• Published 3rd Oct 2022
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Dragon Ball Z: Magic's New Life - Blackdrag-rose

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up sending herself into an entirely new world, where she is raised by the galactic emperor, Frieza, and his family.

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Tournament: Awakening of the Berserker

As Twilight walked out to seek other warriors to study and fight, since there were all sorts of things to learn from the rest of the universes, Frieza and Cooler stood still for a moment as they glanced up at the antechamber, both thinking about the loss of an entire universe and how it was affecting Twilight.

"It is quite vexing to have such uncaring deities ruling over everything." Frieza commented, keeping his voice low so only his brother could hear him, since he suspected that any of the gods might signal him out if he spoke out against the ones who ruled over the multiverse with their small, yet terrifying, hands, "There is only one being worthy of sitting on that throne."

"And that would be you, right dear brother?" Cooler remarked, though he had a small smile on his face as Frieza turned to look at him, because after all the years they had spent caring for Twilight, training her and teaching her, they had grown into better siblings and understood each other far better these days, "I jest, of course."

"Yes, well, maybe I would have said that in the past... but not anymore." Frieza said, where both he and his brother let out a light chuckle that only they heard, since anyone else might assume they were laughing over the destruction of a universe, before he focused on what needed to be done to secure their victory over the other universes, "Twilight will find a way to safely take their position from them, of that I am sure."

Cooler said nothing to that as he nodded, though in the next moment he spotted Frost and started to move towards him, while Frieza decided to go see what sort of enemies a few of the other universes had to offer, all while Saria, Shandy, and Caser found themselves being visited by two warriors from Universe 4, a wolf similar to those of Universe 9 and a fennec fox who had his eyes closed.

"Out of curiosity, are you related to Beerus by any chance?" the wolf asked, showing that he was slightly interested in his foes, even if they would be knocked off the stage in due time, as he was currently looking at Shandy, choosing to ignore the other two for the time being, though once his question was answered he would take them down with his teammate.

"No, I'm of the same nearly extinct race that he and Champa are from." Shandy replied, though at the same time he did a quick stretch as the others focused on the fennec, but he knew that only one of them needed to fight the blind warrior, so either someone would be left without a foe or they would team up on someone, but his own comment made him pause for a few seconds, "Actually, when this is all over, remind me to thank Twilight for her work in trying to restore our race... I don't think I've done so, since we started to call Earth our home."

"A shame, since you'll be joining your race in oblivion soon enough." the wolf remarked, where he rushed forward with his fists raised while his companion stood off to the side, though before he could reach his destination a foot hit the side of his head and discovered that Saria knocked him to the ground for a moment.

"Sorry, you left yourself open there." Saria said, which was true, the wolf had rushed in like she and Caser weren't even in the area and that caused her to take advantage of the situation before he corrected his error, though as she stood there all three of them noticed that the wolf refused to get up, "Oh come on, that was just a love tap... you can quit the whole playing possum ploy, it's not going to work on us... though if you don't I guess we can just throw you off the stage."

That got the wolf's attention as he got up and rushed towards them again, where this time Saria ducked out of the way as Shandy kicked him in the chest, knocking their foe backwards, before he moved around the area that the wolf was in and made a circle around him, causing the warrior to look around in shock. It was clear that he couldn't follow his speed, which was sad since it meant the fight would be over in a matter of moments, though to add a bit of fun Shandy added in a small Ki blast that he knocked around, forcing the wolf to dodge his attack as he increased it's speed and power. Saria jumped back for a moment, giving her friend some time to fight the warrior on her own, before watching as the sphere slammed into the wolf and sent him flying off the stage with ease, surprising the mouse god in the process, almost like he expected his warriors to do better than this. As the fennec stepped forward, however, Caser did the same thing, though much to the surprise of the watchers he shifted his stance in a way that was different from the other warriors, one hand raised with his palm facing his foe while the other was casually resting to his right, which could be used to defend himself if he needed to do so, while his body language suggested he left no openings.

The fennec stood there for a moment, as if taking in whatever his senses were telling him while the rest of the warriors finally started to resume fighting for their universes, before running at Caser like he was going to slip through his guard and hit him in the face. Caser, however, ducked out of the way and struck his foe twice with the tips of his fingers, in two different parts of his body, causing the fennec to stagger for a moment before growling and rushing at him with far more determination than before. He continued to dodge and weave as he struck his foe in multiple locations that stunned his foe, as if he was attacking special locations to prevent his opponent from attacking or defending, where Saria and Shandy recognized the attack, one that utilized a total of sixty-four points to render a foe incapable of battle. It was, by far, one of the greatest techniques in his arsenal, one he had perfect while training on his own, and when the sixty-fourth attack hit it's mark he sent the fennec flying off the stage, something that really surprised the mouse god since his warrior didn't get a chance to show off whatever trick he had, since that seemed to be his universe's gimmick.

As the trio started to move, so they could find more warriors to fight and take down, they spotted Frost coming towards where they were standing at high speeds and readied themselves for another fight, but before he could reach them he was intercepted by another warrior, which turned out to be Cooler of all people.

