she dismissed her power as soon as everyone was standing nearby, as this was the only thing they should expect from her, before turning to face Goku, who was interested in the pair that was standing in front of them, "They're here to fight you, Son Goku, just as we expected."

"Good to know... though if we're going to fight, we should do it where there aren't people." Goku said, though at this point he was fine with any help he and the others got from Twilight, especially since it had saved them some time in tracking down the androids, before they decimated the city like Future Trunks had told them.

"Someplace uninhabited? That's fine, but there is no need to go to the trouble of relocating." the Old Android said, which meant that he was going to do something to destroy the city and turn the entire island into a barren wasteland so they could do battle with each other, especially given the light in his eyes.

Twilight, being the first one to react, called forth her power as she surrounded the two androids with magic, trapping the pair in a dome made out of her magical energy, just in time for the Old Android to fire laser like beams out of his eyes, a fatal move since her was able to siphon the entirety of his attack before he stopped.

"I... what was that?!" the Old Android remarked, as there was nothing in his data about Twilight's powers, in fact he had assumed she was just a warrior with no noteworthy skills, almost like Yamcha, but now, after observing her power with his own eyes, he had a feeling that their data was insufficient and that they might be in incredible danger.

"One of Twilight's abilities. That's all I can say." Piccolo stated, where he counted them lucky that Twilight had decided to lend them a little more aid, though Goku wasted no time in taking to the sky and leaving, causing the androids to follow as he and the others did the same thing.

Twilight stood still for a few moments as she spotted a pale skinned figure, female to be exact, lurking in the shadows of a nearby alley, who was wearing a teal army coat with a belt that had a red letter 'R' on it, and she was sure she was silently observing her, but instead of worrying about her she followed the Z Warriors to witness the upcoming fight and see who came out victorious.

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