"You again?!" Frost commented, as he couldn't believe that the one who knocked him out of the arena, back during the clash between his universe and Universe 7, was the one who intercepted and interrupted him during this tournament, all before he could even reach the three odd individuals who were standing behind him.

"That's right. Shall we pick up from our last fight?" Cooler inquired, though at the same time he didn't even bother to take on his Fifth Form or even his Golden Form, as the benefit of training with Twilight and everyone else meant his power was far greater than it had been the last time he fought Frost, which caused a question to form in his mind, "Tell me, have you done any training since our last encounter?"

"Of course not, as I've been on the run thanks to your niece revealing my secrets to my entire universe!" Frost stated, but as he said that he realized something, he hadn't been able to make any preparations for the tournament, while he could see that Goku, Vegeta, and everyone else from Universe 7, those who had taken part in Champa's event, were stronger than he recalled, causing him to realize the danger he was in, "Oh no..."

Cooler went on the assault almost immediately, allowing Frost to see that he was definitely much stronger and faster than he recalled, which meant that his punches and kicks slipped through his defenses with ease, striking his body while he tried to find a way to get out of the area and challenge someone else. His attempts were in vain as Cooler prevented him from doing so, something that caused Frost to realize that he was being pushed backwards and that this time he wouldn't be able to use any of his tricks he had used before, due to the fact that they knew about his modifications. While this happened it was far too easy for some of the Universe 7 warriors to see Champa's worried expression, like he expected Frost to do more than what he had done so far, but none of the various fighters from Universe 6 rushed to aid him, as they were involved in their own fights. With that in mind Cooler was able to push Frost through the ground, breaking the area of the stage that was around him in the process, before turning near the edge, like he was giving his foe a chance, lifted Frost into the air like he was just a toy, and slammed him into the ground, hard enough to break the edge of the arena as the warrior reappeared in the stands with a dazed look on his face.

Twilight smiled as she watched that happen, because it showed the other universes that underestimating them would be a bad thing, though the only ones who didn't seem bothered by this was the clown and his group, which only made her take a moment to really wonder how strong Jiren really was. While that happened she found that Vegeta was pushing two warriors from Champa's universe, Botamo and Auta Magetta, around like they were nothing, because thanks to her training both he and Goku were far stronger than they were during the tournament with Universe 6. Such a thing meant that he didn't have to rely on shouting insults at the Metalman, rather a single punch pushed him back as he pressed his assault, allowing him to knock him from the stage in due time, and Botamo, ever the idiot, rushed in to deal with him, only for Vegeta to catch his arm, tie him up, and hurl him from the ring as well. As he moved back into the center of the arena he found that Cabba was coming towards him, who was able to knock another invisible warrior and a boxer warrior off the ring, eliminating one from Universe 2 and another from Universe 10, all while Hit also eliminated a fighter from Universe 2.

Despite all of that, however, Twilight had to wonder what was going to make Jiren move, as he just seemed to take a spot as his domain and just stood there like he was meditating, as it was almost like he was suggesting that no one here was worth the time or effort to fight, which both annoyed her and interested her at the same time.

Her attention shifted to one of the Saiyans from Universe 6, the weak looking one who didn't seem to have the same fire to fight like her sister, or maybe mentor, had, as the baggy pants and tube top wearing Saiyan went to town on those who got in her way, where she fought like she enjoyed herself, much like Goku did. Caulifla, the one who was fighting, was far more interesting than Kale, at least from what Twilight could see right now, even though she did have to dive in to save her friend from the pair that was beating up on her, prompting her to turn Super Saiyan once Kale was safe. Such a thing told Twilight that Cabba must have taught at least her the basics of transforming, since the other Saiyan didn't have the nerve to do anything on her own, making her wonder if there was some sort of mental block in her mind that was causing her to be like this. The lobster looking warrior, at least due to his face, was knocked away before the pig-like sumo warrior tried to push Caulifla out of the arena, who used that against him and actually slammed him straight into another edge of the arena, causing him to fall into the void as she returned to Kale's side.

Their next target, as it turned out, was none other than Goku, where Twilight found that Frieza rushed by him, caught the Yardrat from Universe 2, and hurled the warrior down into the void as well, choosing to be rid of an annoyance before he headed off to find more warriors to fight and knock off the arena.

"So, Goku was it? Cabba told us you guys have more forms than the one I've seen." Caulifla remarked, showing them that all she was interested in right now was growing her power even more than what she currently possessed, which meant her reasoning for coming here was identical to Goku's, she wanted to fight strong warriors and fighting one from Universe 7 seemed to be high on her list, "I want you to teach me every form you know."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, as we have nine forms to pick from, but five of them require learning how to use God Ki, and of the remaining four only three are available to you." Goku stated, though at the same time his tail moved for a few seconds, surprising both of the female Saiyans for a moment, since they hadn't seen it before their arrival, especially since Vegeta kept his safe around his waist when he wasn't transformed, "The fourth transformation, well, requires the use of a Saiyan's tail, and from what Cabba told us you guys evolved to no longer need them... although, both Vegeta and I had a helping hand in regaining our lost tails."

"Seriously? The tails have their own transformation? Tell me who helped you!" Caulifla replied, where it was far too easy for Twilight to see that she was excited by the information she was being given right now, that there were more forms for her to learn, eight in fact, especially upon learning that the tail that her kind had evolved to no longer need was behind one of them.

"That would be me. May I?" Twilight inquired, where she produced her tablet for a moment, all while Aria, in the stands, told those watching that this wasn't a weapon or anything remotely dangerous, though she had merged her tablet into her armor some time ago, allowing her to study things in the middle of battle, where Caulifla studied her for a moment before holding her arm out, granting her a moment to extract a bit of blood for the tablet's system, "Don't worry, there's no foul poison or anything... if I wanted to beat you, I'd do so in a fight. Now let's see... if I do this, and fix that..."

This was one of the times where Goku knew to remain silent, as while he was combat smart, potentially even a genius in some cases, he wasn't smart like Twilight was, with all of her technical gadgets, before he noticed a smile creep up onto her face as she turned her tablet towards them, revealing an image of Caulifla with a fully grown Saiyan tail.

"I was right: the Saiyans of Universes 6 and 7 are almost genetically identical... if I used the serum I used to regrow your tail, and Vegeta's, I should be able to restore Caulifla's, and anyone from her universe." Twilight stated, where she found that the Saiyan in question was looking at the monitor, studying how she looked with her tail, something that was going to take some time even thinking about since it was a lost relic for her universe, before she considered something, "Sadly, all of the equipment to create the serum is back in my lab, so I won't be able to do anything right now."

"Ugh, and I'd lose out on more transformations if either of our universes are erased... screw Champa, I'd rather fight with you guys and see what heights I can reach." Caulifla said, showing that she either either a thug in her universe or she had no love for her God of Destruction, and after seeing how Champa treated his team during the previous tournament, how he threatened his losing team with their utter destruction, Twilight suspect the annoying cat might have done so with this team, earning their annoyance in the process, "Maybe you can help me out, as I think I tapped into another form or two while I was training before we were called to this place."

Twilight had to resist the urge to chuckle as she noticed the shocked look on Champa's face, as she had already stolen Hit from him, in fact he owed her a favor for such a thing, but now here she was, apparently earning Caulifla's favor, to the point where she was willing to abandon him for learning more about the forms that Goku and Vegeta knew. She knew that he was worried that she was repeating herself, stealing more of his warriors, while at the same time Goku told Caulifla of how to actually transform, not using a tingling feeling and actually described how to go about it. She was interested in his lessons, where she showed him the form she meant, the bulky 'Graded' form that had been used when Cell was a thing, a form they had abandoned with the discovery of Super Saiyan 2, and Goku was able to show her how to correctly access the form in question. Caulifla was overjoyed with this discovery, because now she had two forms to pick from, and when she clashed with Goku for a short period of time Twilight discovered that her fighting style actually matched his own, as if she had been watching him fight and quickly learned from his example.

Kale, on the other hand, started to freak out thanks to the mere thought of Caulifla leaving her, like she had misheard the comment or didn't want to listen to the truth, something that called forth her inner anger towards Goku and Twilight, both for their own reasons no doubt. As she cried in rage, towards everything that was going on, something interesting quickly happened to her, as her muscles grew, like she was transforming into a Super Saiyan, though Twilight could see multiple rings of energy in the air, faintly for a moment, as energy seemed to rush into her. In the following moment her hair did as Twilight expected, it spiked up like she was going Super Saiyan, only it was green colored, a new one based on everything she and her Saiyans had seen so far, before those very rings pushed outwards as the transformation finished, though she found that Kale's eyes were pure white. Such a thing told her everything she needed to know, as she recalled what had happened when she first used her own Rage Form all those years ago, so this was either a rage form or a unique form that only one Saiyan was in possession of, like the Legendary Super Saiyan she realized.

In the next moment she was proven right, as Kale hit both Goku and Caulifla in her first attack, causing Hit to use his Time Skip to freeze the latter and pull her to safety while the former landed safely on his own, and with the bit of smoke coming from her mouth Twilight knew that a berserker had been unleashed on the tournament. Kale focused her anger solely on Goku, or maybe only one foe was all she could handle in this state, and she went on the offensive without delay, but her power didn't phase Goku at all, in fact he was used to fighting immense powerhouses like Twilight, so he parried some of her attacks and avoided others. Twilight found that Kale's power was enough to break the ground around her, as when she walked the stage surface cracked and when her attacks missed they left holes in whatever area she ended up hitting, a fact that confirmed she had no control over herself as she started to speak in simple phrases. That uncontrollable aspect of her power caused Kale to attack other individuals as well, anyone who got close for that matter, or at least that was no doubt what her simple mind thought at the moment, causing her to create a pillar of stone and unleash a volley of attacks that were aimed at no one in particular, though the lobster warrior from before was eliminated in the process.

In fact, during her rampage, a dino warrior from Universe 11 tried to stop her and got knocked off the stage, before Jiren hit her with a Ki blast that sent her off into the distance, detonating with enough force to knock her out and force her into her base form, but as Caulifla moved to aid her Twilight knew that things were about to get even more interesting and it only made her eager to see what happened next.

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